
HAHA I work like a block from there and have been tempted to take a picture of that so many times.
I had a friend in Boston who had to hang up "No mujers aqui." sign on his apartment door. Evidently it had been a popular Spanish language brothel before he moved in.
@2, I would go to a language brothel in a heartbeat. In exchange for money someone sits and speaks to me extemporaneously about, oh, any old thing, using various complex sentence structures. Heaven! "They say of the Acropolis, where the Parthenon is..."…
@3: "Dicen del Acrópolis, donde se ubica el Partenón...".
"...que no hay líneas rectas." Well done, TVDinner!
Well, he'd have done more of a service to the neighborhood if he'd put up a nice map to and address of the meth den's new location, like other retail outlets do. I mean, what's a poor tweaker supposed to do?
Goddammit! People learn what a fuckin' homophone is. It's here not hear goddammit!

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