Blogs Mar 9, 2011 at 5:18 pm


Goldy....I really like you!!!

And I agree, a general strike nation wide is appropriate at this point. Screw the laws that say we can't. Unjust laws are met to be broken.
Off the shopping list - Wisconsin cheese and any product Made there.

There goes the state economy.
yeah a general strike would just further prove that public employee unions are a bad idea.
just like FDR said

so, bring it on
@2(I know I shouldn't engage but):
And that sort of thing will help the workers there, just how again?
Goldy, this is an irresponsible post. Property damage hurts many and helps nobody. Shame on you. Believe it or not, you have a responsibility to your readers; this is despicable.
General strike
@5 which part of General Strike don't you get?

This will target non-union jobs by the actions of union households in Canada (30 to 40 percent) who will refuse to buy things from there.

This also applies to tech companies selling software etc from there.

You play with fire, you get burned.
My mom will be in Madison on Saturday. I hope she goes fucking berserk.

Goldy, thanks again for covering this pivotal moment in American history better than every limp-dicked mainstream source out there. The majority of media has totally failed its audience in covering this - probably because it's safer to cheer on democracy when it's happening somewhere else. You, however, have been wonderful.
And this is a slightly good thing. The Republicans have energized the Democratic base in the best possible way. So we will see a wash of blue in this next election.
Goldy, either come out in favor of violence, or don't bring it up. The mealy-mouthed "I know it would be wrong, but..." thing isn't doing you any favors.

And why property damage? What possible value would that serve?

If you must suggest violence, then suggest people BURN THE REPUBLICANS AT THE STAKE!
@11 waste of a good stake. A nice ice fishing hole is better.
@8 boycotting wisconsin companies wholecloth does nothing but hurt the workers of wisconsin - who, if you haven't noticed, are kind of getting boned already. Target republican backers at least. Also, STFU.

And Goldy, there won't be violence, it wouldn't be cathartic, it would be the destruction of something that's been really amazing.

Also - the folks in the capitol need food again. Ian's pizza is at (608) 257-9248
10 has it. I think a lot of middle-of-the-spectrum Wisconsonites are going to see the true colors of these folks. They're screwed. And they've energized the base. At least some of them will be recalled.
The brinksmanship is awesome, really. I can't wait for the comeuppance, though it may take some time. Terrible, wonderful, pivotal longterm mistake on the part of Walker and the GOP.

I'll chime in too with thanks for covering it so much better than we would have expected from Slog before you got here.
Yes, and then people will forget and the whole thing will repeat over and over and over again until the end of time.
shame shame Goldy.
no, what was really cathartic already was multiple 70,000+ person protests without a single arrest or act of violence. and the weak, pansy-ass showing of any counter-protest.
another such protest would really put republicans in their places.
It will be less cathartic but more satisfying when the voters of WI turn these thugs out on their asses through a recall process. Unless of course they change the laws regarding recalling Senators before their time comes. They've proven themselves no less gutless cowards in the past month, so nothing would surprise me.
Will, I am for a General Strike in Wis and and maybe even it's bordering states and stand in solidarity with the workers there, but you are talking about a different thing, a boycott which is in this case essentially a scorched earth approach;

I think a better thing to do would be to donate to a fund that would work to recall Wisconsin state senate Republicans and also to send the protesters a pizza, which would most assuredly be made with cheese from that state.

but hey if you want to step up walk of your "job", in support, then good on ya. as of yet the strike calls are regional, so they can be more focused and effective.

and fwiw, I know what a General strike is, we know you are a dolt, but you don't have to be an ass too.

My only responsibility to my readers is to be honest, and honestly, that's what I'm feeling. I'm not advocating violence. Objectively, I suspect that violence would work against our cause, especially given the moral high ground the protesters have earned over the past few weeks. But honestly, I'd probably enjoy watching a little rioting right about now.

I'm not particularly proud of that feeling, but I feel it none the less.
@11 Fine. I'll do it.

There needs to be ring of pissed people waiting around the capitol, and when anyone from right of the Aisle shows up, they leave in an ambulance... Unless the ambulance crews are in a union. In which case they can fucking walk to Minnesota for medical care, because if I was there I would be hard fucking pressed to not violate my hippocratic oath if I had the Senate Majority leader strapped to a backboard.

