
In HTML, to create umlaut accent marks type the & (ampersand symbol) then the letter (A, e, etc.), then the letters uml, then ; (semicolon) such as:
& euml; for ë
& Uuml; for Ü
(with no space after &)
So it would be Jüs bar?
They don't bother to use a ū on their website (where they use stock photos with watermarks) so I wouldn't worry about it.
@1, @2, I don't see anything about an umlaut in the post.
@4 then you obviously didn't read the last paragraph, you twit.
Whoa, @5, the last graf says "line" not dots! See @3.
And technically it's in the second to last graf.
@5, the last paragraph says "So Columbia City's getting a juice bar. Congratulations? Condolences?".

Who's the twit again?

The paragraph before says "the U has a line over it". An umlaut is not a line. It is never rendered as a line. In the example here, the name of this juice bar, the line does not represent an umlaut.

You are that twit. Again.
+1 on Senegalese food in Seattle.
-1 on Will in Seattle.
@6, @7, meet Will in Seattle, the dumbest motherfucker who ever motherfucked, who displays his special brand of "I have no idea what I'm talking about but here it is anyways" every day on this blog. He is the zero percent.
I had baobab juice in Senegal, and that stuff tastes like if you ground up auto air fresheners and mixed it with water. If La Teranga's baobab is even remotely drinkable, they have to be adding something else or seriously diluting it.

Bissap with mint and sugar is where it's at.
It's Unicode Character 'LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH MACRON' (U+016B), and you should be able to find some way to generate it here:…

But more importantly, does your friend Jill appreciate your telling the world at large just how delicious she is? Some people are very private about their deliciousness.
I say a Juice Bar=congrats! I feel like Seattle is weirdly short on actual juice bars, like with real fruit. I can hardly think of any, actually. And I like when ANYTHING opens in Columbia City that even has the vague possibility of staying open because, frankly, there ain't that much here and what little we get closes ASAP.
I can't wait to try La Terranga!
I need new glasses. Seriously. I just got a new prescription but haven't had it filled yet. Okay, so Jill isn't delicious after all. She's delirious, so you're off the hook. People just aren't as private with their deliriousness as they are with their deliciousness. My apologies.
@15: Hee hee.
yay La terranga.

boo new juice bar.
Is the old Verve space still empty? I hope so, and that the landlords are losing thousands on an empty space.

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