
Good point on Brains. Too bad some of the republicans WITH brains are shitting the bed to get down to the level of their base as they enter the race.

Palin 2012. Abandon your brains!
sure it's all about his race:

Mladic commanded military forces that seized the town of Srebrenica and butchered an estimated 8,000 Muslim men and boys . . . Mladic is due to be extradited to The Hague, Netherlands, to face charges of genocide and crimes against humanity.Mladic faces life imprisonment if tried and convicted of genocide and other charges. The U.N. court has no death penalty. . . President Obama, traveling in France, said Mladic would "have to answer to his victims, and the world, in a court of law."…
Of course they do - projection plays a huge part in Conservative Movement politics. Replace "based solely on his blackness" with "based solely on his family connections" and what was demonstrably true about Shrub is exactly what they're trying to project on Obama. Whenever a conservative makes an accusation about someone you can put money on the fact that whoever they're trying to defend is doing exactly that.
court of law? wtf? why not shoot him in the face and hide his body in the ocean? after all he allegedly killed 3x as many as obl allegedly killed. this justice obama style is so confusing.
I liked it better when Joe Walsh said "My Mazerati does 185. I lost my license, now I don't drive."
joe walsh (who put out some great records back in the day) may be a racist, who knows, but he is right that obama sold himself as a liberal/progressive and as soon as elected stuck with robert el salvador slaughter gates as secdef. and the rest of his sorry right wing presidenting is summarized here:…
The Repubs have to believe this - If he was elected because he was black, there is something they can do about it. If he was elected because he was educated, articulate and talented, they are fucked.
don't forget thats also why they chose Sarah Palin, because they were hoping women voters would choose the next lady on the ballot.
every atom in my body is applauding. top. drawer.
Boring. However, it would be the soft bigotry of low expectations to let it pass unchallenged due to its boringness and stupidfacedness.
If you want an example of racism+sexism, please look to your own party (and here, by now, it's pretty obvious that SLOG is a Democrat front since it offers no contradictory opinions).

In 2008, Democrats knew the only way they could win was to lock in one of two groups -- women (Hillary) or African-Americans (Obama). Hillary...Obama...Hillary...Obama...

Yes, I know that's its hard for most of you to remember 3 years ago, but in the Democrat Primary it was pretty much a toss up between (a) an established party politician, an esteemed Senator, and a self proclaimed political maven with "35 years of foreign policy experience" and (b) a guy from Illinois who had the political qualifications of a Chicago Alderman.

Democrats went with the guy who would guarantee them 11.5 percent of the vote.
@ 9 - Seconded.

This is an awesome and astute post.
Umm, secretly? The Republicans on my FB friends list don't think this secretly, they say it openly. And I'm talking about college-educated 20-somethings who live in an big urban area. If that kind of thing were coming from my socially-isolated high school dropout racist grandma, it would be a lot less depressing...

That's like reverse racerism! Damn communists comin' ta take mah guns and party liquors!

How dare the dems choose a charismatic politician's politician (like the black vote would've been something other than democrat no matter who the democrat was--though turnout would've been smaller, and prop 8! Like that cinched it for obama, anyway) over a tired old insider in a farty pantsuit who blew her chance to run in 2004.
@10- What's boring? Who's practicing "soft bigotry of low expectations?"

Be fair- Most mainstream democrats would be appalled by the fringe lunacy of Slog. No. It isn't a front for that party.

Or is there a party for people who hate their own countries' politics, and culture? Is there one for those who view the majority of their fellow citizens with contempt? How about one for those who espouse an economic theory proven everywhere tried to be a dismal failure?

Wait, that IS the Democrat Party. They just pretend it isn't and use social programs to bribe voters to forget the superciliousness with which they view those voters. (Remember Kerry telling American soldiers they were too stupid to do anything else. Go Dems!)

Sorry, my mistake.
i would still have voted for him if he was white. the fact that he wasn't was icing on the take-that-stupid-crackers cake.
Obama's election shows only that he was the better choice.
And "white guilt" is nonsense. Everyone but the Republicans have gotten past skin color. And, yes, they do underestimate him, which I believe is a result of their racism. Obama has proven himself to be a great leader and has accomplished more in three years, including cleaning up the complete mess left to him by them, than all the Republicans since Eisenhower. And add to that his brilliant plan to bring bin Laden to justice and it is clear he is the kind of president we've needed for a long time.
@11: Speak for yourself. I voted for the candidate who was best able to clearly communicate liberal principals in a way that makes them sound like common sense.

