Blogs Feb 22, 2011 at 7:06 am


Well, google says...

The (openly gay) and sexcolumnist journalist Dan Savage began bullying row after Santorum, then Pennsylvania senator, had warned in 2003 that homosexuality is undermining American society. Santorum compared gay relationships to include 'man/kind- and man / dog relationships.

The method of Savage was deadly effective: on the website, anyone could definitions of the word "Santorum" submit. The winner ("The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter Sometimes That is the by-product of anal sex") is eight years later still a hit on Google.

Santorom wants a serious chance to be the Republican presidential candidate, he should on this issue. For now, he blamed that vulgar Internet. Comedian Stephen Colbert shoots to help the embattled candidate, which he Santorum problem compared with that of the Dutch oven.
Colbert covered the spreading of Santorum on last night's show, complete with the official definition of "santorum."
Yay, Savage Love!!!
Tee hee... keep the smack down on the haters rolling!
#3 Wow, Google translate is getting good! Only 'kind- en' in 'kind- en man/hond-relaties' should be child / man relationship.
Although I can't for the life of me figure out how Santorum (the froth) compares to a Dutch oven (Dutch ovens are awesome!), I wish you could find a creative way to give Glenn Beck a similar problem...

PS: IMHO, after seeing your recent book promo, if I were you, I'd pretty much do anything Terry said....
@Canuck, the dutch oven reference makes a little more sense in context of Colbert's segment.

Colbert encouraged his viewers to google Santorum :)
I miss the "letter of the day" feature, Dan. Hope you're not so pissed by what happened last week that you'll make your decision to stop posting them permanent.
The Dutch oven reference is from Colbert saying the Amish also have a Google problem.
Yaay, I can understand it. Enjoy your holiday with your husband, Dan.

@ Canuck, I hope your daughter is recovering well.
It's on that sites homepage too! Well done Savage and SL readers!

I love the Dutch. (along with their ovens.....and weed)
If I looked as appealing as terry and MY husband/boyfriend couldn't put the Dell down, I'd be tempted to toss it, too!

Wake up and smell the coffee, bro!
Ah, thank you, Dutch oven explainers, I have nought but an iPhone at my disposal, and so was confused....!

She's a lot better, Kim, and out of hospital, thanks for asking! (and if eating her roommate's fudge and watching Vampire Diaries last night is any indication, she's almost back to normal...) Hope you're doing well, too. The endless rounds of tests must be wearing...keeping you in my thoughts...
Hilarious! You haven't given me a laugh that good since you achieved the longest bleep I have ever seen on Colbert (re: definition of pegging). They bleeped a whole paragraph!
Technically speaking, Santorum has always been international (at least in places where lube can be purchased).
He's on vacation. He never posts when on vacation, but will continue it when he returns. There was no decision to stop and last week certainly isn't going to slow him down.
Wiki it! The definition is ours, the picture is his. YAY!…
I just googled Santorum, and the number one related search was "miserable failure"... Bahahahaha!
Here's the Canadian link to last nights Colbert…
Colbert recommended all his Nation google Santorum and click on the frothy link to tell the owner of that website that they are offended by it. I giggled alot.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Rick, you did this all by yourself with that "man on dog" comment. Words to live by:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
There's an amazing thing called Google Translate. It's even built into their Chrome browser.
Thank you, Canuck. Indeed wearing. Next procedure is in early March. And, I have just finished finalizing plans to take our soon to be 13 y.o to the top of Vesuvius and the soon to be 16 y.o to Florence later this year as my glass half-full nature demands. Life will be good.
Anyone know if Colbert did his IGBP video, as promised?
"Dutch oven" doesn't refer to the Amish. Check Urban Dictionary. Eeeew.
*Snerk* Here's a commenter on Balloon Juice:
MoeLarryAndJesus - February 18, 2011 | 12:12 pm

Little Ricky needs to find a way for this association to work for him. How about a nifty campaign slogan like “Up From The Bottom” or “America On Top Again”? I know he has it in him.
Sound logic, Dan. Because I'm sure there's no way Terry could ever find out that you were blogging during vacation after the fact by, say, coming across a timestamped blog post.

