
I'm a mom. I've had miscarriages before. Any peaceful protest I went I made sure my child was safe! Because any peaceful peotest can get ugly because of one dumb person
@ Eleven, comment 36
Thanks for noticing about the movie. You're the only person to point this out. If people aren't aware of what's called "Predictive Programming," they should be.
#101 actually there are plenty of free clinics for homeless mothers and pregnant woman in seattle. the city where i leave. so shove off.
"I am very sorry for her loss."

Why? It's just a subhuman lump of cells, after all
Condolences to the cops who go overboard with the pepper spray.
Guy with the really stupid name...You have no comparable interest, stupid prick!

What does your story have to do with what the article is reporting on?
@74, @76, @Whoever Else Commented Rudely.
I know her personally. She was indeed pregnant, and now is not.

In addition, she went to the hospital the night she was pepper sprayed and so if there is any documentation about whether she was kicked, sprayed, etc. it is in her medical records. Those will come out eventually, whether in the media or in court (if it goes that route).
Wow. Just what the country needs: a teenaged, homeless, idiotic soon to be mother who is having a baby BECAUSE her family agreed to help her take care of it. Wonderful. These are the types of people who are serious drains on society. Scum.
Is she really "ready for a baby" if she is homeless and actively taking part in protests? Really?

My story was a response to #74: "19 year old homeless girl? Yeah, I'll take my grain of salt now thank you very much."

Because using baseless demographic stereotypes to call someone's credibility into question detracts from the discussion. It's also nasty, ignorant, and uncalled for.

Thanks for asking.
Publicus, you're not helping the movement with your rhetoric -- I agree with the poster immediately below you (calling themselves "lies hurt the movement"). This is not a case of disrespecting mothers, or young women who are pregnant, or poor people; the "priest" was not a priest but someone who put on his minister's robes and went down there voluntarily, not on "official duty"; the cops are being stupid, as usual, and not supervised very well, as usual, but they're not trying to execute anyone. Lies do indeed hurt the movement, and I hope this young woman either has actual medical evidence to back up her claims, or stops talking about it. Very premature fetuses don't wait three whole days to abort after a physical/chemical insult, and the HV doc indeed wouldn't have said what she claims.
This is exactly how it happened in the movie 'Battle of Seattle' - so.... excuse me while I doubt her credibility. No Mother in her right mind puts her baby in harms' way and that includes hauling her pregnant ass to a protest where common sense will tell you things can turn ugly in a pinch.
A blow to the abdomen will not cause a miscarriage. That is an old husband's tale. It only happens on TV.
FYI, it's the 3rd picture of her you want to reference, where she's being carried to an ambulance.
And all those who say "She shouldn't have been there", that's an ignorant statement. If it were your wife and child, your sister, your daughter, you'd be sick with rage. A policeman should NEVER of hit and abused a woman.
#116 tell that to my sister. that's how she lost her baby and she was barely in her second trimester.
This is sick. This is really sick. A woman has a right to peacefully protest, has the sense to try and leave the scene when the police show up with unreasonable force, and somehow it's her fault for placing herself in harm's way and losing a child.

Because you protest it's okay if someone kills your child.

The police should not have been using such extraneous force. A protest is protected under Constitutional rights and regardless if the city holds illogically opposite views, they shouldn't be allowed to order their forces around from their offices and the police shouldn't powertrip and get so damn overbearing, dominating and sadistic in their means. One would hope the individual policemen valued freedoms over a job and could empathize, but I guess that's just tribute to how wrong things have developed. The blame is in no way on this poor woman but the police and city who demanded they do such a hideous thing.

The city and force should pay dearly for this, and even if they do, they will never make up for the loss nor the guilt that they've created. They took a life. I pity the men who have to live with knowing that. My dearest condolences to this poor young woman and my hopes that the people who are blaming her and sympathizing with an entire /city council/ over a /lawsuit/ like that's equivalent to the loss of a child-- my hopes that they get a clue.
@Kinison, who wrote, "Why would a pregnant women take part in a protest that she knew could risk the health of the child? Sounds like a lawsuit the city will have to deal with, assuming the autopsy proves she lost it due to the pepper spray."

