
Given the sophistication of photo editing software these days, what does "photographic evidence" even mean anymore?
You mean like how people keep trying to tie Tea Party supporters with Republicans, or how they try to tie fundies with Republicans ....

But seriously, anyone that the Black Panthers support, I will NEVER support, period.
That's easy, Paul. The Republicans will make a half-hearted attempt at health care reform sound like a government takeover of yer innards. It's worked before.
The old Black Panthers were good people. I do support the historical Black Panther Party.

The New Black Panther Party, however, are not at all the same as the historical BPP. The NBP Party is something very different, and not worth defending.

That said, the Tea Party declares itself to be party of the GOP. And the GOP openly embraces the Tea Party. Every single Tea Party candidate and incumbent describes her/himself as a Republican.

The same cannot be said of the NBPP. They do not describe themselves as Democrats, and the Democratic Party does not embrace the NBPP. No Democratic candidate or incumbent describes himself as a member of the NBPP.

Further, it would make no logical sense for Obama to associate with such an organization. The NBPP is small, tiny even, in it's membership and base of support. What significant contribution could they possibly make? It would have cost Obama alot more votes than he would have gained by associating with them.

Obama is a politician and like any other politician is going to follow the votes. The votes simply aren't in the NBPP, and I can see no rationale for him to consider associating with them. Therefore, i find this claim dubious.
Maybe someone can tie the right to the Koch Brothers who illegally sell weapons to Iran (making them treasonous in my book). The left and liberals need to get dirty.
@5, well played.

The problem with politics today is the Baby Boom generation's inability to let go of its youth. Both major parties seem to be stuck somewhere between 1967 and 1972. Every political scandal has the suffix -gate attached to it, even the ones that had nothing to do with the Watergate Hotel. Even though Obama was still an infant when the 1960's took place, they try to smear him by associating him with the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers. The attempt to impeach Clinton was revenge for Nixon. And almost the entire Bush Cabinet was recycled from the Nixon-Ford era. Except Henry Kissinger, who was so repulsive even Bush couldn't stand the smell of him.

I love my older friends and family, and will surely miss them when they are gone. Sometimes I do wonder if they intend to keep us as children forever-never handing over the levers of power to the newer generations, always feeding us movies that are regurgitations of sit-coms they grew up watching, insisting that every social movement or sub-population is a remake of the social phemonea of the 60's and 70's.

To the Baby Boom Generation: Please let us grow up. You've had your turn. It's our turn now.
If only...
@2 Yeah, because there isn't a self-identified Tea Party caucus among Republicans in congress, right?
@7 Actually, there are a lot of everything, there are Tea Party people who support Democrats to (I know, shocking), as well as a lot of Republican supporters who don't like the Tea Party protests at all. Not to mention many non-fundy types supporting the Republicans, and many fundies supporting Democrats. The problem is, all media is opinion now, all of it. If you base your facts on the reporter's opinions, that explains why each new administration is getting worse.
@12: " there are Tea Party people who support Democrats"

Oh bullshit, you're talking about Blue Dogs, not liberals.
@14: "that is completely meaningless because there are some Democrat voters who support the Tea Party"

Right, it's all equivocation. There's not so much a "crossover", such as they hold the Thurmond-Dixiecrat identity (and possible registration) while still voting Republican.

They're artifacts and conventional Republicans, not a "new force to be reckoned with". It's the same old GOP.
By 2016, new voters will need to have been born on or before November 8, 1998. It will have been over 15 years since 9/11. Let that sink in for a second.That's right.
I'm sure this is pretty much the last time a Black Panther-related "scandal" will diarrhea its way across the interwebs.
This looks shopped. I can tell by some of the pixels, and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.
^^^ Touché!
Unfortunately this silly garbage WILL help the Republicans. All silly garbage helps the Republicans.

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