
It looks like a mash up of an AC circuit.
I feel like all the winners this year weren't nearly as entertaining as they were in the past.

but, yay for charity, and stuff.
All I'm saying is that that symbol is a little too Nazi-esque for my tastes. Looks like it would look good on a banner in a parade where everyone was dressed the same, you know?

And frankly after our experience with other Strangercrombie winners abusing Slog, well... one week of only-just-barely-not-white-supremacy was quite enough for me, thanks.
Ignatz Mouse was right!
Well shit, if I'd known the ad bomb could just be a graphic of your tat, I would totally have done that myself, although, at least mine would have been advertising something.
It's just a modified yin/yang symbol, folks. Nothing very Nazi-esque about it.
Great. It's hideous.
My goodness, you people have short memories. And thank god it wasn't the Lezzbook people who bought it.
Fantastic, 10000000000000000000000000000x better than the ads on slog.
I am all for charity but I hope you got a competitive price for valuable advertising space and taking the risk that new visitors will be turned off by this atrocious design and inexpert deployment.
Just turn off images on your iPad.

Problem solved.
I think considering the panoply of possibilities this is totally discreet and non-irksome. No text = me happy.
Not for nothing, but Wonkette didn't find this. Videogum did. Wonkette even says they got it from Videogum.

Just sayin.
Heh. Maybe next year, I'll buy it and make you all look at ads for the NRA all day.

(Only kidding.)
Stare at it long enough and it becomes a 3D picture.

You know who else used a modified traditional symbol?

That's right.

Balderdash, please don't mention that awful week. I still have a Pavlovian distaste for alcohol after drinking and reading his posts for 4 days (couldn't even make myself open his Friday posts).
I like it. The picture the ads link to keeps changing, too. Hooray for mysterious symbols.
For fucks sake, is there nothing we can't find a way to grumble about? I think it's ok, and a hell of a lot more attractive than most of the ads, many of which are borderline NSFW and force me to watch my back when I'm checking slog from work.
All in all I think its pretty innocuous. I must admit I am slightly curious about what it all means.

If it were to last any longer then a day though, my opinion would change.
"I was as confused as anyone, but then I remembered—oh yeah, it's that Strangercrombie thing"

wow, slog is about as organized and functional as my work place......there could be a fire burning down production and bats attacking marketing but engineers would still be working diligently like good little sheep.
I was so confused as to what everyone was griping about! Yay for adblock!
I didn't even notice it. But then, I'm one of the least observant people I know.
So, no connection whatsoever to Sisters of Mercy? Hm. Oh well. It was cooler when I thought otherwise.
I had to turn of adblock to see this.

You couldn't get a vector version to put on the web?

i actually like it a lot. i was kind of hoping it was advertising something--it would be a relatively cool advertisement. but it's even better that it's not. yay strangercrombie!
Yer all wrong: It looks more like a modified version of the Throbbing Gristle logo.

Not particularly original.
I am grateful to the buyer.
I was thinking it was a logo for SLOG posts about the tunnel. Something like, that's the logo that is to appear on street signs directing surface traffic to the tunnel, something like that. I can't think how I got that idea -- maybe it was just the easiest way to reduce cognitive dissonance. And, since I don't live in Seattle and am well and truly tired of SLOG posts about the tunnel, I just skipped over any story that appeared to be headed by the logo. I missed a lot of SLOG today, obviously.
Slog has ads?
Just in case you want to let him know how awesome you think his ads are.

facebook (splat) com/matt.beschta

It's harmless enough, and if it makes the person happy enough to make the donation to charity, well, cool.

But $611? Really? I thought my (less than half that) auction victory was getting into ridiculous territory, and I get a whole day of fun in exchange. I could only dream of having that kind of money to piss away.
Let's hope that next Strangercrombie you get both more money and someone with design talent, in this category.
I'm glad it's gone.
It's gone, and you know what's even better? That ad for the place selling big, veiny dildos on power tools is gone! Woot! I believe that colour is referred to as silly putty pink. Ehk.
And here i thought it was some kind of anti-tunnel logo.

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