Wow--talk about blaming the victim! I really don't think that is the point. Nobody goes to a peaceful protest thinking they are going to be injured by the police. Only in this day and age of Fascist, military police! They didn't need to keep coming at her when she kept telling them she was pregnant. I will guarantee these policemen are, also, "pro-life!"
This is sick. This is really sick. A woman has a right to peacefully protest, has the sense to try and leave the scene when the police show up with unreasonable force, and somehow it's her fault for placing herself in harm's way and losing a child.

Because you protest it's okay if someone kills your child.

The police should not have been using such extraneous force. A protest is protected under Constitutional rights and regardless if the city holds illogically opposite views, they shouldn't be allowed to order their forces around from their offices and the police shouldn't powertrip and get so damn overbearing, dominating and sadistic in their means. One would hope the individual policemen valued freedoms over a job and could empathize, but I guess that's just tribute to how wrong things have developed. The blame is in no way on this poor woman but the police and city who demanded they do such a hideous thing.

The city and force should pay dearly for this, and even if they do, they will never make up for the loss nor the guilt that they've created. They took a life. I pity the men who have to live with knowing that. My dearest condolences to this poor young woman and my hopes that the people who are blaming her and sympathizing with an entire /city council/ over a /lawsuit/ like that's equivalent to the loss of a child-- my hopes that they get a clue.

Pepper spray is not to be used on pregnant women.
Way to go to the people that think that are questioning the credibility of the article like that somehow makes it alright that the police were using unreasonable brutality as their methods. Way. To. Go.

Pregnant women should not be pepper sprayed.... period
WOW. Ok. NBC vet here. you know what that means? nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. let me tell you something. pepper spray is largely made from chilli peppers, and the active ingredient in them is capsaicin. capsaicin, in large amounts, has proven lethal many times. it has also caused miscarriages in women. just google the damn thing and i'm sure you'll get entries.

don't be assumptive and ignorant about something you don't know.
I have th entire incident on video from within the crowd at IowaBoyDave on Youtube. I was standing to the right of where Fox was and panning my camera as the police moved in, forcing the crowd to the sidewalk. Many people got trapped in the crowd because of how rapidly and forcefully the SPD moved in. And then all at once (mostly) there were four vollies of chemical weapons being sprayed over the entire crowd, protesters and the pedestrians who were trapped. This lasted for 5 seconds and then all at once the officers began spraying directly into the point blank range with highly charged canisters of chemical weapon. And then a few seconds later, as teh pepper was still flying, th epolice began bashing their bicycles into the people on the sidewalk...and then came more chemical weapon attacks. I have the name and badge number on High Def DV of every SPD officer who was involved directly and indirectly with the attack on citizens. I have the aftermath of the chemical attack, including gthe person who I believe is Ms. Fox. I have footage of the legal observer lying on the ground being assisted by Occupy medics. I have a very small sampling of this footage at my IowaBoyDave youtube site. I need an attorney.
It doesn't matter whether she should have been pregnant at 19. She was. It doesn't matter whether or not she was homeless or why. She just was. It doesn't matter why she went to protest or why she's chosen to stay with Occupy at SCCC. She is, and there's nothing anyone can do about it unless they give a whole lot more of a fuck than they say.


What matters is she was attacked during a peaceful protest by police officers. What matters is she was assaulted. What matters is she was pregnant before the assault, and now is not. What matters is that her doctor has confirmed this, and has told her the miscarriage is likely due to the abuse she suffered at the hands of the SPD.

There is nothing else to take from this story other than that the police used excessive force in violation of our right to peacefully assemble and speak freely. The SPD are very likely responsible for the loss of this child, which amounts in the eyes of many to murder. Some won't see it as a death unless the child was born, but to this mother, that three month old fetus had a name. And we will respect that loss.

This child is the first casualty we know of as a result of the police brutality against OWS. It's a little different when people are dying way over there in Egypt as police use violence to attempt quell their protests, but when it happens over here under the dear old red white and blue, well, that's a little close to home. Nobody wants to believe it's possible an authority we are supposed to trust is responsible-- or even capable-- of something as heinous as pepper spraying a pregnant, peaceful protester. But it happened. Look at it. And if you can look Ms. Fox in the face and tell her she deserved it then you are a product of the corruption we will change here in America.
I see that there has been another sexual assault (at least attempted) this time at the SCCC camp. Great environment for a naive, pregnant, homeless teenager. I'll make the blanket statement that anyplace where homeless lunatics and junkies roam unchecked is a terrible place for anyone.
#126 i saw your video! that was insane.
Iowa Boy Dave: I can put you in touch with Occupy Seattle Legal and Media. :D
#128, I mean no disrespect, but why don't you park your ass on 1st and Pike for three months with nothing but the clothes on your back and see how you feel about the situation then. It's a great environment for naive, self-indulgent pricks to get a taste of the real world. Maybe then you'll see how great the camp at SCCC really is after a few weeks of sleeping on the streets alone.
"Fox asked for medical attention—the now-famous photo by Josh Trujillo of her being carried to the ambulance is here (click to the second photo)..."

