
Obom? Sounds too much like Obama. She's a Muslim terrorist and can be ignored. How dare she work with our children! Better yet, a good Republican should round her up and put her in a camp.
THat's a woman?
Comrade McKenna just wanted to emulate Comrade "Frenchie" Romney, who loves outsourcing almost as much as he loves living in France instead of serving in the US military.
4, Life, n.

the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.…

Hence, would you not then say that at the point of conception, the zygote grows and reproduces its cells in the "environment" of the uterus?

(Please don't flame me...I'm just asking a question...basically Dr. Awesome, go away.)
Remember when McGinn flipped out when cameras went to his home, or crowded around him asking him questions about him hiring crony David Hillier? I get the feeling that most of you were semi supportive of the Mayor on this. But when a citizen does the same thing to a Republican running for Governor, its an outrage! How dare he tell that non-reporter asking a politically charged question, to get a job!

Whats the deal with using a 20 year voice recorder, set to the lowest possible quality setting. If I wasnt reading the transcript, I would have no idea what was said at the end.

Oh looks, it's the false equivalency / if one person in the other party did something bad you are no longer allowed to criticize anyone on this topic forever style of argument.

My favorite!

I'm not sure if it matters if McGinn is or is not a shit head when judging whether McKenna is a shithead. Couldn't they both be shitheads?
@4 and cancer cells? how would they apply to your reasoning?
@5 Did she go to McKenna's home? It seems like he was in a public place and on the job, not relaxing at home when some hussy poked her head through his kitchen window.

Anyway, McKenna surely shouldn't have to answer, as she is clearly a slut.
McKenna thinks
1. everyone who isn't at work between 8 & 6 doesn't have a job.
2. anyone who is dressed like a youth empowerment programmer doesn't have a job.

Kendra, don't you know you have to wear a suit to be taken seriously by republicans?
Pretty sure birth control isn't really a personal concern of hers
"he's repeatedly refused to explain his stance on birth control, family planning funding, and STD testing."

Probably because there are approximately one billion more important things on the plate of our state government.
@8, I agree, especially since she found McKenna leaving a gubernatorial candidate forum. He wasn't acting in his offical capacity as AG, he went to stand before the public next to Jay Inslee and try to seem like he'd be a better governor. Perfect place for a question like hers, which makes his ducking it dickier.
Gotta love the progressive off topic comments from @11 and @2,

Yes that's a woman, an incredibly handsome one at that (could've focused the camera a little better though!) and for the person who has assumed that gender presentation represents a persons sexual preference, way to generalize!

Personally I know several women who look gay as a rainbow flag but aren't or aren't exclusively. I also happen to know this particular individual makes a gorgeous femme when she wants to as well. Not that it should matter.

McKenna, boo on that.
Didn't Rob used to be a woman? I'm not trying to be funny; I actually thought I'd heard that years ago, and figured that it was cool that nobody really brought that into the conversation, since it's not germane to the issues. But now it is a curiosity, given his positions on womanhood. And I'd always felt that his hormone therapy wasn't quite kicking in -- sort of hard to picture him without the cheekbones or with facial hair...
@10 But it is for many of the youth she works with, her family, friends, and coworkers. Lesbians couldn't possibly care about birth control because it doesn't affect them personally! Asshole.
@10, reproductive health affects my sisters, too, not just my own body. That shit is absolutely fucking personal for me.

The cells reproduce; they are indeed alive. Much like all the rest of the cells in your body, millions of which die every day. You shed about 40,000 skin cells per minute. We don't accuse someone of murder for scraping their knee and killing off those skin cells before their time.

The zygote itself is not capable of reproduction, and will not be until it transforms into a fetus, gets born and becomes a baby, and ages until puberty. Until that point, reproduction of the organism is not possible. Reproduction of the organism's component cells has happened so many times that it has replaced its entire mass several times over.

I don't see how your post has to anything to do with anything, but even trolls don't deserve to starve.
"Yes that's a woman, an incredibly handsome one at that"

Ah yes, I forgot this was the board that fell all over itself saying Lindy West was hot. lol

The cells reproduce; they are indeed alive. Much like all the rest of the cells in your body, millions of which die every day. You shed about 40,000 skin cells per minute. We don't accuse someone of murder for scraping their knee and killing off those skin cells before their time.

The zygote itself is not capable of reproduction, and will not be until it transforms into a fetus, gets born and becomes a baby, and ages until puberty. Until that point, reproduction of the organism is not possible. Reproduction of the organism's component cells has happened so many times that it has replaced its entire mass several times over.

I don't see how your post has to anything to do with anything, but even trolls don't deserve to starve.
McKenna's strategy to create jobs apparently - Get a Job

This creep is going to shit all over Washington

If we accept your dictionary definition of life, then we'd have to include masturbation as murder, contraception as murder, and sex as murder too as millions of sperm cells are required to fertilize one egg. This is obviously silly.

