
In a way it's the ultimate writer's fantasy to have some twat really lay into you like that and then, 100 years later, everyone knows who you are and nobody's ever heard of the guy who was fucking with you.
He must have kicked himself, every time he walked by a bookstore, in later years.

Andre Gide not only rejected Marcel Proust's manuscript for Remberance of Time Past, but Proust always believed Gide never even read it because it was returned in the same paper wrapper and the knot was still tied in Proust's idiosynctatic manner.
The better letter is about Mickey Mantle's blowjob at Yankee Stadium.
Oooh, I bet she was reeaaalllly steamed when she got that in the mail.

But yeah, the last laugh (in the 21st Century!!) is definitely hers.
This is from an author to a publisher, but still worth a read.…

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