
That would be the Constitution they like, except for when it grants all the same matching rights to every citizen, and except for when they declare it outright wrong and in need of Amendment changes to make it more revisionist Conservative-friendly, right?
@1 Exactly! Maybe they're planning on reading the abridged, Republican version, though, and skipping over those dull "equality, blah, blah..." sections.
Wonder what will happen when they get to the part about acts of war.
But when you ask them about it tomorrow, they will show that they don't actually know what the Constitution says.
or in the shorter GOP/ Tea Party version: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, condemn every person not white, rich, straight, male or Christian to be lesser citizens in every respect and do ordain and thus establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
@5 I <3 your version.
Very well, the first thing I'd like them to clarify is:
Where in the Constitution is it authorized that my tax dollars pay them to listen to their friends recite the Constitution?
Jay Inslee asks about original intent. and the language of the document... sweet.
Are there tea baggers who can read?
The epitome of appearances over substance...
I didn't know conservatives could read! Every time I see them, they look like unshaven, illiterate derelicts in a self-absorbed drunken rage, ranting and raving on a street corner. They're typical GOP/TP'ers, no doubt about it.
They're whining, narcissistic, sore losers, idiots, bullies, and at least six other things I can't name here. I'll leave it up to your imagination: they're bleeping, bleeped, bleepish bleepers of a bleep-bleep bleepazoid.

Henry Gibson says, "The Croco-Gator is the meanest animal in the world!
He got the head of a crocodile at one end and the head of a alligator at the other end!"
You ask, "If he has the head of a crocodile at one end, and the head of an alligator at the other end, how do he take a shit?"
Henry say, "He don't! That what make him so mean!"

They never crack a smile unless they're thinking about their money.
If you're a conservative determined to flame me, don't clutter up this valuable real estate with your bollocks. With a modicum of research you can find me, but be sure to read my Privacy Agreement -- it means precisely what it says.

-- and --

I'm tired of trying to read comments posted by conservatives. Admittedly, I heartily disagree with their content, but my fatigue is from trying to decipher barely readable compositions. They butcher grammar, spelling and "The Elements of Style" so badly it's like listening to someone scratch their fingernails on a blackboard.
We're inundated with distractions. Right now the popular distraction seems, "Hey look! Republicans!" Next week it will probably be the Verizon iPhone.

Yeah, those Tea Party panderers should also read Article 6 and Amendment 4 more carefully too. I know those seem like mere appendages rather than articles now. But, I mean, where were they when we started breaking those laws?
a nation weeps. 2 years of sociopathic clowns.

thanks for not showing last november, vast numbers of new-in-2008 obama voters. fucking flibberdigibbets.
@14, don't worry, Obama likes this Congress. More inline with his conservative values than the last and easier to campaign against in 2012.
It's reading comprehension they lack.
@14 You can thank Obama's own ever increasing cowardice & lack of principled leadership for destroying the enthusiasm of his base.

I wonder what the Republicans make of that "there shall be no religious test for office" provision.
I'm guessing they'll just skim over Article I, Section 8, not to mention Amendments 1, 10, 14 & 16.
@17, fuck you, seriously. You deserve the Tea Party, you fucking twat.
Lemme guess, they mumbled the phrase "promote the general welfare"?
Yes, there are all these pesky things, like a standing army, the veterans administration, paper money, and etc. that they will have to get rid of before we can have a real country, based on a smash and grab economy.
@17: i believe that much more of the demographic story of the 2012 elections was the failure of the young voters and minority voters to just show up. new voters in those groups showed up in droves in 2008. it's not the disaffected attention-paying liberals who didn't. they did, and still voted dem.