@13 Just typing that was cathartic.
As Utah Phillips used to say, "Freedom is something you assume. Then you wait for someone to try to take it away from you. The degree to which you resist is the degree to which you are free."
How can a general strike work in this country when half of us are apolitical/don't even vote, a quarter of us can't stand the democratic cause and a quarter of us are for the democratic cause?
If I were to stay home from work for a general strike I'd have to expect my conservative boss (if I had one) to fire my ass. Hell maybe I'd do it anyway
Violence may feel cathartic, but it's going to be counter-productive in terms of winning local and statewide elections.

The last thing Wisconsin Democrats need is a bunch of yahoos flipping a few cars, torching some dumpsters, and breaking some windows.
liberals are funny when they're mad
and by the way, Dems, learn a lesson

THIS is how you run things when your party has the majority. we could have had medicare-for-all if Dem's had any balls

On that we agree.
Can somebody explain what a general strike is?

Thank you.
What impresses me is Obama's amazing leadership during this entire fiasco. about change we can believe in!!

I'm sure he'll give a pretty speech once it's all over with.
My only responsibility to my readers is to be honest, and honestly, that's what I'm feeling. I'm not advocating violence.

What a fucking weasel you are, Goldy. At least have the balls to own up to the meaning and effect of your words.


Honest would be admitting you are too much of a coward to be held accountable for what you say, so you hedge and equivocate and evade.
Bernie Sanders has a medicare for all bill ready to be introduced(not much hope there, sadly)

and Vermont looks likely to move forward on the same sort of thing on its' own and could possibly be an example for some other states, so at least there is that...
Ok Seattle, what are WE going to do to help stop this?! Sitting at home isn't cutting it. We need direct action by tens of thousands of people for a sustained period of time. Nothing short of this is going to make a dent. Even with the protests in WI, this thing is getting rammed through. Let's take the capitol in OLYMPIA and keep it!
No, no, nonono on violence. That's bullshit and you know it. Yes on the general strike though. Paralyze everything. If these fascists want fascism, they better be prepared to call in the Guard, let them be the savages.

It is possible to hold two conflicting thoughts in one's head at the same time... for example to want something that one knows is wrong.
As a Wisconsin resident and member of the ATU I would be for a general strike. We'll see, though. Our union is very weak.
I was planning on attending a convention there later this month: the Midwest Gaming Classic.

Now I'm not.
I denounce thee. I support the right of workers to organize and despise the Wisconsin Republicans for ramming this legislation through. It will not do anyone any good for someone with the number of eyeballs SLOG attracts to mutter anything which is simultaneously in support of the workers and also in favor even in the tiniest amount, of violence of any kind.
Goldy, it's like when you take your wife out for dinner and it occurs to you that you'd like to fuck the waitress. You don't just blurt out whatever thought crosses your mind and say you're "just being honest." You make choices about which thoughts you say out loud and which you keep to yourself based on your awareness of the consequences of what you say.

When you make the wrong choice and give voice to passing thoughts when you should have bit your tongue... well, don't come crying to me when the shit hits the fan.
Hey ladies, will your revolution be televised?

@28, there are going to be a few different definitions, but I believe the most defining aspects are:

solidarity across trades, unions, race, class and a ultimately a unified front with mutual aid, including meals and like services for the duration of said strike action... to close down the aspects of capitol that use daily commerce against the very workers that depend on it ...

i'm sure there is bit a more, but I think that is a rough non-wiki-outline of what they can or should and have been historically about.
Please don't advocate violence under any circumstances. The peaceful demonstrations by the people of Wisconsin have been nothing less than inspiring because of their non-violence. I, for one, will be there this weekend to add my voice, not my fists.
one more thing-- they can be local, regional or when needed national.
The law may say we can't have a general strike, but is there a good reason that we should not strike?
live video from the Wisconsin capitol:
I am shaking with rage. Thank god for gin. Were I in the US, I'd be in the street.
I mean that in a futile yelling sort of way, not in a break Starbucks windows sort of way.

I'm a blogger. This is what bloggers do. We write about the shit that crosses our mind.

I added more than enough caveats to this post to make my intentions absolutely clear. And I think the fact that the GOP's abuses in WI are enough to drive people like me to thoughts of violence is something worthy of commentary and discussion.
we've done it before, we can do it again.…
Rather than boycott Wisconsin, wouldn't it be better to boycott Koch Industries?…
@49, is correct, do not boycott Wisconsin, boycott Koch.
Goldy, you're a dip shit if you think that a little window smashing is good for anything. What if it was your display window, would you say, "Oh, that's ok, I understand that people need to vent." And the windows smashed at the 1999 WTO protests have caused what should be remembered as the proud legacy of 50,000 international peaceful protesters taking down the establishment to be remembered instead as an annoying anarchist riot.
The sad thing is, not enough people care about this for anything meaningful to happen.

