
I hate to be tacky, but if you can spare even a token amount, Planned Parenthood of Indiana could use your direct support right now too. Thanks for posting this, Paul.…
Good. I didn't have sex with your wife/girlfriend/cheap slut. I don't want to pay to enable that sex as a taxpayer. You buy your own birth control or murder babies when you decide birth control is too inconvenient, and I'll treasure the children that resulted from my marriage on my dime. Fair enough?
I thought Republicans were supposed to be fiscally responsible. This will cost them millions.
@2: "I'll treasure the children that resulted from my marriage on my dime."

Who pays for public education?
@4, all Margaret Dumont @2 wants is your attention. No feedium trollio, remember.....
@3: yes! Not only in the $$ sense but also on political capital, because this retrograde shit has gone far beyond it's viable shelflife.
@5: I can't help myself. He was making those puppy dog eyes.
I really think it's about time to amend the Constitution to allow for religious tests for office. Christian? Then you're too stupid to hold office.
@2 Fuck off.

I work my ass off to put myself through school on my dime, while living in poverty, depending on planned parenthood as my only source of healthcare. The only doctors I have been able to see since high school were planned parenthood. And guess what? I've never been pregnant. I'm not promiscuous. I'm not on birth control now. But I depend on planned parenthood for pap smears and cancer screenings. They've helped me afford antibiotics for painful infections which would keep me home from work.

I'd be all for paying for my own healthcare if I could afford it.

You must have it easy if you can spew bullshit like that.

My kids go to a private school. I pay property taxes supporting schools in 3 Washington counties. And I'm okay with that since the properties are more valuable with good schools near them. Well, except in liberal King County. The kids there are tolerant and diverse and 'self realized' and all the other liberal code words for brainwashed. Too bad they can't read, write and do sums, but hey, you can't have everything, right?


That's the only way liberals can win is to disenfranchise the center right majority of this country, so I can see where you'd want that.

First, congratulations on doing the difficult work of going to school while working. Good luck with whatever you're studying.

Second, I earned a modicum of comfort. I don't 'have it easy.'

Finally, you have a pleasant evening as well.

Actually, finally would be that there's a long continuum between wife or girlfriend and cheap slut.' If what I wrote came across as saying all Planned Parenthood patrons were the latter, I do apologize.
Paul: Thanks for posting this!
Again, penny-wise and pound foolish. This will create more abortions, since it cuts off access to free birth control, or it will result in unwanted children that will likely spend their lives on the tax-payer dole. But apparently dicks like @2 view contraception (one of Planned Parenthood's biggest services) as immoral, too.

Hardly. I love my children and use birth control so that the two we have get the care and attention they deserve. At any rate, just as the physical relationship between my wife and I is our business, the costs of it are ours to bear. Including birth control.

You could control the costs of infanticide by making it properly illegal. Since we have decided baby murder is somehow the right of an expectant mother, we can reasonably say that the costs are hers to bear, not her fellow taxpayers.

Do try to distinguish between asking someone to pay for a thing and taking it away from them by law. I can tell that reason and logic are foreign to you, but I think you might find them refreshing if you'd give them a try.
@10 The way liberals can win is when we outnumber conservative idiots, which we do on the vast range of national policies. We have over 50% support for repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, for legalizing gay marriage, for ending the war in Afghanistan, cutting military spending, keeping Social Secuity and Medicare public and paid for, and raising taxes on the rich. Yup, we're a center right majority country all right.
One would think that all politicians would concur that planned parenthood is a lot better than unexpected parenthood.
Is every swinging dick with the big R behind his or her name a Republican contender for president? Jesus, these people will let anyone join thier club...

My experience with Planned Parenthood is as a young wife of about 6 months, without insurance, on my 19th birthday, clutching a handful of pregnancy tests--half reading negative and half reading positive--confused as fuck but pretty sure I was pregnant. I was, and the nice ladies spoke to me about abortion and about adoption--what they didn't speak to me about was prenatal care, no one seemed overly interested in the fact that I was married and had every intention of keeping said bundle of cells; I just wanted a solid yes or no.

That being said, planned parenthood serves an important purpose. They are not abortion merchants. In many cases planned parenthood is the only means of obtaining birth control. Don't have sex if you can't buy contraception, you say? Riiiight, that's really a reasonable, responsible stance to take.

"•The teen pregnancy rate in the U.S. is twice that of any other industrialized nation." (World Population Awareness,…) Does anyone else see something wrong with that fact? I realize we want to be the world leader in all things, but is that a title to be proud of?
How many jobs does this bill create?

The pill and other forms of birth control can be relatively expensive, particularly for a low income young woman unwilling to tell her parents she's sexually active, fair enough. But to buy a condom won't break anyone's bank, so the 'can't afford contraception' canard just doesn't fly.

Even if it were true, even if condoms cost some prohibitive amount of money, the onus for protecting oneself if sexually active is still not the taxpayers concern. I enjoy snow skiing and sailing, as well as sex, but I don't ask anyone to pay for any of those activities for my enjoyment, certainly not other taxpayers.