Actually 3 of 13.…
I'm kind of surprised (yet not really) that so many people here are claiming that the police murdered a child.

This was a fetus in its first trimester. If the cops are murderers, then so is every woman who has chosen to have an abortion.

I'll add that as someone who has two children and has also experienced one first trimester miscarriage, there is simply no comparison between a miscarriage and the utter devastation that would come with the loss of a child.
I have this entirre incident on high-def video. A portion of it can be seen at my IowaBoyDave YouTube site. I was in position to the right of the main crowd facing the police. At once the police forced the crowd to the sidewalk very forcefully, trapping many ordinary pedestrians and protesters alike. Basically at once, as if on command, four Seattle Police Officers began firing chemical weapon to the BACK of th crowd, hitting everyone, including pedestrians. They held if for a few seconds befor elowering the highly charged spray at people in the front, completely enveloping them. As chemical weapon was still being fired and all at once, th ebicycle cops began bashing the protesters with their bicycles, literall hitting them with their bicycles...and then the chemical attack started again and continued for several minutes. I have this all on video. I also have the aftermath, including video of the person I believe is Ms. Fox, screaming as medics attempt to keep her from rubbing her eyes, and pouring the hommade chemical antidote of Maalox and bottled water into her eyes. I also have video of one of the Occupy legal observes on teh ground suffering from the chemical attack. I have it all. This shit is over. I need an attorney.
@131 that's ok. I have a job and I stay sober so I can keep it. That's about as real as I like it. Glad to to know you welcome any and all types of homeless human garbage so they can assault your deluded revolutionaries.
After seeing the photo of Fox...I have a long video of her screaming. It includes her boyfriend carrying her to safety. It'll be edited and posted at IowaBoyDave on youtube soon.
Nobody, pregnant or not, should expect to be assaulted heavily enough to injure their fetus, just for demonstrating. It is the responsibility of the police to handle matters like arresting pregnant women safely and responsibly, especially if she attempted to warn them she was pregnant and was not actively resisting arrest. And I am more than a little suspicious of the motives of anyone who so much as implies she was getting what was coming to her. She was doing NOTHING deserving of such a fate, whether her behavior was strictly legal or illegal.

It scares the hell out of me that anybody could actually see this as somehow the victim's fault, as if people who were violating the law did and should lose all their basic human rights and dignities -- even if they're committing the crime in DEFENSE of those rights and dignities. That's Orwellian, un-American, and damn creepy to see coming out of the mouths of other people.
This story reeks of bullshit.
it's extremely easy to miscarry - my friend fell down literally just 6 steps, slipped ever so slightly and miscarried - either way, she was obviously trying to get out of the craziness, it's not her fault that the police acted inappropriately using excessive force

just because someone walks down a dangerous part of the neighborhood doesn't mean they deserve to be raped or robbed - people do it everyday - there were a lot of people at wall st. who were not part of the march who got hurt - this is completely the cops fault because they shouldn't have been using force on peaceful protesters.
I don't understand any of these replies saying she shouldn't have been to the protest. That's absolutely ridiculous. These protesters are NOT being the violent ones, the cops are, so there's your risk: a risk that SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HAPPENING. All of my sympathies go to this woman and her family.

Interesting that Slog selectively left this out of OS coverage.

No sense in letting public safety and real news get in the way of a political purity campaign:…
"Just what the country needs: a teenaged, homeless, idiotic soon to be mother who is having a baby BECAUSE her family agreed to help her take care of it. Wonderful."

