
Lift your sights and be glad!
A year after Republicans swept legislatures across the country, voters in Ohio delivered their verdict on a centerpiece of the conservative legislative agenda, striking down a law that restricted public workers’ rights to bargain collectively.…
@1 I can't wait to see how the Right spins this tomorrow.
Is Washington Bus ever not completely fucking sexy?
CNN is reporting that the initiative in Mississippi to define a fertilized embryo as a person is losing 60-40. Common sense prevails even in the deep south.
Extra glad I voted for Bobby.
@4: good news indeed. Thanks.
And the personhood initiative in Mississippi has been declared officially lost. Hell yes.
FIrst blush does not look to good for Eyman but better for free booze.
The car tabs Prop 1's getting ka-reamed. 60-40 thumbs down so far.
I do feel sorry for Forch. With the help of a better consultant he has to eventually pick an opponent he can beat. Speaking of the other John Wyble client, poor Meacham - it looked so good for him once, but so briefly.
Yeah, here in Ohio we may be supporting the rights of workers, but we're not in favor of being a part of the Affordable Health Care Act. We're fraked up...of I should say "they" are fraked up....I still vote in WA. Stupid WA! What do you think you're doing!?! It's Tim Eyman!!!!!!
good early returns for progressives nationwide so far, let's hope it holds and builds for the next 12 months.
Poor Goldy. Forced to buy liquor at the supermarket, forced to boycott Costco, and surrounded by complete idiots who don't get it and are also pretending not to get it. Poor kid, rough day.
Hooray, Jean Godden! Hooray, death of Eyman! Hooray, privatized booze! Hooray education levy! What a great night.
John Fox is Seattle's Tim Eyman.
P.S. Thanks for going to the parties so I could hole up with a terrible book. I have to say it's an unwelcome development that Stranger writers seem to get so aggrieved at being treated badly by campaigns of one kind or another - back in the day you guys used to revel in it, not get butthurt.

Ah well. Everyone gets older, I guess.
If Michelle Buetow loses, it's all your fault, you fucking ninnies!
can we get an initiative on the ballot that banishes tim eyman from the state? maybe a rider that guarantees him a solid dickpunch from a state trooper when they toss him across the line into idaho?
Good on Brendan for acknowledging the unnecessary cruelty from the SECB's anonymous Diller correspondent.
Where is our local Nate Silver who can analyze which counties the I-1125 results are coming from and project the outcome accordingly? Can you tell I'm not good with uncertainty?

You know, the only good Eyman initiative is a dead Eyman initiative.
Now I will go back to pouting about how Seattle wasn't willing to pony up for transportation services to bus me to Costco for a cheap bottle of generic liquor.
Good on Tacoma.

In fact, if they didn't put $18 million in this for street cars there'd be more for bikes. We'd have more for bikes and repairing our bridges and potholes if we weren't putting 18 million into Paul Allen's streetcar.

Dude is right, dude is right. SLUT is a disaster.
King County, you suck. Only 25% turnout??

And how the hell does Garfield have only 1500 registered voters but gets 61%??…

Can you imagine the damage we would do to things like I-1125 if King got that turnout?
@24 The reason is that today is only the first day of counting and it is easier to count a few hundred ballots than a few hundred thousand. In a few days KC will be over 50% most likely.
@25 some nights I wish we had mandatory voting like Australia, for all the good and bad that would entail.
fuck costco
@ 25, I am someone who votes in every election but disagree strongly with mandatory voting, it seems so contradictory to Democracy.
Bottom line: it's all about The Stranger, eh?
Alex Fryer= total babe.
"high capacity transit system to bring us into the 20th Century"

Yep, Seattle. Keep just might make it the 20th Century that is.
Dearest Goldy,

J-bro to J-bro, you're starting to outjew Woody Allen, give it a rest with the whine.

Yours in the death of state run booze,

@15: John Fox isn't nefarious like Eyman; he's just Seattle's dumbest "activist," which can be equally destructive.
Wait, did the Stranger just "squeee" Cliff Mass?
Who is the tiny dark think to the left of the mayor and can he be rented?
"SECB has fallen for Dian Ferguson, hard. We're going to need a new mayor in a couple years, aren't we?"