If Planned Parenthood serves that vital a role, if it is the the only doctor some women see, and the only source of condoms for cash strapped high school girls and the only means of murdering babies for those who won't take the trouble to use contraception you'd think they could survive without tax payer lucre.
How nice it must be to see things only in black and white through the lenses of egocentrism, SB.
I have to go to Planned Parenthood in Utah for my yearly exams - not because I don't have money (I do, though not a lot as a graduate student), but because NO FUCKING GYNECOLOGIST up here will see me without insurance. The only one who would wanted $250 cash up front for a new patient, and that didn't include the cost of the pap or the lab fees, plus his credentials were questionable. So even though I work and pay my own way, I am still in need of Planned Parenthood's services. Their cost for a pap was $90, in case you wanted to know.

As for those who you say won't take the trouble to use contraception? I've yet to hear of a rape victim who had the option to dig out a condom before she was raped. The 14-year-old that I just got signed up for home tutoring had no idea that what her daddy was doing to her was going to get her pregnant, since he'd been doing it to her since she was about 6 and Utah doesn't teach sex-ed in schools. Do you really think it's a good idea for a clueless 14-year-old to have a baby? Do you really think a rape victim should be forced to bear the child of her rapist? And why should she be forced to pay for something she would never have wished to happen had she had any say in the matter?

But the GOP and people like SB persist in this pathetic myopia:…
Typical for ignorami to conveniently ignore the fact that Planned Parenthood performs more low-cost cancer screenings than provides abortions. Why don't these conservative "Christian"/"real good Amurrican" politickers boast that their "values" include denying women low-cost cancer screenings when they announce plans to defund Planned Parenthood?
so in @ 20's view only the non-prepared ever get pregnant--- there is never any room for mistakes, or lies told by the guys ? never any broken condems?

and still after most normal and considered fail-safes, and dutiful due diligence with every potential pregnancy ever, it is always the chickas fault, in every circumstance?

good to know, SB, you really are a gem.

No one is denying anyone anything. They simply say that providing private medical care, or abortions, or birth control isn't properly a taxpayer burden. This is particularly true when our debts are nearing 100% of GDP as it is.

Again, not paying for something isn't denying it. The person is free to find other means to pay for it if they wish. There's no law against the woman getting the services, just not at the expense of others.


While rape is tragic, statistically it forms a tiny percentage of abortions. Usually the estimates range from half a percent to one percent.…
Mitch Daniels launches a Presidential campaign by taking away health care for women and simultaneously increasing the burden on other taxpayer funded services that have already been severely reduced.

And Daniels is the "moderate" and "serious" candidate.

The Republican Party: Kicking 'em while they're down since 1980, coming soon to a uterus near you!
If you were trying to provide data for your claim, SB, there's nothing like that at that link, nor would I consider a ministry website to be a reliable source anyway.
Besides, data only shows the reported rapes. Many women don't report rape for a number of reasons, among them the way they are treated by society in general, and men in particular.
Hey SB! Caught up on all that work I see. So. Coming to Slog Happy in May? Cuz I would love to see you say this shit to people's faces. Remember! Much as I would enjoy scooping out your eyes with a grapefruit spoon and forcing you to eat them, Slog Happy is neutral ground, and as a Liberal I am bound by honor to see no harm comes to you.
Come on SB. Come dance with me.
Seattleblahs! What a coincidence! You and the Mrs. were just featured in Dan's latest urinal post!
@24, If it's a cost issue, cutting PP is not a particularly effective method of slimming the budget. All the fat is in the enormous "defense" budget which exceeds any military spending in the rest of the world combined. Perhaps you would care to explain how forcing child birth on women who can't or aren't prepared to support children is good for the taxpayer when this will result in greater stress on our medical and social services?

So if more rapes resulted in pregnancy, would you support the right to abortion? At what percentage do you say, okay, abortion needs to be legal?
Also, it's time for any women in Indiana to make for states not run by misogynists.
Seattleblues: I live in Indiana (for 6 years, and if Daniels signs this, I'm going to put my house on the market and get the hell out as soon as my work commitments for the next 6 months are done - Indiana is a stupid state full of stupid people). In practice, I'm pretty much past childbearing age, and have no daughters; if I did somehow get pregnant I can afford to get an abortion wherever I want, and honestly the whole abortion debate is *barely* relevant to me for now (until my sons are old enough to have intercourse, at least). But PP is not only abortions. PP is healthcare for MANY women, and for MANY MOTHERS who have little income. You honestly think it's better for women who have few options to have NOWHERE to go for healthcare, and even fewer options to pull themselves out of poverty, than to provide a small amount of care to them on our dime? My kids are in public schools - and while my taxes for schools are huge, I'm OK with that. I'm OK with paying for people who have LESS opportunity than I do to get a little bit of access to things that will help them. Are you OK with that? And a related question, do you consider yourself Christian?

Indiana is nailing its own coffin shut. The popular phrase these days is "being on the wrong side of history" - Indiana is firmly planting itself as a backwards, stupid, fear-mongering place, and the brain drain gushing out of here is due to stupid non-progressive ideas like this. I hope Lilly pulls plug and bails to New York, I truly do. This place will look worse than Detroit and Alabama if they do, and it will be backwards conservatives to thank when it happens.