Yup. Apparently the same family that's taking care of her
#141 Note how it says they don't even know of the suspect is part of Occupy. I highly doubt he is. So if a rape happens in your hometown, does that make you and all the people in that town responsible?
Would it be ok if I kicked the crap out of your pregnant sister and sprayed her with pepper spray?
Who would argue it wasent her own fault cuz she was protesting getting my dinner. I'm stocking up on pepper spray cuz I can't get in trubble for assault. Woo hoo what a riot! Zip ties and all. Burn your eyes out. Think I'll combine water boarding with pepper spray. It's ok if your sister stops breathing cuz I know CPR. Were cool right? All leagle?
Tragic and so unnecessary.
I got to know Jennifer while camping at Occupy Seattle. She is always positive and cheerful and she makes everyone she comes in contact with feel good just with her radiant presence. Tirelessly energetic and outgoing she was the driving force that got Occupy Seattle's kitchen organized, up and running. I remember she sat up and waved to us as they were about to load her gurney into the ambulance last Thursday night, after being pepper sprayed.
wow! record comments? I just want to express myself via a quote on my facebook page:

From a friend that I will call Devin: "pretty savage. and people who think she was taking a risk by going to protest should ponder the fact that protesting is now apparently an acknowledged risk to your health."
The point is: what the f*** is wrong with these cops kicking an unarmed girl in the stomach and hitting her with pepper spray at a peaceful protest? Why should it be risky and dangerous to exercise your Rights to Free Speech and Peaceful Assembly? The Mayor and the Chief of Police should be fired, and the cops who did this should be jailed if this story is accurate.
Wait a minute... Why is everyone saying she shouldn't have been protesting if she was pregnant? She should not have been brutalized for peaceably protesting. Why should it be dangerous to peaceably protest?
Looks like a baby mama's shake down of Seattle city taxpayers. Enjoy.
Mostly all of you are pieces of shit.
pregnant women have the same goddamn rights as the rest of us. PERIOD!

c'mon! where are your brains, people? you are zombies looking for public brains to eat. focus on the's not the people. my god. i am so ashamed of people who are like, "oh man. wtf was she thinking?" It is goddamn america! AMERICA! remember us? the freedom people? the people with actual rights? supposedly.

don't call yourself an american if you can't stand up for your partners, people and fellow citizens.

@124: thanks for the link about the use of pepper spray from NYPD. On page 5 the document says: "The Patrol Guide prohibits the use of pepper spray against subjects who passively resist
(e.g., going limp, offering no active physical resistance). It further cautions that if possible,
pepper spray should not be used against persons who appear to be in frail health, young children, women believed to be pregnant, or persons with known respiratory conditions." I wonder if the manual for SPD read the same.

Also, for all you trolls claiming there's no way to know if pepper spray caused the miscarriage, bear in mind that experiments on pregnant women likely have not been done. The fact that the effects are unknown make it unsafe to use. However, one common brand (page 4 of the document in #124's link) of pepper spray: features a 10% solution of oleoresin capsicum, carried in a solution principally composed of water, antifreeze, and denatured alcohol." Wait a minute. Antifreeze. That stuff is toxic. Now imagine it's been aerosolized and shot into the lungs of a pregnant woman. The levels of antifreeze are probably not toxic to healthy adults, but it doesn't take much imagination to realize what it will probably do to a fetus.
@124: thanks for the link about the use of pepper spray from NYPD. On page 5 the document says: "The Patrol Guide prohibits the use of pepper spray against subjects who passively resist
(e.g., going limp, offering no active physical resistance). It further cautions that if possible,
pepper spray should not be used against persons who appear to be in frail health, young children, women believed to be pregnant, or persons with known respiratory conditions." I wonder if the manual for SPD read the same.

Also, for all you trolls claiming there's no way to know if pepper spray caused the miscarriage, bear in mind that experiments on pregnant women likely have not been done. The fact that the effects are unknown make it unsafe to use. However, one common brand (page 4 of the document in #124's link) of pepper spray: features a 10% solution of oleoresin capsicum, carried in a solution principally composed of water, antifreeze, and denatured alcohol." Wait a minute. Antifreeze. That stuff is toxic. Now imagine it's been aerosolized and shot into the lungs of a pregnant woman. The levels of antifreeze are probably not toxic to healthy adults, but it doesn't take much imagination to realize what it will probably do to a fetus.
Wait a minute.. Some of you are saying she shouldn't be protesting if she was pregnant? Shouldn't it be safe to peaceably protest? This is America, right? Why should you expect violence while protesting?
I will try my hardest to make this fair, and I do realize it probably wont be because everyone leans to one side it it will become quite apparent which side it is, but i will try. Before anybody gets aggressive or thinks I'm a fascist, a dick, or destined am for hell please read this thoroughly and then try to have an actually discussion and not insults.

