
I agree. It's also notable that Obama is justifying things like employing a former banker as a chief of staff, as olive branches to reconciliation. Sure, rhetoric may get out of hand sometimes, and it's good to check ones self once and a while, but this is incredible.
You know, if you didn't put the links in there, I'd think they'd hired you to tell fairy tales, because if you made this stuff up and put it in a book, NO ONE would believe you.
Your headline is misleading. This is, as you state, commentary, not reporting. And if your concern is civility, then you aren't demonstrating it.
You're more than welcome to be civil and send some of your trust fund money to the teachers in Wisconsin making $89,000 a year that don't want to pay an additional $50 a month for health care benefits.

The teacher's union already agreed to come to the bargaining table and talk about cut backs, but the Republican governor has made it clear he's only interested in cutting the collective bargaining all together.
Agreed, Goldy. Holy fucking shit, that was asinine, even for right wing punditry.
um, :…

Oh, How I love you, Goldy.

@4 They're willing to make those concessions, you purposefully misleading piece of trash. What they're not willing to do is sit and watch quietly as their unions are busted.
Fuck off, AE you hair-splitting turdstool.
Is this "Supreme Ruler" guy some kind of professional jackass??
It's funny how the amount Wisconsin teachers are paid climbs by tens of thousands every time a corporatist opens their mouth. I've already seen some bloggers claim the teachers are being paid well over a $100,000, which is an insane claim. Really it's one of the most absurd big fish tales I've lately heard.

Oh, and it's fucking bullshit that this WSJ columnist is comparing a completely docile, if passionate crowd to the people screaming about second amendment remedies and that unhinged murderer.
Aren't most Supreme Rulers?

If you can get me a trust fund, I'll give you a finders fee.


Could you be more concrete?
@4: You are more than welcome to be not such a douche-y ass.... And wow, it won't cost you a thing.

So, you first big boy, give that a shot...
@3- WHOOOOSH. Right over your head.

@4 - You know why there were 60,000 people protesting on Saturday? It wasn't the money.

My experiences at the protests have been amazing. Most of the time outside there was just a steady stream of marchers and sign-holders, and along the edges of the street, observers and sign-holders. Chants here and there. People have their toddlers running around with them. Kids are darting in and out of the crowds. It's so fucking dangerous. So uncivil.
@9: It's not hair-splitting to differentiate "reporting" -- which is what the headline says -- and opinion -- which this column is clearly identified as.

It's a distinction worth maintaining. But of course, it's easier just to call people immature names.
I wish I could go there and protest among them... but I can't afford transportation. Sigh.
Yeah, I must say, both dems and repubs (and others) have shown not-so-decent protesting at times, but the Madison protests we've seen so far have been some of the best examples of the right to peaceably assemble that I think I've ever seen. This is the spirit and the letter of the First Amendment. Good for them!
conservatives can and do spin anything to fit their agenda. see @4. the stunning thing is that they actually think this way - they don't believe they're bullshitting.
Conservaturds threatening to overthrow the government at gunpoint = Liberty!
Librulz petitioning the government peacefully = Dangerous mob extremism!
Goldy references the headline in his text to make a point, but it would have been better closer to the top.
It's really a blessing to know that Kay Graham doesn't have to witness the abysmal depths to which her poor Washington Post has descended.
I live part-time in Madison. I'm in Seattle now but am talking to friends there and watching their Facebook feeds. EVERYONE says that the crowd is passionate yet peaceful. Handing out free food, singing songs, apologizing to you when YOU bump into them.
This is an exemplary demonstration of a constitutional right. The conservatives must be secretly, rabidly drooling all over themselves in jealousy. Labor is showin' em how it's done!

I also heard that the Tea Party group that showed up on Saturday was barely visible. And was gone by early afternoon. No one even saw them!

The author exclaims

Well, fuck you! Fuck you, you fuckity-fuck of a fucking fucker!

He is exhibiting syndrome I defined as Intourettes Syndrome

Intourettes is the exhibition of Tourette's Syndrome on the web.

Often in web comments especially in a heated back and forth argument, one party may suddenly erupt in a string of expletives, often directed at the opponent. If the two parties regularly exchange literary blows, one or the other may as a matter of course refer to the person using hostile and obscene language, as if it were a literary "tic".…

"Fucking" is one of those fucking words you can fucking put anyfuckingwhere in a sentence and it still makes fucking sense" FreddyAmazin
60,000 hippies showed up to a rally in Madison? That's what, half the sociologism department at the University of wisconsin?

Don't have a good comeback from the people calling you on your bullshit, eh? So just make some off-topic joke about the presentation.

You're really demonstrating your critical thinking skills here, let me tell you.

Oh, and I'm sure you're quite happy w/ sending your tax dollars to the bankers who created the financial crisis to begin w/. They need those multi-million dollar bonuses more than you. Please do that little dance of joy you do after getting financially raped. It's so cute.
Just curious, where were the violent tea party protests? I mean, I remember one guy who stepped on a left wing protester's head, which was then equated to a war crime. But there have been no violent tea party protests.

