
Because Jesus was all about denying food to the sick and hungry.
It's things like this that make me hope that Christ is real, because these people would have a lot to answer for in the afterlife.
Bastard picketers. Granted, I'd picket that group too, but only to beg them to never again use the term "FoQus".
Church gossips! I wasn't aware that being catty was a mortal sin.
You stay classy, Mars Hill. EXXXTREEEMMEEEE balls of blinding hatred.
Lifelong is an excellent organization, so Thanks! to these "Anti-s" for ham-handedly helping them out!

Yeah, Jesus built his identity on moralistic protests of things that helped actual people in need. Way to follow in the footsteps of greatness guys!
@4 Wait, do we know it was Mars Hill?
Oh my God, reading comprehension fail. Sorry.
It's about time church gossips got their time in the sun! For too long the mainstream media has focused on gays and atheists and their guaranteed hellfire, while their corporate overlords refused to cover the church gossips. No more! Their time is coming, and they shall indeed suffer!

Actually, the church gossips reference makes it seem even more likely that this IS Mars Hill. And I'm thrilled to see that Obadiah brought his lordly beard to the protest...
Great marketing idea, we should all start picketing our own causes. Crowd out the real haters...
I talked with one of these guys for a bit. It was a waste of time.
Sons of bitches. Another line drawn. The mask is coming off the monster that is Mars Hill.
This is inhuman - how could someone ever say that a person doesn't deserve to eat? Equal access to food is a basic human right. Thanks UW and FoQus for holding your ground and supporting Lifelong AIDS Alliance in the face of this irrational hate. Good way to kick off Hunger Action Week - who else wants to take action!?
Mars Hill should install some stocks in front of their church. It would be fun to stroll over of a Sunday to chastise and exhort gossips and scolds. It's all so 15th century.
People should start picketing Mars Hill. Fucking assholes.
I'm mightily offended that these wretches are infesting my beloved Red Square. As a homo and an academic, I was prompted to send off a donation to LLAA in response to these assholes.
For some reason, Mars Hill doesn't like people gossiping about their church. I'd be up for a picket.
I'm thinking these kind of Christians would probably crucify Jesus if he told them what he thought of their actions. Of course they wouldn't actually believe it was the messiah returned...just a sinful, homosexual-sympathizing, left-wing media elite, feminist blasphemer claiming to be the son of God.

It would be a big win for irony!

Look at that fucking Christian hipster.
I would wager that these are freelancers recommending people go to Mars Hill. Mars Hill seems way too corporo-sleazy for this sort of Westboro approach. That's one thing you can say about Westboro Baptist Church... they do lay it right out there how crazy you'd have to be to join.
Non-ironic neck beard catches godly emanations arriving from top of head and redirects them out of mouth.
Automatically? Like, each STD comes with an express ticket to hell? "No questions asked, sir: you're in."
I am deeply saddened as a believer in Christ. Jesus would not condemn those giving food, my guess is that if some one were to be judged at all it would be the ignorant compassionless picketers
@20: "I would wager that these are freelancers recommending people go to Mars Hill."

These are still individual members of an authoritarian group.

They're using the name, they go to the services, they're still lumped in with the people who encourage this behavior. Driscoll still agrees with their hate and end-goals.
@20: "That's one thing you can say about Westboro Baptist Church... they do lay it right out there how crazy you'd have to be to join."

And they really do believe sincerely that they're going to hell with the rest of America. Aside from their trolling, they make no pretenses that they're going to be saved or "chosen".
So basically, if you want your charity function to be a success get the most virulently anti-gay religious folk you can find to picket said function.

It's really genius marketing, if you ask me.
UAR: Oh, totally (though I doubt that these people will be allowed by their church masters to ever do such a thing again). I'm just saying that for better or for worse, I don't think this sort of thing will ever be a real goal of Mars Hill. I'd almost rather it was so that church members would actually understand what sort of beliefs they're implicitly endorsing through their attendance.
Sorry, that was in response to your first comment. I'm referring to Mars Hill here, not WBC.
@Monkey: Really? Really? Think that the protesters really are part of Lifelong AIDS Alliance? Really?
@26, must be working, I just made a donation and mentioned why.
People have the right to free speech, of course, but as Red Square is pretty much a public space and spring is right around the corner, I don't suppose it would be too unexpected if some queer-friendly folks and just decent human beings happen to have a few water balloon fights all around the sign-carrying assholes.
You know it's Mars Hill when they call out church gossips. Keeping their members from telling the world what really goes on in that cult is their top priority.
Notice how tMars Hill disavows the picketers, but says nothing about food for the hungry, either.
The spokesman is clearly lying. Mars Hill literature, Mars Hill hobbyhorses, and Mars Hill positions. The only thing left to discover is which Mars Hill church they attend.
Not. Buying. It.
@34 Probably the one at 47th and 12th, since it's a 5 minute walk away.