First off everybody saying she was participating in a peaceful protest, have you ever heard of a protest that planned to be violent no because that's not a protest anymore, secondly protests have been proven to be dangerous there is always some dumbass whether they are police or a protester that screws everything up for the people who are there to protest peacefully. Now to address the statement where Ms. Fox claims that she yelled "I'm pregnant I'm pregnant I'm trying to get out" I don't know if that is a correct quotation,but nonetheless i highly doubt any police officer thought i should kick this woman in the stomach and then pepper spray her because she is pregnant. Now before you get angry I'm no doctor so I'm not gonna argue the miscarriage may have been caused by the supposed beating and mace if you will. Let the people who obviously have M.D.s discuss this, yes I'm talking to you on both sides of the argument. To claim that people are blaming the victims is just sad honestly, nobody who commented here that isn't an obvious troll (ex. somebody who likes to see people get mad, not complete definition but works for this discussion) claims that the woman is at fault she didn't know she was going to be beaten, they are just questioning whether it was the best decision to go to place notorious for becoming violent as a pregnant women. YES she has the right to go, YES she can want a better world for her child, YES she can... fill in the blank with whatever you may say its still dangerous at protests and everybody knows this its not secret. Now I'm trying to address too many points so i will leave with this, this is an atrocity in many ways and no I'm not going to say my heart goes out to her because lets face it, it doesn't i don't know the joy of know a child is on the way nor do i know the joy of having a child honestly I'm just going to stick with what we pick up from the facts and will follow this story closely. I will say this is obviously a major loss for Ms. Fox I do hope she can recover from this tragedy. I may have made mistakes or worded something improperly so feel free to ask for clarifications, or just to argue a point.
The problem is, pregnant women shouldn't be allowed to do the same things other, non-pregnant Americans can do. They certainly shouldn't be allowed to go outside or stand up for what they believe in or expect the police to treat them fairly and as US citizens. Obviously they shouldn't expect cops, of all people, to serve and protect their constitutional rights. If they happen to go outside and get kicked in the abdomen or pepper-sprayed in the face, hey, they were pretty much asking for it. They should go back home, or wherever, and keep their mouths shut and do as they're told. Same goes for students at any of the UC school, and anyone who lives in Oakland.
People say it is irresponsible of her to risk her baby, but she is homeless and was living in the occupy camp. How exactly was she supposed to avoid that? By not being poor? A lot of help that does her now. Still the point is that a citizen who is not breaking any law and is peacefully assembled/exercising her rights should not expect a beat down from the cops (especially if she was trying to get out of the crowd and actively crying for help). The cops shouldn't use excessive force unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary, these are not criminals/terrorists, they are just people.
SHOULD those things have happened to her? No. Were they utterly predictable? Yes
Never mind the senseless, unprovoked violence.

Never mind the breaches in protocol and defiling of constitutional rights.

Obviously this pregnant woman was a poor hippie who didn't know better.
Move along Citizen.

There are so many heartless people on here.

1. There is a huge difference between an abortion and a miscarriage.
2. It was a peaceful protest. There should never have been any risk for her to be there.
3. When it became apparent there was a risk, and she had the good sense to get the fuck out of dodge, she should've been allowed to leave.
4. The police shouldn't have used such unnecessary force. The government shouldn't be training the cops to get off on such violence - violence should ONLY be used against civilians if the civilians are endangering the lives of other civilians. ANY OTHER SITUATION where the police use violence is unacceptable and evil.

My heart goes out to this poor woman. She is a victim here - first a victim of our economy, and then a victim of POLICE BRUTALITY, and deserves nothing but kind words and support from the american people. We shouldn't be blaming her! We should be rising up against the corruption, sadism and evil that has obviously infected our once-noble police system.

Of course, those of you who are blaming her probably don't have the balls to stand up for what you believe in, to make this a better world for your children, or to take a face-full of pepper spray just for exercising your rights as an American citizen.
Wow, way to blame the victim. Amazing how many people here demonize the would-be mother. So you're glad she lost the baby?
The point isn't whether the suspect is "part of" (subjective) Occupy.

It happened IN an Occupy tent, ON the grounds of the Occupy camp, DURING the day, witnessed BY an Occupy participant.