@15 FTW

I hope you have a wonderful trip, Kim. Italy is so magical, although I haven't been for years, my first trip was with my mom when I was 17. I hope you and your kids have a similarly memorable time.
Thanks for the explanation, #16.
I see no reason for the Dutch to be overly sensitive about this flatulent expression. The obvious difference is that the ironic Urban Dictionary meaning of "Dutch Oven" (farting under the covers) wasn't invented as a barb against people from Holland or anything like that--it was just a play on the name of a common cooking implement. The neologism "santorum", on the other hand, was specifically coined to (ahem) smear a certain bigoted senator from Pennsylvania.

I'll grant, though, that I wouldn't find either thing particularly desirable in bed.
I'm telling Terry
Many thanks, Canuck. It has been years since I was last there, hence the focus on their interests. I hope they will have a wonderful time (especially hang in Denmark with their cousins).
Are we going to have to start up a collection plate for a new laptop once Terry finds this post? ;)
The Dutch don't say "Dutch oven" themselves (or any literal translation of it) and are always amused to hear that a pot is considered particularly Dutch. It's funny how these things transfer from culture to culture, though; in the Netherlands an "American party" is one where the guests have to bring their own food! (from the American concept of a potluck)

In addition to the kind == child thing, I would tweak the translation in one way: for the first sentence of the last paragraph I would have said "If Santorum wants to have a serious chance of becoming the Republican presdiential candidate, he needs to get rid of this problem."
in the Netherlands an "American party" is one where the guests have to bring their own food! (from the American concept of a potluck)

So what does one call it if you go to such a party on a date and each person in the couple has to pay their own way?
Awwwww. The idea that Terry is your husband-in-Canada is so sweet and makes me feel warm all over. Oh, wait. That's my fireplace! But, still, cute. And, um, we'll understand if you don't post. Really. Enjoy your vacation together!

Though ... when you return, can you please start a campaign (if it's not too late for 2012) to put Palin in its (sic) proper place on Google. I'd suggest a verb form: Palin, also see to Palienate = to alienate the public by one's sheer stupidity, with a shallow veneer of lipstick and hairspray.
"American Party" - Love it! A friend is having his annual "Take Out Birthday Party Bash" on Saturday where we all try to outdue eachother with containers of take out food and jam on his basement full of musical instruments... I'll be sure to mention this to him.
"Outdue" sounds too Santorum-like @38... I think it should be "outdo" or "outdew" or "outdoo" or somthing.
Google didn't too badly, actually.

(Openly gay) reporter and sex columnist Dan Savage started the schoolyard teasing after Santorum, then a senator from Pennsylvania, had warned in 2003 that homosexuality was undermining American society. Santorum compared homosexual relationships to, among other things, man/child and man/dog relationships.

Savage’s method was fatally effective: anyone could submit definitions for the word “santorum” on the website Eight years later, the winner (“the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex”) is still a hit on Google.

If Santorum wants to have a serious chance of becoming the Republican candidate for president, then he will have to get rid of this problem. For the time being he places the blame on the vulgar Internet. Comedian Stephen Colbert rushed to help the tormented candidate by comparing Santorum’s problem to that of the dutch oven.
@39 oh please not "outdoo," THAT sounds Santorumish...if you were to "outdue" each other, you'd have to bring your biggest unpaid bill...
I can get most of this from a combination of context and the shared linguistic (more specifically orthographic; I doubt I could make heads or tails of spoken Dutch) history with English. It's interesting that the idiom "undermining" is also present in Dutch..

"The (openly homosexual) journalist and sex columnist Dan Savage began the [pestering; I'm trying to come up with a more-idiomatically-appropriate expression] after Santorum, then [the] senator of Pennsylvania, had [claimed? charged? stated?] that homosexuality was undermining American society. Santorum compared homosexual relations to 'man/child and man/dog relations'.

Savage's method was [very? highly? deadly?] effective: on the website, anyone could submit definitions for the word 'santorum'. The winner ('The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex') is still a hit on Google eight years later.