And I just have to spit this out: I have a wonderful husband and hopefully am raising wonderful sons to be like him. But when it comes to issues of abortions, where in the HELL is the blame on men? Why do we, as a society because I certainly don't so this, why do we label the WOMEN as sluts and whores and irresponsible and everything else bad when it always - ALWAYS - involves a man to make an abortion?! Where in the fuck are all the men who are involved - why aren't they standing up and defending women's choices?!?
@19 It's really too bad that he's defunding Planned Parenthood, because all the jobs were in my vagina.
who woulda thunk Seattle blues honeyed words about the material good life and his vision of success would ring so hollow in his sorry rapey-ness apologetics?
Conservatives are never really pro-life. Opposition to planned parenthood really is about "screw you if you're poor." The devil is really christianity. Always has been.

I disagree with many things my taxes pay for. If we get to pick and choose, I don't see why womens' health care and abortions deserve de-funding when drone attacks and corporate subsidies don't.

When my sister moved to IN, I told her it sucks and it would make her children into Republicans. It does and it has.

We probably agree on more than we disagree with respect to federal spending. In these desperate fiscal times providing tax cuts or loopholes to anyone is nuts. The wealthy and middle classes will have to pay for the financial stability of this nation. Corporate tax rates will have to be increased, and loopholes eliminated. And no budget area should be exempt from examination, including defense.

But, if we ask the wealthy to sacrifice we must also ask the poor to do so. Government hand-outs enabling poverty should be examined with the same hawk eye defense budgets are. EITC and other cash transfers from one tax-payer who earns his living to another who won't should be eliminated. The practice of majorities voting themselves largesse at the public expense must stop if we're to regain financial viability.


I have absolutely no opposition to planned parenthood. In fact, I advise it. I only oppose Planned Parenthood as an arm of the government.


Then look it up for yourself. The highest numbers in a random google search, at least from website titles, was around 3%. The averages settled in the 1% and under range. Either way, the number is statistically insignificant for purposes of public policy.

And you might recall, we have laws on the books regarding rape. I assume you advised your acquaintance to find somewhere safe to live while she sorted out the legal issues around the alleged incest/rape she's undergone and to seek counselling, for instance. I assume you notified whatever law enforcement agency would have jurisdiction, and whatever Utah uses for CPS.


I'm not forcing anything on anyone. If a person chooses sex without protection, they also choose the possibility of a pregnancy or STD. Their choice, not mine.
@ SB.
As far as PP goes, A: We both know that actual "abortions" is a fractional cost of their total funding (an est. 3%) B: all these people that say it's less cost effective to ban abortions after 20 weeks are CORRECT! FED/State/local subsidies and programs spend 10 times as much on general care for a child from birth until the age of 18(i.e. WIC, Planned Parenthood, Food Stamps, state-funded healthcare, and ANY programs associated with low-income families.) than what an abortion would cost. C: You said that you don't feel it's right for women to get their "private medical treatment" on your tax dollars? Ok, then we should tell your parents/ grandparents/great aunts and uncles to go back out and get a job while in their 60's 70's and 80's because I don't feel it's fair that they get medicare on MY tax dollars. If they can't afford it after they retired, too bad they should have planned better.(doesn't sound right, or very fair, does it?) There is little difference between a 20 yr old college student that's too broke to get a pap smear anywhere else, and a 72 yr old retiree who is on medicare because any private insurance premiums would cost them over half their total monthly pension and Soc Sec benefits. So if you are for getting rid of PP, then you must be for scrapping Medicare for the same reasons.
And finally, your statement about paying taxes for public school even though your kids aren't in the "Brainwashed/self realized liberal" school district that you feel it's so unfair to pay for, I have one question, is that district the largest and most populous in the region? I bet it is. :) Fact: The most heavily populated areas have the highest crime, unemployment, and poverty rates. They also usually have the lowest average property tax rates per capita, which is the main source of funding for public education for the vast majority of the U.S. So let's see, you give the poorest schools with the most students/class size the least amount of funding, and wonder why those students are even more under-educated? Hint: it's NOT because they're liberals or "brainwashed:. Your kids have a good education, have THEM do the math and see if it makes any sense. I was lucky enough to have a public AND private grade school education. The difference isn't just the teachers, schools or even parent's political views. It's the funding....
Being a resident of the "Christain" State of Indiana, I see this as just another example of the religious right "forcing" their beliefs upon all of the residents of the state. Their opposition to abortion is totally based upon their "Christain" beliefs. And these people are more than willing to force these beliefs upon every Indiana citizen, even though this is in complete opposition to the separation clause of the constitution commonly cited by the Supreme Court in many decisions. Hopefully, this backward state will lose much federal funding as a result of Gov. D signing this bill. I have long ago resigned myself to the fact that many of the residents of this state are ignorant of the facts (whether purposely or innocently) and will continue to vote for the GOP regardless of their true intentions and the legality thereof.
@36: "Government hand-outs enabling poverty"
Which government programs do you think enable poverty, exactly?

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