And yet – Slog – which covers all things Occupy, doesn't appear to have covered what was reported to be a significant sexual assault. What would motivate their decision to hide a sexual assault from readers?
Getting knocked up when you are 19, unemployed and homeless certainly isn't grounds for sainthood. If she did get kicked by a cop, that sucks - but it isn't any worse than any other woman being kicked by a cop.

Considering her age and living situation, losing that baby was probably the best thing that could have happened to her.
@163- Yes, Slog has the power to hide things from their readers. That's why they deleted all your posts about this and came in to my house and took my TV away and blocked all the non-Slog websites from my home and work computers. Slog is all powerful like that.

It happened IN Seattle, ON the grounds of a Seattle institution, DURING the day, witnessed BY a Seattle resident! Seattle is clearly dangerous and should be removed.
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse is rampant among the Seattle homeless population, and they can cause a miscarriage as well. You have to consider all angles. Unfortunately, including this one.
The police did use excessive force, but no responsible woman would have been down there in the first place if she was pregnant. The police were lined up with their riot gear telling the people blocking the intersection to move. I'm not even pregnant, and I wouldn't feel physically safe in that situation. My husband had specifically warned me to stay a safe distance away from the demonstration on my way to class that night out of concern for my safety. In a perfect world, police would never use excessive force on people exercising their constitutional rights. We don't live in a perfect world, and if you're mature enough to want a baby, you should be mature enough to realize that.
I am not allergic to many substances, but I am extremely sensitive to capsaicin. Here is an excellent summary from the great article that #39 has a link to: "Research tells us that pepper spray acts as a potent inflammatory agent. It amplifies allergic sensitivities, it irritates and damages eyes, membranes, bronchial airways, the stomach lining – basically what it touches. It works by causing pain – and, as we know, pain is the body warning us of an injury."
I conclude that if the placenta is an extension of the skin in mammals - then its irritation may cause miscarriage, and the young homeless woman in Seattle is right about it. Capsaicin pepper is a South American plant - an anthropologist could tell us if it was used to cause a wanted miscarriage in the past. Indigenous women of the Americas were very knowledgeable about the ways in order to space small babies about one every 4 years. This knowledge help prevent infanticide.
So I think a preventive remedy for Occupiers would be to use and have available any anti-allergic products that contain antihistamine H1 and H2 . The latter are used in some newer stomach anti-acid tablets. Read your labels and contents, you will find them in a pharmacy OTC. I am not optimistic about the use of force by the police in the future.
I am very very sorry Ms. Fox you lost your Miracle. Try for another. Be strong and do not get depressed. Fight for your case and win it. Get an intelligent lawyer. Bless you. I lived in Seattle many years and left some part of my heart there forever.
Here's the link to my channel:…

All the clips are there.

A media only interested in content that serves to reinforce the predisposed beliefs of its majority viewer/reader.

Oh wait... isn't that what we accuse Fox News of doing?

The police are supposed to arrest people they think are breaking the law, not assault them. They had no reason to pepper spray people who weren't hurting anyone. A pregnant woman has just as much right to protected free speech as anyone. Fuck most of you, you judgmental pricks.
This comment is for Amanda:
You know absolutely nothing about anything and this is clear from your useless and uninformed comments. It is obvious that you have no first hand account of the issue at hand. You are NOT an expert on making right choices. Whether or not the miscarriage was caused by police (and I don't think it was) Who the fuck died and made you some high, mighty and superior judge of people. Go to hell slut.
This comment is for Amanda:
You know absolutely nothing about anything and this is clear from your useless and uninformed comments. It is obvious that you have no first hand account of the issue at hand. You are NOT an expert on making right choices. Whether or not the miscarriage was caused by police (and I don't think it was) Who the fuck died and made you some high, mighty and superior judge of people. Go to hell slut.
#36 is right

Happened as a sub plot in the film, Battle For Seattle...
Oh, good lord, I look at these comments and I think America is filled with stupid people, regardless of party affiliation.

Yes, the woman had a right to protest, pregnant and all. Geez, this is not the Victorian age where women are on bedrest from the time they find out to the time they give birth,

What she and other Seattle occupiers didn't have the right to do was disrupt everybody else's day by protesting IN THE STREET and defying lawful police orders to move to the sidewalk.

Occupiers think that every Constitutional right applies everywhere (expect at Tea Parties), which puts them exactly on par with the ignorance on display via the Tea Party; they didn't understand the Constitution either. You can peaceably assemble and you can protest, but you can't do it anywhere you want, and you can't impinge on the rights of others to freely move about when you do it.