i hate to say it, but the Tea Party bullshit was a very effective GOTV strategy for the GOP. it may have changed a few flibberdigibbet's pea brains, but mainly it maintained conservative voter numbers in a midterm, when all voter numbers typically go down.
@22 I assume you mean the 2010 election (& here's hoping your minor error isn't prophetic) but agreed, it wasn't the disaffected attention-paying liberals who didn't show up. It was the disaffected less-attention-paying young people who tuned out once it was becoming ever more clear that all Obama's exciting rhetoric about actual change was just rhetoric. Obama's team has handled this important demographic like a battered spouse since the election, and it showed in November.
And I agree with you about the Tea Party inanity. But I also really think Obama could've had a lock on a lot of that popular anger it kicked up if he had lead like a populist instead of a centrist.
Conservatives think that 'promoting the general welfare' means lowering taxes for the rich and yelling at the poor to get off welfare already.
@23, 24: yeah, 2010. maybe a populist tone from obama, who wasn't on the ballot, would have helped. but the candidates who were on the ballot ran away from the actual populist achievements of this administration & this congress, and the HCR bill (no denial for pre-existing conditions, kids on parent's insurance till 26, etc.) in particular. they acted like little bitches instead of standing up to the tea party retards during the "town hall" debacle and debating them on the facts.

then, of course, corporate money.
@26 Well plenty of Dems stood with the President and ran on their record, but you're right, many of them tried to bow low before the Tea Partiers. But it was mostly the Blue Dogs who (to stay true to their consciences) rightly tried to distance themselves from anything that actually helped people. I'm not dumb enough to prefer Boehner over them, but fuck did I hate those guys.
And yeah, it's not like we weren't already living with a rigged duopoly plutocracy BEFORE Citizens United, but now... it's just laughably ridiculous.
I didn't hear any comprehension, only reading, reading, reading and continuous pontificating and blowhard gas. Typical Republicans: all flatulence, no reasoning power.
What do these fuckers use for brains? Cowshit?
Let's set the record straight: Republicans and their T.P. dipshit companions could not give a rat's fucking ass about ordinary people. They want all of us to die so they can get on with their projects. Well, fuck them.

Re the abysmal jobs situation: most businesses will refuse to hire anybody -- or as few people as possible -- until after the presidential election in 2012, thinking that this is the easiest and cheapest way to ensure that a Republican junta will take over the white house and the remainder of congress, paving the way for an official slave-labor state in place of the United States of America.
First they will roll back the minimum wage to $2.00 an hour -- or get rid of it entirely, then destroy the new health care plan, make all unions illegal, and move on to more important things like eliminating income taxes and Social Security contributions. Next, they will eliminate Medicare and Medicaid, followed by a complete dismantling of the Federal Reserve and Social Security. They will also attempt to repeal or legally invalidate many amendments to the constitution, including IV through IX, XI-XVII, XIX and XX, and finally XXII-XXVII.
Next, Republicans will enact legislation that will make Pi equal to 3.00 and require anyone who cannot prove 8 generations of U.S.-born American citizenship to forfeit their citizenship and move out of the U.S. within 90 days. After that, they will allow no immigration into the U.S. for anyone with a net worth less than $5 million... and legislate a few other things that aren't quite as pressing.
If you think I'm exaggerating, just sit back and watch. This debacle is coming as sure as the sun rises in the east.
I forgot to mention that gold will become the official currency of the New Confederate Sovereign Capitalist Empire of North America and the Western Hemisphere (formerly the United States of America).
gee # 30 , rant much? u mad bro? did your failure to get the global warming fiasco off the ground piss you off? did you lose money on your investment in the c.c.x.? did your failure to enact cap and trade piss you off? did your failure to control the government long enough to collapse capitalisim piss you off? is your impending failure to get every illegal alien on the planet into the country , and get them auto citizenship to vote for your communist overlords piss you off? is the fact that you didn't get to rob the middle and upper class into extinction piss you off? is the failure of the indoctrination by your marxist professors pissing you off? is the fact that the tea party is the new 3rd political party in america instead of the socialists pissing you off? is the fact that the republicans are gonna run your horde of illegals out of the country pissing you off? is the fact that all those youngsters you conned into voting for obama were too stoned to come vote for your hand picked commiecrats pissing you off? did the fact that your little plan you have been working on since wilson was in office failed pissing you off? is the fact that it will take 100 years again to try again pissing you off? GOOD ! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE HAD IN MIND! i hear china has a political philosophy that you might like, or failing that take your little red book to north korea. i hear they love the worker there. best part is theres no money to worry about, they give you place to live in the commune , and a bowl of rice every day for free as long as you work every day, all day! its good to be white, free, employed, home owning , vacation home owning ,3 car owning,private school educated children loving free white american. you should try it some time. you just might like it. and by the way, i'm tired of paying your way in the world you commie bum. get a job and support your dammed self.

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