That ability, in my mind, is the hallmark of a great liberal leader (Lincoln, FDR, JFK, Bill Clinton, Obama).
@11- The Democrats knew they could lock in one of two groups: Idiots who'd vote for anyone black or idiots who'd vote for anyone female. At the same time they'd lock out one of two group: Idiots who'd vote against anyone black or idiots who'd vote against anyone female.

To my mind, the second group was probably larger than the first. Obama won mostly because after eight years of Bush Americans were ready for a change of leadership. Sadly we went from inept and criminal leadership to ineffectual and absent leadership.

A charismatic empty suit is exactly what Obama is.

Let's review- Elected in Illinois, he immediately jettisons his responsibilities to run for higher office in that state. Elected to that office he uses it as a platform to run for Senate, again ignoring his constituency and duties to do so. Serving a ridiculously short time in the Senate, with one of the worst attendance records in history, he begins his run for the presidency. In fact, rather than take the stands he was elected to take he most often votes 'present' so that no-one can pin a position on him. When he bothered to show up at all.

This man has never once done a real job. He was an attorney for a few months. He is a professor at a college, which is perfect for a man who wishes to do no work if possible. He has no professional of life training for the office he holds, and his tenure there shows this with terrifying clarity.

He took the oath of office to uphold the Constitution after publicly calling that document fatally flawed, which tells a great deal about his integrity.
@23: What you said, only applied to Ronald Reagan.
@20- Neither Bill Clinton nor Obama are liberals. Bill Clinton signed the gods damned Welfare Reform Act Newt Gingrich wrote. A liberal would have vetoed that on principle.
The inability to see beyond skin color is the very definition of racism. It is almost a tautology to complain that a party which flirts constantly and not-so-subtly with a veritable smorgasbord of bigotries would be fixated on, and blind to anything beyond, the President's race.
@23- So you're saying you support slavery?
He's just an ordinary average guy, and life's been good to him so far.

/Rocky mountain way
Yeah, so I guess bush was a non-charismatic teratoma, then. Christ you're dumb, seattleblues. Bet you're a birther, too. "real job"? Oh, like drive truck or work on an assembly line, or push broom? Oy gevalt.

This is what's boring, dwightmoodyisadope:

Obama only got into columbia 'acause his skin color!

Obama only got into harvard law 'acause reverse racerism!

Obama only got to be prezdent 'acause he's black!

Obama only got a sammich with brie, turkey and cranberry sauce because of his skin color! It's a goddamn communist homersexual sammich!

Been done quite a bit, and the only people dumber than those who believe it are those who think it's worthwhile to waste time refuting.


Yep. Because Reagan hadn't served his term as governor before vying for other, that isn't the similarity.

Or because he refused to take stands before polling the public for what stand would be popular...nah, that isn't it either.

I know! It's because Reagan associated with those who hated his country, even marrying a woman with open hatred of her own nation, spoke his disdain for this great nation often as an educator or attorney...Nope, not it either.

Sorry, what was your point again?
@26: You (and so many others) are confusing liberalism with left wing orthodoxy.

Leftists aren't liberals, they're just a different stripe of reactionary conservative, every bit as paranoid, naive, dogmatic, and unelectable as the tea-partiers.
@11 If Democrats had chosen Obama as their candidate just to guarantee they'd get the African-American vote, the voting bloc which historically gives them 85-90% support anyway, then they would have made a horrible tactical blunder. African-Americans did vote at a slightly higher than normal rate in 2008, and slightly more than normal voted for the Democrat, but more than half of all African-Americans live in the South, so many of those were effectively 'wasted' votes given how the electoral college works. At best, they forced McCain to vigorously defend what should have been 'safe' states.

Obama won largely because he delivered 60% of the expanded youth vote (under 34) in key battleground states (FL, NC, OH, VA, PA).
"Or is there a party for people who hate their own countries' politics, and culture? Is there one for those who view the majority of their fellow citizens with contempt? How about one for those who espouse an economic theory proven everywhere tried to be a dismal failure?"

Yes, Dear. It's called the GOP. They discourage people from voting, they cheat on elections, and they are the masters of distortion.

They think we're all a bunch of idiots, and craft their messages to the lowest common denominator.

And they espouse an economic theory popularized by a B movie actor who was suffing from alhzeimers. Even that fink probably would have rejected it if he had had his wits about him. Then again, his Father-in-law was the one who turned him on to it, and he wouldn't want to go up against that dragon lady he married.

