Blogs Feb 17, 2011 at 10:35 am


They're all just protests atm, which means you should add Puerto Rico and Wisconsin to the list imho.
Very nice aggregation.
@1 is correct.

And Seattle is next. You can feel it bubbling beneath the surface here, waiting for a pretext to explode in anger on our city streets.

My guess is the next slaughter of an innocent non-white non-rich civilian by the SPD will be the spark. That or the Not Even Lightly Financed Tunnel.
Will, if I was there right now, I swear to God I'd knock your teeth down your throat. What's happening in Seattle does not in any way equate to what's happening in these countries. Can you for Chrissakes stop being an ignorant buffoon for five fucking minutes?
"There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles..."
Comparing Seattle police protests yesterday to the Middle East protests is like comparing Obamacare to Nazi ovens.
Fuck I hate it when Will agrees with me.
Stock up on candles.
So, these protests are not like the ones in Seattle at all. If last night's protests confirmed one thing, it was that a whole lot of kids who didn't give two shits about a native guy will do anything to go out on the streets and bitch.

These are countries with actual problems, not a hoard of entitled kids who shitty day-jobs.
Exactly, bellgirl.
@10, for the win.

I mean where are those same kids while we continue two illegal wars that Obama has no intent of ending?
Pearl Square has no pearl and is not square. It is a traffic round-about.

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