That reminds me - you did see Burgess's 80% tonight, right? Eighty.per.cent. It's not that everyone likes him, it's just that so many of the people who bother to vote seem to.
@1: Here's some more rather stunning returns from Ohio (Cincinnati).

"Voters ousted four incumbent Republicans from Cincinnati City Council, choosing instead seven Democrats, a majority of African-Americans, the first openly gay candidate and enough support to move forward with the streetcar project."

Good times.
"No pseudo-celebrities" = None of my friends showed up so I had to stand awkwardly in the corner.

The situation in Seattle was different. The $60 car tab fee was a) regressive, applying to all cars equally; b) skimped on money going to actually repair roads; c) Spent not a penny on the city's decaying bridges, and d) proposed to shell out $18 million on the folly of trolleys.

It was the brainchild of an insular echo chamber of liberal authoritarians in the Emerald City who purport to do what they judge is best for all of us.

The players include Mayor McGinn, Councilman Mike O'Brien, the Sierra Club-Cascade Chapter, Cascade Bicycle Club, Transportation Choices Coalition, and an insufferable, self-important local political web site.

"The people of Seattle are telling us . . .," a car tab architect kept saying during an exchange on KUOW Radio (before I was banished for defending purged weather expert Cliff Mass). The fellow, Craig Benjamin, was eloquent and sincere -- but it was clear his panel listened only to a select few. Heck, McGinn and O'Brien wanted an $80 car tab fee.

Just wondering what does Trader Joe's get out of putting some money into the passage of the booze. Their stores are not the big super mega mall size that costco is so am I missing something?

Too bad the state keep their stores open for late night/holiday business when Costco is obviously closed.
I actually started the night at Dian Ferguson's party, but nobody had shown up that I recognized, so I went on to the Prop 1 party instead.
@41: 10,000 square feet (the size required by the initiative) isn't nearly as big as you think it is. According to Wikipedia, most TJ stores "average between 8,000 and 12,000 sq ft."
#30 - Indeed!
Not directed towards anyone, in particular; more of a general observation about the 1183 opponents after the results have been released:

Curious as to why, when voters choose the result you want, it's "common sense" or "a triumph of democracy", but when you disagree with the result, it's "corporate election rigging" and "the perpetuation of the oligarchy".

I voted for 1183 because, the overall sentiment is common sense, not because CostCo told me to. I, and many others, thought state-run liquor stores were stupid before CostCo even raised the issue.

The initiative isn't perfect, but we can fix that. Want smaller liquor stores? Me let's all work together and fix it in the legislature. At least the door is open now.
Not directed towards anyone, in particular; more of a general observation about the 1183 opponents after the results have been released:

Curious as to why, when voters choose the result you want, it's "common sense" or "a triumph of democracy", but when you disagree with the result, it's "corporate election rigging" and "the perpetuation of the oligarchy".

I voted for 1183 because, the overall sentiment is common sense, not because CostCo told me to. I, and many others, thought state-run liquor stores were stupid before CostCo even raised the issue.

The initiative isn't perfect, but we can fix that. Want smaller liquor stores? Me let's all work together and fix it in the legislature. At least the door is open now.
Congrats, Stranger, on your sexist coverage of Buetow's campaign and on your fucked-up endorsement of HMM. I don't know how that kind of thing flies in this day and age (mocking her for her attractiveness/style) but it certainly made y'all look smart, didn't it? I first met her at a candidate's forum for the special-ed PTSA and she was the only one up there who had specific and thoughtful proposals for the mess that my special-needs child finds herself in at Seattle Public Schools. Good work.
With I-1183 passing, what about I-502? If there are no longer state liquor stores then does that mean Costco would be able to sell pot? Would ANY grocery store large enough carry it?
Yes, I-502 mandates that Costco sell "Kirkland" brand pot in hay bale size quantities.
And a hearty FUCK YOU to Tim Eyman.

Love it when rich folks like Kemper Freeman, the Koch brothers and Meg Whitman spend a shitload of money to influence elections system and still lose out.

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