So yes, Seattleblah, there is a party that does all that. You are one of the naive ones they manipulate, by allowing you to project your personal flaws onto others, thus resolving you of any responsibility for your life: In the conservative mindset, they're always a victim, and it's always someone else's fault. That's why you like to make your stinks around here. It makes you feel all self-righteousy. And that's fine. After all, we liberals believe that If it feels good, you should do it. We support you engaging in your odd little kink.

Have a good Memorial Day Weekend, sweetness.

@31: Prior to that, Reagan was an actor! And a life guard!
To Seattleblues:

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›

Please point to the Constitutional support for slavery. While doing this remember, if you can, that once an Amendment becomes part of that document it alters original language.

In passing, Obama took his notions about the Constitution from Thurgood Marshall, more or less whole. Marshall, a stellar justice who saw his opinions as more relevant than the Constitution itself (for reference see John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Elena Kagen, and especially Sonia Sotomayor) believed oddly that the document he swore to uphold was fatally flawed. He said so on the remarkably appropriate occasion of the 200th anniversary of that document, as a sitting justice. To be fair Obama did no work in articulating this position, he merely stole it from someone else.

Further, the fact that our formative document allows an orderly process for changing it argues that the fatally flawed notion is, well, fatally flawed.
@32- And you seem to be defining Liberalism as being a Democrat.
... they believe that voters—especially black voters—will get confused if they're faced with more than one black guy on a ballot.

Hell, Republicans have already tried a similar obfuscation technique when they presented voters with Sarah Palin as a Veep choice, showing that they were just as ready to have a woman in power, especially as Hillary didn't get the nod as a Presidential candidate. You want a woman. We gotcha a woman so's you won't have to vote for that, uh, that man.
Republicans go around thinking that it is every minority's dream to vote for someone who is a member of their group, regardless of that person's views. Hence they were shocked that Steele did so poorly in his '06 Senate race against an old Jewish guy, who pulled 3/4 of the black vote. It's the same thing that compels them to nominate some sad old Republican queen against Nancy Pelosi every cycle.
Liberalism is neither being a democrat nor being a radical extremist multicultural relativist or nihilist who, inconsistently, blames white males and western culture for every problem conceivable--none of the crunchy mainstream views and causes ascribed to liberalism are what it means to be a liberal. There is no such thing as liberal politics in the united states, only right and center right.
@ 16, 23, 31 Today's quote for you:

While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Gargles in the rat race choir
Bent out of shape from society’s pliers
Cares not to come up any higher
But rather get you down in the hole
That he’s in

-B. Dylan

@37- If you can't see how the 3/5 compromise supports slavery, then I can't see how you can think of yourself as a thinking person.

If you can't see how the inclusion of a process for rectifying flaws doesn't acknowledge the existence of flaws, then you're just an idiot.

If you can't see how the Civil War was almost the death of our nation, then...

Well anyway, go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut.
"Or is there a party for people who hate their own countries' politics, and culture?"

Republican do hate immigration and the melting pot, as well as spicy food.

"Is there one for those who view the majority of their fellow citizens with contempt?"

Coming from the xenophobic right, that's a hoot.

"How about one for those who espouse an economic theory proven everywhere tried to be a dismal failure?"

You mean those Bush tax cuts which gave us the greatest crisis of our generation?

Republicans: Projecting their lemons into lemonade.
@43 - That's why I gave Seattleblues the double-fisted FU in my post @36.
You do realize that your "brilliant" guy thinks it's 2008 still, can't master the most basic elements of protocol (one NEVER uses notes to give a toast), and can't tell the difference between God Save The Queen and our national anthem, even when he's standing next to the Queen... Right?

Bush would have been rightly pilloried for being such a rapid fire gaff factory.

If, in Walsh’s statement, you replaced “Obama” with “Bush”, and “black” with “privileged son of a former US President” you would have the Democrat talking points on Bush. With Clinton it was “charm”.

If we assessed our past presidents qualifiactions based on the criticism of their opposition they would all be incompetent and all be elected because they were wealthy, privileged, charming, folksy or black. Fact is, all of these men have been more competent than their opposition gives them credit for and more the beneficiaries of their wealth, privilege, charm, folksyness and blackness than their supporters will admit.

And remember:

Everyone's a little bit racist
Doesn't mean we go
Around committing hate crimes.
Look around and you will find
No one's really color blind.
Maybe it's a fact
We all should face
Everyone makes judgments
Based on race.
@38: No, liberalism is about about promoting civil rights, advocating for the common good, taking a pragmatic and empirical approach to policy making, and being open to evidence that doesn't support your pet theories. It's a concept that predates our political parties.
@38: Also FWIW: the welfare reform act poured tons of money into job training.
@48- While removing a cubic tons from helping people in need.

