
The thought of doing it with Newt is all the contraceptive anyone needs!
Actually, it's good Santorium is speaking out about his thoughts on contraception - a lot of people I know do not believe that politicians would really ban contraceptives.
The overpopulation pros, the Duggar's, support Santorum, enough said.
To be fair, Callista may have used the same "natural contraception" that Monica used--oral sex. We don't know HOW they were fucking. Don't assume it had to be vaginal.
Or one or both of them are infertile, or they're infertile together. Not that there's anything wrong with that, especially in this case.
So can infertile people have as much sex as they want? Pervy sex too??
@5 You betcha! In the 19th century, infertile people were often valued as spouses. No kidding. (I discovered this while doing my dissertation work on the history of hermaphroditism in France and Britain in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The docs thought infertility made you undesirable, but there's no question that some folks -- who had had quite enough of children -- found infertile mates especially desirable.)
@4: Yep. Oral, anal, jerking the Newt off until his rich man seed coated everything, the possibilities are endless.
Hm... maybe they whipped up huge, stinking piles of santorum together? I hadn't contemplated that... and I hope never to contemplate that again.
@8 If you're "devout" Catholic, I think the only possibility you are allowed to entertain is, ahem, ending in such a way there is a possibility of pregnancy. At least that's the way it was explained to me.
Is that really a Santorum family picture?
Why are these people so obsessed with what people do in bed? It seems certain that something severely embarrassing to them is going to emerge, since the onloy reason I can think of is that they have severe issues of their own which they are dealing with by hating others and trying to control people's sexuality and personal relationships. Small government, eh?
if you see any men in white coats they are your friends....
That Duggar pic made me shudder. And consider: with 10 boys (out of 19 children), the statistical likelihood of one of those boys being gay, especially one of the younger ones, is very very high. Poor little sod.
@13: Wow! Before a quick Google Images search, I never knew Dan had so many stylish, professional-looking, and if I may say so, strikingly handsome friends. What a lucky man to have such sharply-dressing compadres!

Yes. Small enough to fit into a vagina.
Speaking of Brownbacking, how about using the term "vagirgin" to describe those who have "presevered their virginity" through all kinds of sex except vaginal sex?
Or am I thinking Saddlebacking?
Interesting how they want to keep the government out of their wallets and away from their guns but not away from women's reproductive organs.

So now, they think they can force women to bear children? Really?
People like Rick Santorum who think they can stick their noses into the private business of consenting adults have no decency. It's indecent to disrespect other people's privacy and nose into stuff that has nothing to do with you and is none of your business and doesn't affect you. Trying to justify your intrusiveness with religion is just pathetic.
I'd much prefer for them to have an Alexander Hamilton-Aaron Burr-style duel over contraception.
David Brooks' most recent NYTimes column is hilarious. It endorses Santorum in a way that dances around and tries not to inflame Santorum's "Google Problem".
so much fun - thanks, Dan!
Human beings coming up with technological solutions to our biological limitations is how things are supposed to be.

I don't understand anti-birth control. I'm not anti-abortion, but I understand anti-abortion. I don't get why anyone with two working brain cells can't push aside the "Hey! People who aren't me can do things that I don't like but don't affect me in any way!" factor and support birth control for its many, many societal, physical, moral and economic benefits.
@22 as an American Catholic, let me reassure you: MOST OF US ARE PRO-BIRTH CONTROL. Religion should not be a litmus test for putting someone in a job unless it is a specifically religious job.

The RC Church is like an older relative. We listen to everything it has to say, and there are some old-fashioned things that we just don't agree with (ever had an old uncle who fought in WWII get going about the Japanese?) but we smile and nod and take all the wonderful wisdom that we can find and protect ourselves from pregnancy and STDs just like everyone else.
Please indulge for a moment a completely personal aside: The term "fuck the shit out of her" has always turned my stomach just a bit (solid santorum?) but I've accepted it as one of those shocking phrases used to make a special point.

When I see it again and again and again in the same article it should inure me to see it as just a nonsensical phrase but.... can't get past the biological.

I'm done now - please return to the comments already in progress.
@23 - Rick Santorum: He Who Must Not Be Named.
That's absurd. She was Catholic. End of discussion.

If a Catholic girl doesn't get pregnant it's because it's God's plan that she not get pregnant. I don't even know why you're so hung up on whether she was having sex. If God wanted her pregnant she'd be pregnant, sex or no sex. If God doesn't want her pregnant it makes no difference if she has sex or not.

See? God is in charge. Affair, no affair, sex, no sex. God decides what happens. That's why Catholic girls like Callista don't have to worry about shit.

Sometimes I think I'm the only one who understands religion.
@19 Patricia,

Yes they can force them to bear children, but only if they are melanocyte challenged!

Not only did "Catholic" Call-Girl-ista swallow Newt's newts ala Breakfast Blow Jobs for Tiffany's, she also has had several abortions to keep her blow-up doll figure.
Wow, if this is the sort of filth and foulness the left wing follows, no wonder our society is living in the shallow end of the gene pool. Can any of you express a point of view NOT using this sort of language? Fr that matter, can any of you express a point of view/opinion or thought in any kind of educated manner?

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