Come on guys, we need a consistent meme to shame (hipster-shame?) the name of that place. E.g. Mars Hill Redneck Church. Or rather, we needed one five years ago before they spread like a fucking cancer. No one should be able to say they go there without feeling embarrassed.

Spiritual horseshit is horseshit, but if there was a hell, that beard would certainly earn him a seat on a spike in it.
"Queers shall experience hell, along with the drunkards, druggies, STD havers, and church gossips!"

Hell sounds like a Chez Vel-DuRay cocktail party, except for the church gossips. There's usually plenty of regular gossips taking notes, but not many churchy ones.

In any event, who's a church gossip going to gossip to in hell, other than other church gossipers, and they probably know all the gossip anyway. Maybe that's the point....
@34: Mars Hill disavows the picketers, but Mars Hill does not condemn or criticize the picketers
So. Dominic didn't bother to call Mars Hill before attaching their name to this stupidity? I mean, I don't like those guys either, but you know what's worse? Grudge holding rumor spreading bullshit, that's what. I've got this story like five times today on Facebook. Too late to turn back that meme, huh? And the people that DO pay attention to this retraction - er... "update" won't trust a god damned thing The Stranger writes.

Way to blow your credibility again, Dominic. That's "journalism" with a capitol J right there.
@35 They may be. But you know what befire reporting on something as a "fact" an actual reporter verifies before he publishes a story. I know we're in the age of the internet and all, but the ease of which a story can be disseminated should not determine if it needs to be a scoop. Not before ALL THE FACTS are verified.

Don't hit the button before you KNOW whether or not these guys really are from Mars Hill, regardless of what they say.

So. Don't fucking BOLD a statement you don't know is a fact. He could've said:

"The protestors allegedly passed out pamphlets from Mars Hill church, but we have yet to verify if they are officially representing the church."
Actually, all the writer did was quote the source, who explained exactly why they thought that (but still said "we think," not "we know").
So if they're not from Mars Hill, why are they handing out their literature?
what is mars hill? a false prophet leading the weak? or
just another fad fading fast?
@40 Hi Mark Driscoll! Nice of you to visit us on Slog!
Sounds to me like a classic example of the good old "will someone not rid me of this Thomas Beckett?" plausible-deniability defense...
@40: Members of Mars Hill are still Mars Hill. It's just not an "official" function. They sanction the idea of gays being treated as lessers.
@47: one lesson drilled into me at sunday school when I was a kid is that the Church is its members, not the building it's in or the guy who stands up and preaches. Granted, this was a Presbyterian church, so perhaps Mars Hill is just a guy in a building.
I am former leader of foQus, and the one whom initiated and attended the food drive all day, with weeks, if not months of planning. The religious trio never came forward with who they represent. They did pass out literature, but no one in my tent took them. There were people making assumptions of who they might be with, but, we really did not care. We were there to collect food for Lifelong AIDS Alliance. The protestors did help to fuel students and professors into donating food and money (which was spent at the dollar store to buy more a lot more canned/packaged food).
@45 Don't be an idiot.
@47 How do you know they are members of Mars Hill? they had pamphlets? So the fuck what.

I can go and pass out Planned Parenthood literature at a Right to Life event. It doesn't mean shit in terms of who I represent. Some dude's from Seattle. He goes and shoots somebody in Portland and the bolded headline is "Seattle attacks Portland!"? The inference on the original post was that this was a Mars Hill thing. I know I got it like five times in Facebook.

I know you guys love to get a good hate-rage going. But for fuck sake be better than the the other guys and have proof before you jump the gun. Bias confirmation is no better on the left than the right.

Do I think it's very possible that something like this stunt could be carried out by people from Mars Hill? Absolutely.

But I am not a god damned Stranger reporter. I think The Stranger needs to set a higher bar than "internet rumor." But apparently that's good enough for most of you.
That should read "somebody SAID they had pamphlets." Did ANYBODY from the Stranger verify this? Did they get one of these pamphlets?
@51/52: Do you do this on any other site's comment boards? Seriously, what a contrarian.
I'll take that as an admission you were wrong. Since now we know Mars Hill was not involved. Facts matter. Even facts about people with whom I disagree.

And no. The Stranger occupies a special place. Chalk it up to me being an actual independent thinker who lives and works in the commumity where the diminishing integrity of Seattles Only Paper is important.
Maybe someone donated canned figs. God hates figs.

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