@47- Civil Rights, yep. Pragmatic and empirical approach? Yes to the second but the first is just an excuse to be a weasel. "Open to evidence...." that's empiricism so yes.

So we disagree on "pragmatism" because "pragmatism" is a the code word Clinton came up with to completely remove any sort of values from his policy making. "Pragmatism" is doing anything to get elected and then doing the least possible for the people who elected you so that you might get elected again but will never be short on campaign donations, consulting jobs, and speaking engagements.
In 2008, Clinton v. McCain = McCain victory.

Progress has its own logic.  As we all know, the sequence is: first Sisko, then Janeway.

You've been spending the past three years accusing Obama of everything Bush was guilty of, including not being able to give a speech without a teleprompter when Obama has given MANY speeches by memory, and NOW you're pretending to be reasonable and balanced?

You are a fucking moronic troll. Go back under your bridge.
So Seattleblues, gonna come to Slog Happy on the 7th? I'd love to see you....

Lincoln was a Republican.
@53: Yes, a liberal Republican. See my comment @47 about liberalism predating our political parties.
@47 Lol, and you call leftists naive. You also forgot amoralism. So-called liberals have a great stake in amoralism because it helps justify their tribal fealty to their own band of criminals while they can still go on, without a second thought, denouncing the crimes of the other party.
@49: What you are describing sounds more like opportunism than pragmatism.

In my view, the pragmatic liberal always has his/her sights on the principles of civil liberties and the common good, and is always seeking the most effective method to move towards those goals, even if that method entails short-term compromise or goes against left/right-wing orthodoxy.
Joe Walsh? The "I'm so stoned I forgot the lyrics to Turn to Stone" Joe Walsh? Figures he's a Republican now, he cremated every brain cell he was born with years ago.
@57: Not the same Joe Walsh, despite the jokes here. The 70's rock star Joe Walsh continues to be awesome, even if his memory fails him from time to time.
Fuck you cunt.
So Obama was elected because he was black? I guess that explains why Shirley Chisolm and Jesse Jackson were elected president, too!
They were too black (and not "articulate" enough).
Um, to me it seems like he was elected in spite of being black.

Next they'll be saying he got elected because his middle name is Hussein.
@59: Wow. Captain of the debate team were ya?
Does anyone really, honestly think that George Bush Junior would win a debate against Barack Obama?

I'm by no means a fan of Obama, but it's hard not to have some sympathy with him due to the fact that the most common accusations against him are so patently false.
People love him because of the fine qualities you mentioned - articulate, level-headed, personable. As a lifelong Democrat, I was waiting for someone like him to come along. Think of the candidates since John Kennedy who could generate such excitement. They all seemed to act as though just by them being willing to run that would compel people to vote for them. Clinton? Didn't care for him - he was fake. Al Gore should have become President and he would have been great, but bad things happened instead. He is a very intelligent, articulate, level-headed person as well, just missed on the charisma.
Remember, our chief argument against Bush was that he was an "empty suit propped up by the party". You can't claim the Republicans are both crafty manipulators and complete morons, because then you'd be underestimating them, just like you claim they're underestimating Obama.
@17: He's not a Neocon, he's a Neoliberal: same economic policies, but no Jesus in the social policies. It bothers me to no end that Neoliberals have taken over the Dems, probably due to Clinton's popularity, when they really should be the right-wing party, the Republicans should have collapsed under the weight of their reactionary racism/homophobia/Christian theocracy bullshit, and the Left-wing party should be socialist (for realzies). This love affair with a clearly flawed and generally abusive capitalist system that we've been having since industrialization really needs to stop, especially since at this point it's driving processes that are literally making the planet less habitable for humans. Deregulation, privatization, and free trade are trashing our environs, and the right of women to control the reproductive functioning of their bodies when the planet is already seriously overpopulated or of gay people to have relationships and families are major political issues? There is something seriously wrong with this picture. Too many of the powers-that-be don't seem to care about the long-term impacts of their policies (perhaps because they'll be dead by the time the effects really matter to people in positions like theirs, and they're sociopaths who couldn't care less about anyone else) and too many voters care about public policy dictates from writings hundreds to thousands of years old that have zero relevance to contemporary society.
A castrated Democrat is as good as a Republican- if you get my drift.

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