Most people, if they hear what's happened in Wisconsin tonight, will say something like this:
"Oh, man, that kinda sucks... someone should do something. I mean, I don't know what I can do cuz, like, I don't follow this shit that much, but... yeah... so hey, did you see American Idol tonight?!? That shit was funny as hell! HAHAHA... hey, you got any weed?"

Most people in this country won't do jack shit until things are so terrible, they'll give up everything just to get an extra scrap of bread from their overlords.
This is that those long haired fuckerfaces are doing right now...…
Well, trying to legislate from a Best Western can only go so far.
i gave to the recall republican effort today & am willing to contribute regularly to support striking workers.
& i love that these are peaceful protests.
Although this is bad enough, it worries me even more that this government has given itself the right to disolve local, fairly elected gouvernments based soley on a "state of emergency" that the gouvenor decides. This is not only an attempt to strip workers' rights, but clearly an assault on democracy.
@42, this needs to be national. We need to paralyze the entire country.
What does defeat taste like ladies? Do you really think America will revolt when state workers are moved from defined pensions to 401Ks? When they can no longer retire at 55 with full pensions? Seriously?

Keep the fanatasy alive ladies.
@58 I agree, and let's do it in the most effective and least harmful to the working people as possible. Let's not lose sight of the betterment of all. Education and educators are key. IMO.
"We need to paralyze the entire country."

Oh nos! Will you ruin my summer vacation plans? I'm sooooooooo scared!

Elections have consequences girls.
and yes! STRIKE!
@59, When the revolution comes, we'll be certain to call you.

@60, Peaceful protest and non-compliance is the way to go. If Wisconsin can do it for a few weeks, as many as 70,000 strong, we can do it across the country. If the brownshirts want to act like thugs to us, let them, but we should not even speak of sinking to their level.
(Sick at home with the flu. Please forgive spelling and grammar errors.)

I agree with the posters advocating no violence.

Lots of people belong to unions, or have friends and family in unions. The police have already complimented the protester's nonviolence, and it's difficult to call police unions "pinko commies" or what have you. Who do you think the police are voting for next election? It won't be a Republican.

I've unfortunately moved to a more conservative community for a job (and spend every weekend minute I can in dear old Seattle). I've had people approach me about the strike, telling me (a teacher) that teachers are over paid and don't deserve their benefits. One thing we all agreed on, however, was that the protesters outside the Capitol are doing it right.

If even a handful of those people come to admire the protesters and express doubt about the Republicans tactics, if among that handful a few vote in a way the ordinarily wouldn't (or haven't before), it's worth it. Physical violence is only warranted in self-defense.

What we need is strong, strong Democratic support for the protesters. Not just voters, but politicians, willing to put themselves on the line, make statements that can not be ignored, and show support for the people who are considering jumping the Republican ship. let those people know they have a home.

Sorry, sick, rant.

" I agree, and let's do it in the most effective and least harmful to the working people as possible"

If you ladies could hold off on the general strike 'til May I'd be REALLY grateful. After May I'll be on vacation overseas so you can have your little revolution then. Oh, and not on wednesdays, I'd hate to miss my favorite show "Hoarders".
"When the revolution comes, we'll be certain to call you. "

Not on my cell, I hate to be interrupted when I'm out downtown for dinner with the Missus sipping a Châteauneuf-du-Pape thinking about the poor state workers being denied defined pension plans and retiring at 55.
@59,61,65. Being a smartass piece of shit might feel good today, but after the country is turned into a feudal state it won't be much of a consolation. Get your ass back on the sidelines
@66, you're rather unpleasant. Go be obtuse somewhere else.
i absolutely understand the desire to see the rage & impotence that these "humans" have created manifest itself in some violent acts. Even though i am a pacifist, through & through, they have taken away the voice of the people. On every level. It's pure anger, disgust & powerlessness. Expressing that doesn't make the author irresponsible. On the other hand, i would rather see hundreds of thousands of people coming out in protest to stop these monsters. i am so heartbroken at what these "people" are doing to our country, that i am embarrassed to call myself an american & genuinely want to leave. The only upside, that i can see, is that, hopefully, the people in this country will see, once again, what republicans really stand for; tyranny. i seriously hope that people DON'T forget when election time comes around.
@44, awesome find.
hmm, so then I propose we have our big ol' general strike on any Wednesday before or after May(see @65)... 'cause you know, just why not?
thanks mr smarty nice guy for the dates, glad to help ya w/ that.
The problem is, @59, 61, and 65 (and 66) pretty much sum up how the typical public thinks and acts.