If Santorum wants a serious chance to be the Republican presidential candidate, he must deal with this problem. [Something about him saying that's just the way things are on the internet; I'm taking 'vulgaire' to mean 'vulgar' in the sense of common, ordinary; I know I've come across 'Voorlopig' before, but I can't remember what it means.] Comic Stephen Colbert offered the candidate his help, comparing Santorum's problem to that of the dutch oven."
here are some corrections from a native Dutch speaking girl:

"The openly homosexual journalist and sex columnist Dan Savage began the teasing after Santorum, then senator of Pennsylvania, had warned that homosexuality was undermining American society."
''voorlopig geeft hij de schuld aan dat vulgaire internet'' -> "in the meantime, he blames that filthy, sleazy internet for his problem''

Yeah Dan Savage, we love you here in chilly old Amsterdam.
I put in "what is santorum" in my Yahoo search engine, and the very first entry reads, "Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 2. Senator Rick Santorum"

And the beat goes on, woo hoo!
About Colbert - when he described what comes up on Google when you enter santorum, the audience roared with its approval.

Yet another thing we can be very proud of our Dan for.

Enjoy the vacation, you guys.
Not only did Colbert mention it, he did the full santorum, gave the full definition on the air. I was impressed, so much so that I almost got over my depression at seeing BBC America blur out Russell Tovey's ass crack.
Thanks, colbert -- you've brought "Spreading Santorum" back up the column to it's rightful place just underneath Santorum's own site, and wikipedia's sexual neologism.

Just a couple days ago, Spreading was below the fold.

So, little Ricky, your whining put you on Colbert's hit list, and just reminded us what a sexual neologism you are.
@ 42 - Voorlopig, in that context, would mean "meanwhile", "for the moment"

Just google any word of any language plus "definition", you'll get a translation.
Well, since I also speak Dutch (I live in the Netherlands), I can also submit my translation. Nothing new will be revealed, but those who care about details and trivia may enjoy it.

"The (openly homosexual) journalist and sex columnist Dan Savage started this prank in 2003, after Santorum, then senator of Pennsylvania, had warned that homosexuality was undermining the American society. Santorum compared homosexual relations with, among others, "man/child" and "man/dog" relations.

Savage's method was deadly effective: on the website anybody could enter definitions for the word 'santorum'. The winner ('the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex' [In English in the original -- A]) is still now, eight years lkater, a (first) hit on Google.

If Santorum wants to have a serious chance of becominng the Republican presidential candidate, then he must distance himself from this problem. For the time being, he blames that "vulgar internet." Comedian Stephen Colbert comes to the help of the attacked candidate by comparing Santorum's problem to that of the "dutch oven".
The formatting of the preceding comment was wrong -- here is a (hopefully) more readable version.

"The (openly homosexual) journalist and sex columnist Dan Savage started this prank in 2003, after Santorum, then senator of Pennsylvania, had warned that homosexuality was undermining the American society. Santorum compared homosexual relations with, among others, "man/child" and "man/dog" relations.

Savage's method was deadly effective: on the website anybody could enter definitions for the word 'santorum'. The winner ('the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex' [In English in the original -- A]) is still now, eight years later, a (first) hit on Google.

If Santorum wants to have a serious chance of becominng the Republican presidential candidate, then he must distance himself from this problem. For the time being, he blames that "vulgar internet." Comedian Stephen Colbert comes to the help of the attacked candidate by comparing Santorum's problem to that of the "dutch oven".

'had gewaarschuwd' - had warned
'voorlopig' - for the time being
'geeft de schuld aan' - gives the blame to, blames
'dat vulgaire internet' - that vulgar internet

(he does mean 'vulgar' as in 'improper', 'impolite', 'immoral', 'obscene', etc.; this is a reference to the fact that the internet is full of vulgarities -- as I recall, Santorum did say something like that, didn't he?)
The original article (from HP-De Tijd) includes also the following paragraph, which shows how Santorum looks ridiculous to them:

"Sarah Palin is niet de enige malle hardliner die zich kandidaat stelt voor de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen van 2012. De Republikeinen hebben een zo mogelijk nóg achterlijker exemplaar in huis. Meet Rick Santorum, conservatieveling, homoseksualiteit-is-net-zo-erg-als-bestialiteit-roeper en - sinds vorige week - ik-word-gepest-op-internet-huilebalk."