Finally, both sides need to quit exploiting women to make their points. OWS only seems to care about women when they can use them to make a case in the context of their larger protest; in short, when they can be construed as victims. Otherwise, it's all, "Let them be raped." Fuck all that noise.
Oh, good lord, I look at these comments and I think America is filled with stupid people, regardless of party affiliation.

Yes, the woman had a right to protest, pregnant and all. Geez, this is not the Victorian age where women are on bedrest from the time they find out to the time they give birth,

What she and other Seattle occupiers didn't have the right to do was disrupt everybody else's day by protesting IN THE STREET and defying lawful police orders to move to the sidewalk.

Occupiers think that every Constitutional right applies everywhere (expect at Tea Parties), which puts them exactly on par with the ignorance on display via the Tea Party; they didn't understand the Constitution either. You can peaceably assemble and you can protest, but you can't do it anywhere you want, and you can't impinge on the rights of others to freely move about when you do it.

Finally, both sides need to quit exploiting women to make their points. OWS only seems to care about women when they can use them to make a case in the context of their larger protest; in short, when they can be construed as victims. Otherwise, it's all, "Let them be raped." Fuck all that noise.
Yes she had the right to be protesting, however as the news of violence occurring in many Occupy camps would you not think to remove yourself in precaution to keep your little fetus away from potential harm? Doesn't make sense to me. As well as, if her parents are willing to support the baby, why are they leaving her homeless? Do you not generally think support and a roof over your head go hand in hand when you're dealing with a homeless person? I personally have the opinion that homeless people should not get pregnant as well. Bitch at me all you want, but honestly, if you cannot even support yourself what makes you think you can provide for this child properly to give it a good life? A real mother would want to get herself out of such a situation before even considering having a child.

However it is quite sad for her if it's true, and such force should never have been used by the police. It is unlawful and a disgrace to the name of the United States.
Um. Didn't anyone read the article? She's saying she was hit in the stomach twice. We're not just talking about pepper spray here.
Freedom to protest will kill you, free Americans!
I support the Occupy movement, and I helped lead one and will again. But this article is super stupid. just plain stupid. Delete it please.
Sorry but she would have been a awful mother anyways. Who the fuck goes to a protest pregnant that has hundreds of screaming loons who were deliberately harassing the police for no reason.. Sorry to say but she should be tried for murder.
Chances of finding out the sex of fetus in the third month, low, most women usually find out the sex of fetus around/in the fourth month.
@Amands, nr.3: Why would the police beat up a pregnant woman in the first place? Cops are there to protect the protesters and not beat them and pepper spray them.

Only time you use pepper spray is if the demonstrations are violent like destroying property, vehicles, throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks at police, etc...
I don't think the police should be employing so much violence against people.

Also, saying that a pregnant woman going to a protest is the same as a pregnant woman drinking and smoking is a false analogy. In the latter case, the woman is potentially harming the baby *herself*. In the former case, *other people* are doing the harm.

I see no reason that the police should be using so much violence.

That said, we really don't need anymore humans in this world. Overpopulation is a problem as it is. Why do people feel that they need to have kids? Completely pointless. The least they could do is adopt one.
I have no sympathy for pregnant teens that want to protest... If anyone goes to jail it should be this girl for being a moron.
@ 116, tell that to my mother who lost her first child to being kicked in the stomach by her husband who didn't want a child yet. Ignorant. Take a health course or something, please.
@ 99. Interesting dissertation. I was a teen mom myself. In some ways of course I wasn't ready, but then again I know 40 year olds who aren't ready. I was given some of the worst advice ever by my high school nurse, she advised me to drop out of school so I wouldn't be a bad influence on younger girls. I just looked at her and asked, "Are you trying to make me a statistic? What do you suggest, I quit school and go on welfare so you can support your idea that that's what young mothers do?" I left her office and never went back. Ridiculous. I am not rich, at times I've even been dirt poor, but I do ok. I raised three sons of whom I am incredibly proud. There are lots of reasons girls get pregnant at a young age, least common is a desire to turn out a bunch of kids so they can get a welfare check. For those that I knew when I was a young mom, myself included, we were mostly from strict religious homes where we got no education on birth control and plenty of messages that a dutiful woman was supposed to be a mother and wife. We lacked information and choices not brains. Thanks for your work. The stereo-type has to go.
To #21 Yes there are ! I just can't type them here. Learn a couple.
Pictures of Jennifer from that evening.…

contact me through my profile address for use, they are not exclusive.
The violence by police against occupy protesters is slowly getting into the media. It is sad that the spotlight is what it takes to end it - pepper spraying people seems to come scarily easily to the police.