But I have seen a bunch of targets on signs with that Wisconsin governor's face. Interesting how Goldy won't acknowledge that. The thing is, people like Goldy are essentially the left-wing equivalent as Glen Beck - shouting down the opposition with blatant manipulation of facts to prove their point.

"sending your tax dollars to the bankers "

You mean the TARP? Most has been paid back with interest.

Yes, I'm exactly like Glenn Beck, because like him, I have my own network TV show and syndicated radio with which to broadcast my pernicious lies.

And you know what else, some commenter on Daily Kos wasn't said something violent, and that's exactly the same as Anne Coulter saying a Supreme Court Justice should be poisoned. Also, I'm betting there's even a few liberals who own guns.

Yup. We're just as bad and dangerous as the other guys. (Asshole.)
Of course you can't see how similar you are to Glenn Bleck. Like Beck, you are too far gone to ever step back and actually realize the bullshit coming out of your mouth.
Hey, "moderate", are you going to come up w/ specific examples, or are you just going to spew out attacks? The only one you brought up was the head-stomping incident, and then you dismissed the people who got upset about it. So it seems that you're not interested in actual violence if it comes from the right, but will jump on anyone who (non-violently) criticizes the right.

That's not "moderate." That's fanaticism. That's extremism. That's what you see when you look in the mirror.
WSJ is a Murdoch piece of excrescence. What should we expect.
@25 I beg to differ: I believe Goldy is exhibiting a Minchinism...
Google Image search "Scott Walker target" and see how many signs show a target on an image of the Wisconsin Governor in these recent protests in Madison. See how many liken him to Hitler or Mussolini.

So much for civility from the Left. Keep deluding yourselves into thinking that you are tolerant of different political views or different cultures.
Fucking AMEN!
@ the troll commenters who suggest using google at all, let alone for an image search ohhh noes, google is teh search engine of the antichrist caliphate!!!
@36, I did the Google search you suggested (and a few variations as well), and I did not see a single sign featuring a target on his face. The closest thing was a sign that said "Reload and Repel," which with the inclusion of "Repel" does not come across as violent. Additionally, comparing a politician to Hitler or Mussolini is not violent.

You know, the more you post, the more misleading your name becomes.
Next thing you know your Dell laptop will be even more infested and corrupted with the e-lectronic Lilliputian liberals....

Can't have that.
Yeah, the right wing media has to go out on a limb and manipulate the truth or tell outright lies to get their points across these days. Just like journalism in the former Soviet Union.
Apologies in advance for the long quote, but David Brooks' column in today's NYT is must reading on this topic:

Whatever you might say about Walker, he and the Republican majorities in Wisconsin were elected, and they are doing exactly what they told voters they would do. It's the Democratic minority that is thwarting the majority will by fleeing to Illinois. It's the left that has suddenly embraced extralegal obstructionism.

Still, let's try to put aside the hyperventilation. Everybody now seems to agree that Governor Walker was right to ask state workers to pay more for their benefits. Even if he gets everything he asks for, Wisconsin state workers would still be contributing less to their benefits than the average state worker nationwide and would be contributing far, far less than private sector workers.

The more difficult question is whether Walker was right to try to water down Wisconsin's collective bargaining agreements. Even if you acknowledge the importance of unions in representing middle-class interests, there are strong arguments on Walker's side. In Wisconsin and elsewhere, state-union relations are structurally out of whack.

That's because public sector unions and private sector unions are very different creatures. Private sector unions push against the interests of shareholders and management; public sector unions push against the interests of taxpayers. Private sector union members know that their employers could go out of business, so they have an incentive to mitigate their demands; public sector union members work for state monopolies and have no such interest.
What's doubly sad (to me) is I grew up in DC and I remember the Wash Po when it was still a leading national paper. Now it's just another shrill, run of the mill daily that has lost most of its most talented writers through early retirements and lay-offs. I still stop in occasionally, but I get too depressed at their attempt to provide 'equal coverage' by echoing republican lies and talking points to stay long.

That said, the Ezra Klein article was good. I wish there was more like it.
@5280 that was an excellent column. It helped bring me back from the edge after reading Goldy's column.

To anyone having issues with Goldy's language: I think even Mr. Brooks would concur that if his NYT column was titled "Make Everybody Fucking Hurt" it might have more impact.

please do not feed the troll @3,4,22
@42, David Brooks also said that the Iraq War would be a walk in the park. Just because he is well spoken, sounds reasonable and wears intellectual looking glasses doesn't mean that shit doesn't spew from his mouth. What's out whack with this country is that people want quality government services, but they don't want to pay for them.
And why-oh-fucking-why aren't higher taxes being talked about by anyone? What are we so afraid of?
David Brooks called removing collective bargaining "watering it down". What the fuck?

@47 - I saw a comment on a fb post by a conservative (this is a friend, btw, it's not out there on teh webz), saying "if only there were some way so that everyone could take a small hit" or something like that. I couldn't tell if the commenter was kidding or not...
@45: Thank you for shining the spotlight on my posts.
@37, A-fucking-men!!!
48 - oh so LOL. gee, taxes.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says he campaigned on his budget repair plan, including curtailing colle

State Rep. Gordon Hintz’s tirade…
@42, I don't believe that democracy ends with voting.

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