Radical liberals are just as rare as radical conservatives.

Most Americans are FAR more concerned with who the next American Idol will be than how their own tax dollars are spent.

It sucks (and it sucks for both those who care a lot about liberal policies as well as conservative policies... it goes both ways, trolls, as the tides go in and out... and you know it), but it's true.

Apathy in this country is the greatest weakness.
@shame - we don't have until the next elections. The time for action is NOW!
@urgutha - isn't YOUR apathy getting a little old? Hard to disagree with you generally but let's turn it around! Overwhelming numbers is the least that is required. If you're not up for it, then sign off for the night. It's tired.
Actually pissy (what an appropriate name!) you'll need to wait 'til after American Idol is over. The missus is glued to the final 13 this evening and a general strike would be a terrible inconvenience at this time.

We're waiting with baited breath for the Revolution! It just sooooo exciting to see a bunch of random loony leftists organize this on Slog. Who would have thought I'd have a front row seat!

Obama '12.....because the center always wins.
"The time for action is NOW!"

It's been 5 minutes since you posted. Do you mean 'now now' or now? Either way, all seems quiet up here North of the Ship Canal. No sign if the revolution.
yer an idiot. fuck off
@72, People are apathetic, but apathy can be shaken. We need to organize. It is my understanding that the people of Wisconsin are presently calling for a general strike, if they can do it, we can do it across the country.

@76, You twit, no one is calling for revolution. I think you have us confused with the Bolsheviks circa 1905.
i agree that we need to stand up, NOW! i think that the voice of the people needs to be shouted out across this country. And if we do & say nothing in support of WI, our states will be next. It has already begun. But i do understand the apathy. i remember taking my son to the anti-war protests, years ago. He was so inspired & motivated. He truly believed that global protests, millions of people strong, would create change & stop the war. He was wrong. The people were ingnored. But, then again, the people gave up after a few months. i look at the massive, ceaseless protests that have deposed dictators in the middle east, & it shames me that we raise our voice for a day, & say that we did our part. If we want change, we should be willing to fight for it. On every level. This is OUR country! Even the silly troll above has a voice & a right...until they take it away. Which they are doing. So, why not start some local, solidarity movements in every state? Big ones, that put pressure on ALL of the politicians, who are OUR employees, to do something. They may refuse to listen, but we have to refuse to be silenced & ignored. But this has to be national. Let's show them what we are made of!
"yer an idiot. fuck off"

Probably time to hit the sack and catch up on my pile of New Yorkers. I reeeeally hope this revolution doesn't ruin my thursday dinner and movie date plans with the missus. Should I expect our sitter to be out on the streets?
I said fuck off
ok, now that the coward with no name has taken his ambien, which THINKING people are ready for action? I count 15 just in this thread who say they are willing to support a strike. Any suggestions how we get a bit more organized?
"no one is calling for revolution"

Oh that's right, just a 'general strike'. Luckily my Burmese baby sitter doesn't speak a lick of English so don't expect her out with you .....NOW!
"I said fuck off"

NOW!!!! (?)

Ambien? A fine Cote de Rhone this evening, the working man's wine, quite bourgeois.

Good luck with the strike thingy.

please give if you can!
Dear Troll ~ You have the social skills & emotional development of a 7 yr. old. A petty, insecure bully sitting in the schoolyard taunting the other kids because noone likes you. i'm sorry for whatever may have happened to stunt your growth, but please try & show some basic, human respect & consideration for the fact that other people are having a conversation. i see that you desperately want to be a part of it. So, you force your way in by antagonizing others. Understandable, but childish. If you have a relevant, respectful point to make, please do. Otherwise, there are plenty of conservative sites where your brand of malicious, childish bullying are welcome. But not here. Why do you do this? i am genuinely curious. i am not, however, interesting in inciting or inviting more vitriol or insults. Thank you. Have a good night with the missus.
Hey folks, looks like rain Thursday. Can we start the general strike on Friday, noon at Westlake? Anyone joining me?
If the live feed is indeed live, the cops are trying to convince the protesters to leave, and they're not going. It's almost midnight in Wisconsin, and the place is still packed and loud.