"Sarah Palin is not the only silly hardliner presenting herself as a possible candidate for the American Presidential Election of 2012. The Republicans have an even more backward type in the house. Meet Rick Santorum, conservative, homosexuality-is-just-as-bad-as-bestiality claimer and -- since last week -- also I-am-being-bullied-by-the-internet whiner/crybaby."
Many thanks, ankylosaur. Your translation was more accurate than my reading gathered using context, cognates, and my presently rusty Danish. I'm not sure as to why the Danish helped, but maybe it returned me to the frame of mind I had when I lived in Denmark and visited the Netherlands? Thank you for sharing.
yikes, closing off the italics...
  which, dangit, didn't work?

The (openly gay) and sexcolumnist journalist Dan Savage began bullying row after Santorum, then Pennsylvania senator, had warned in 2003 that homosexuality is undermining American society. Santorum compared gay relationships to include 'man/kind- and man / dog relationships.

The method of Savage was deadly effective: on the website, anyone could definitions of the word "Santorum" submit. The winner ("The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter Sometimes That is the by-product of anal sex") is eight years later still a hit on Google.

Santorom wants a serious chance to be the Republican presidential candidate, he should on this issue. For now, he blamed that vulgar Internet. Comedian Stephen Colbert shoots to help the embattled candidate, which he Santorum problem compared with that of the Dutch oven.
@ 49 - I was wondering where you were hiding when we needed you so bad!

@ 53 - They're closely related. When I lived in Amsterdam and went to visit Copenhagen, I could read the Danish newspaper (that was a long time ago, though!)
Dan Savage-I added a little creative spin to the wonderful idea. Check it out on… link. I posed my comment under the video. Feel free to reuse my comment to your hearts delight. But for your readers I shall re-post it here: Out and proud gay man who suffered from "Santorum" and didn't know the name for it. Thank you so much for your informative report. Now I have a name for the disease from which I suffer. My treatment is to Click, Click, Click on every Google result of the word 'Santorum'. Thank you so very very much...may his name be forever synonymous with the sufferers of this disgusting disease. The fucking Leper.
the "dutch oven" was named after ronald "dutch" reagan told a story about farting under the covers and pulling them over nancy's head. it was during an interview when he was asked if they played games in bed.
The website has really risen in google search since Santorum spoke about this. Before when you googled "santorum", the wikipedia pages popped up first, but now it's always
After that recent IGBP video with Terry in it talking about the upcoming book, I do believe he could throw you out the window if he wished, Dan. Not that he'd wish to, I'm sure. But it looks like he's sporting the muscles to pull it off, anyway.
Funny thing is, HP de tijd, the magazine that printed this is an hardline right-wing/conservative magazine, if even they, who by times openly support our deranged bleached borderline fascist politician Geert Wilders (who proposed an tax on women who wear headscarfes and wants to ban these women from public transport) calls santorum an absurd, hateful idiot, shit is turning bad for the smeared senator.

"Pro-union protesters in Wisconsin are acting like addicts who had their drug taken from them, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) said this week.
Santorum made a stop earlier this week in South Carolina, an important early primary state, where he compared bloated entitlement spending to a drug."
It's that subversive right to the pursuit of happiness causing problems again.

Administration to stop defending DOMA!
Is it a given, that Santorum sucks santorum?
@58 -- sorry about the absence! (My daughter has just had an eye operation to correct a little strabism, which means this has been hospital-and-its-aftermath week for me and my family...)
@63, even though you're right -- HP-De Tijd does tend towards right-wing conservatism -- it is also true that you're talking about Dutch conservatism, which is a different thing than American conservatism. Even Geert Wilders has already publicly said he has nothing against homosexuals and is in favor of same-sex marriage -- can you imagine any self-respecting American "extreme conservative" saying that? Hell, that other monument of social conservatism, Pim Fortuyn, who became a martyr after his assassination, was himself openly gay! Can you imagine this happening in America?

So no -- RIck Santorum is a bit much, even to HP-De Tijd. (Even the popular newsmagazine Elsevier said once, as I recall, that they don't like Rick Santorum -- and you can't get much more conservative than Elsevier and still be in the public eye in the Netherlands.)
Dear Dan... please name a sexual act after Scott Walker. It is only fair. He is at least as much of a jackass as Santorum, who, ironically, said some dipshitted things about Wisconsin workers too.
"The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex"n if you Google that, you get "Santorum"... I love you Dan!!!

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