It's pretty clear that tense cops just see a mob; the elderly, the pregnant, the former poet laureate of the USA, all get treated wrongly. This needs to stop right now!
Is The Stranger the same media outlet that publicized without fact-checking that some poor guy had written on his credit-card receipt that an overweight waitress was fat, when this guy never had done that?

And is The Stranger the same media outlet that, when caught in publicizing this lie, couldn't bring itself to apologize?
I've seen the video of the pepper spraying, (No one was specifically targeted. The spray was applied in sweeping motion, across the entire crowd.) while it was probably to much for the situation at hand, so far there is evidence to show that the woman was actually pregnant, that she was struck or kicked, or that she subsequently lost the claimed pregnancy as a result. I'm not saying none of it happened, but people are going off the deep end as if an internet blog post was indisputable fact. I hope the young woman would not lie about such things. If it's true, it's truly a horrible thing, but if she's lying, (Remember Ashley Todd, a 20 year old John McCain volunteer, lying about being attacked by a black Obama supporter? Young people, passionate about a cause, can have well meaning intentions, but very bad judgment.) it would very bad for the Occupy movement, a cause I support.
One shouldn't have to consider police attacking one, when taking part in a peaceful march in a democratic country. All of you saying she "put her baby at risk," I ask you, are you the kind of people that say a rape victim was "asking for it"? There is something very wrong with a police department that the citizens have to fear. Please remember, this was the day after the city council passed a resolution SUPPORTING the Occupy Movement. This woman had NO reason to believe she would be attacked!
Yes, pregnant women have a right to protest. But most people have the foresight to avoid spots known for police brutality. Just as some of us have the foresight to avoid spots known for gang violence or muggings.
Pepper spray, if that is what they used rather than CS is relatively harmless. Its active ingredient is capsacian which is taken and distilled from peppers, it the bit in the peppers that gives them their spiciness. If anything would have caused it out side of nature, I would think it would have been the repeated kicks to the gut. Though the cause is questionable it is still a good legal platform to challenge the legality of the utter violence the police have used in the peace expression of our First Amendment rights.
This woman obviously did not think that she was putting herself or her child at risk.
And BLAMING THE VICTIM is completely WRONG anyway.
Wake up people.
How about we blame the cops who *kicked her in the stomach?*
My post at 193 should say, "there is no evidence to show that the woman was actually pregnant, that she was struck or kicked, or that she subsequently lost the claimed pregnancy as a result."
Of course every woman-hating troll blames her, not the cops, for the fact that the cops kicked her in the stomach after she informed them she was pregnant. We can't hold a male authority figure to account for his totally unnecessary brutal actions, oh no.
200, If what Fox alleges actually did happen, then heads should roll, but a blog post is not an indisputable fact. It's only going to hurt the cause if it turns out to be false.
I'm in agreence with 194, Why should any Canadian pregnant women(or anybody else for that matter) exspect to be brutalized by the police that are supposidly here to protect her/us?? She has full right to attend ANY peaceful protest without the threat or fear of being brutalized. Anybody on here who believes it was harsh, but understandable that the whole crowd was pepper sprayed obviously has never taken a faceful of pepper spray before. It's scarey to be in chaos and not be able to see and also very painful. I don't believe that ANYBODY should fear exspressing their own opinion or political views. Our people that are supporting The Occupy Movement are mostly all peaceful people just trying to be heard as it is us who will suffer the consquences if not heard. Only the police make this an unpeacful process which it doesn't need to be! Unfortunately when the police continuously approach these people so heavy handedly, it causes anger fr the normally peacful! Just sayin:)
Funny how the naive white credulous hacks at slog believe this BS story (like they believed Victoria Liss) and publicize this crap, yet they still haven't mentioned the attack on Danny Vega.

Why are you reality-ignoring naive white-guilt Libtards at Slog still ignoring the gay-bashing / racist hate crime that was committed against hair stylist Danny Vega? He was almost killed. 

I guess it just doesnt fit your "progressive advocacy journalism" agenda to report on racist anti-gay attacks committed by packs of blacks.

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