This is one of the greatest moments in American history.
" after the country is turned into a feudal state it won't be much of a consolation"

Feudalism in America? That'll ruin my plans for turning America into an anarcho-syndicalist commune!
What 38 said. Goldy, that you are a blogger doesn't cut it. Listen to your inner editor. And you know it is bullshit that your duty as a blogger is to spill every thought you have. We didnt hear about your thoughts on your constipation problem, or what you are going to masturbate to later, or what you think of your co-workers ass. Use your filter, man! I think all sorts of psycho shit, but I don't act on it (yes, writing about it is a form of acting on it). Joking about violence, and spinning "I'd like to xyz" violent fantasies is classic conservative wacko material. Be bigger than them.
"This is one of the greatest moments in American history."

Shame no one will remember by Monday.

So you're suggesting that not only shouldn't we engage in violence, we shouldn't even share the thought of it? Huh.

Meanwhile, look at the wonderful discussion my shared thought helped generate.
Goldy, I'm totally with you. This is an abomination and SOMETHING needs to give!
Goldy, you just totally obliterated any remaining integrity of all your pontificating over the whole Gabrielle Giffords/Sarah Palin's cross hairs dust up - and by extension the entire Stranger's staff's integrity as well.
The despicable part is that your tongue-in-cheek salivation for mayhem is just the nudge needed for some pimpled adolescent anarchist rookie with a mind full of mush to hurl a Molotov cocktail on a Madison or Seattle street.
Goldy, I'm just asking you to hold yourself to the same standard that you do the wackos you criticize. They all say they are using violent imagery in a "humorous" or tongue-in-cheek, or even hyperbolic way. But it doesn't pass the smell test, and neither does your qualified, parsed, yet somehow similar sentiments. Even if it is from your heart, it is an ugly thing, and I expected better of you.
Goldy -

I appreciate all your coverage, but I live in Madison. I live less than a mile from the Capitol. I'm a state worker. I don't want any violence in my town right now.

That said, I don't really want to strike either, but I'm not sure what choice is left.

On we go. Man, this sucks.
Goldy and his entourage dreaming about violence and revolution is like my 3 yr old dreaming about beating me at the hoops; it's cute, but like Goldy, he's only two feet tall.
why do blogs always break down into people bickering for cripes sake? i'm in Madison, I just got back from the capitol, I broke in a bathroom window to get inside. The police finally gave up and left the building because they didn't want to see broken doors. Otherwise it's totally peaceful. I don't want to see any shit about Molotov cocktails. There was a teenage jerk with us who wanted to break windows because "being peaceful has gotten us nowhere". We shushed him and others down. I'm a 51 year old mother and I climbed into my capitol building thru a fucking bathroom window, as did other business owners, teachers, parents. Hundreds of us, and no violence. This is a massive movement that can prevail because we can do it with nonviolence and no internal bickering.
to follow what's happening live:
^^I'm Liz's sister and I was there getting sneaking in through the bathroom window with her. We are all angry as hell here, and we are not going to get violent. They are provoking us, trying to get us to misbehave. Not going to happen. A turning point could've come tonight as we were still denied access to the capitol. Both Liz and I were in front of doors that were blocked by policemen (borrowed from the university, fer chrissakes), and folks were trying to talk the police into opening the doors. The police politely explained they couldn't. One guy stupidly decided to force his way in in a passive deadweight kind of way...throw himself against the police and just push, hoping he could get through. It was at that moment that we could've become a mob and all started pushing. We could've gotten through, there were only 5 police to the hundreds that were at that entrance alone. We didn't. We stepped in and tried to pull the guy back, and I shouted at him that he was not going to enter the capitol that way, not by force. Everyone talked him down and took a moment to regroup.
We are all aware that Walker and his cronies are just dying for any of us to make the wrong move. No one wants that to happen. If we win, it will be by taking the high road. Well, except for the sneaking through windows part.
That's all.
@98: Wow, so now you’ve committed a felony if not a gross misdemeanor. Breaking and entering. Not to mention trespassing - and you gall to appeal for non-violence after you’ve broken into the bathroom of the Capitol. I hope your children are out-of-town with the responsible parent, Madison Mom.

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