When conscious life begins is a matter of debate, and we may still struggle with it. So we leave it up to the mother. There is NO debate that keeping abortion legal reduces abortions and saves lives. In nations where abortion is illegal, there are more back room abortions, by unskilled practitioners, which put the life of the mother at risk.

wow she looks like the pseudo lesbian I imagined she would like. although not as bottom heavy as most liberal Seattle women
"that's a woman, an incredibly handsome one"

A lot of that in Seattle.
10. I know two lesbians who are on hormonal birth control, as well as a straight woman with her "tubes tied" who is on it.
Also, she could be bi. Or, she could just care about people. Or she could be a bigendered straight woman in her "masculine" phase, like some of the commenters on this article:…

(I'm just including this link to blow your mind).

I love how she ran straight to the stranger with her video, i suspect she is working for someone else other then the YMCA (do they hire dykes?) Maybe we should be looking at the PDC about her.
McKenna will be a big improvement over Gregoire, she sold out to Obama by vetoing medical marijuana. At least we know where McKenna stands, Inslee is secretive and unethical just like Gregoire.
Hey you know what, spineless, unregistered troll? The woman pictured *is* a handsome woman. So what?

& Lindy West is a freakin' cutie. Not your type, fine. But she's pretty.

I hate it that mostly men get judged by what they say, & women, what they look like when they say it. Still.
17, 19, 21

The quote was, as printed by SLOG, โ€œbelieves life begins at conceptionโ€.

So, we're only arguing that the Zygote is "alive".

Based on your posts and the definition we can say that Mr. Kenna's statement is correct.

He did not, for example, say "sentient".
I call bullshit. That thing clearly isn't a woman. What are you trying to pull here?

Clearly we're dealing with a shaved, castrated orangutan in a shitty wig and ironic glasses.

Mckenna clearly (yes eat me; I love repetition) misunderstood what he was dealing with. Instead of "get a job" he would have been in the right to say "who the fuck let you out of the zoo?"
"Rob McKenna is not one of the people we can trust to protect womenโ€™s health during that process, explains Planned Parenthood Votes NW spokeswoman"

Couldn't this person think of something a little more definitive to say? Liberals should quit with the milquetoast rhetoric because it's not enough when women's rights are under attacks by regressive pols.
I still have a 20 year old tape/voice recorder/player that still has the property of the FDA sticker on it. And it's got one speaker too.
"& Lindy West is a freakin' cutie. Not your type, fine. But she's pretty."

No doubt. I knew people in college who would fuck ANYTHING.
the governor that washington deserves.
What, is she afraid the gub'ment won't pay for her dental dams?
I remember listening to Mr. McKenna on KUOW--he is so full of 'reasonable solutions' for Washington's woes, but his leading the charge against the health care reform law made me pay more attention--he was asked a question about gay marriage rights. I was so struck by his bumbling answer about protecting families, blah, blah....clearly he was not in touch with any gay families...yes they do exist and also have children who have a right to be 'protected' not from their parents, but from their governing officials! His policies on women come right out of his conservative religious beliefs. The more he is pressed to say anything about social issues, he reveals that he is pushing an extreme agenda. He is a snake in the grass.
@29, please post a picture of yourself. Your comment reeks of the whole "pot calling the kettle black" thing. Bet you're as homely as as a mud fence.
"The woman pictured *is* a handsome woman. So what?"

No, "she" isn't. Rob McKenna is a more handsome woman.

& Lindy West is a freakin' cutie. Not your type, fine. But she's pretty.

Not even a little bit. Not a judgement call or a fielder's choice. Lindy West is brushing up against morbidly obese if she's not already there, and that's not ever attractive. On anyone.

"women, what they look like when they say it."

What she said was stupid too. Also her shirt looks like a dishrag.
@28: I say it's impossible to state when life "begins," as it is a continuum. A zygote inherits life from its mother or father (or just mother, as in the case of some lizards), it doesn't come from nowhere.
People who say that life "begins" anywhere are morons. If this guy believes that "life begins at conception," it's worth knowing, as it says a lot about his mental capacity.
The US Chamber of Commerce paid $ 5 Million for this idiot? They need to buy smarter puppets.
"Get a job" is now a common response to an unrelated question for a person seeking political office? Is there nothing we can do to elevate the tone in this country?
Being called a fuckwad by Cienna Madrid might mean more coming from somebody who didn't use the same invective against, say, neighborhood volunteers who were allegedly once too overzealous in cleaning up graffiti.

It takes pretty much nothing to end up on her enemies list, and if she wasn't hyperventilating about reproductive rights she'd be hyperventilating about chewing gum or apostrophe misuse or something.
#5 - Seriously! Approaching him in a public place after an event when he is running for public office is a lot different than going to his house. If she had gone to his house she would have been out of line.

Really, can you do better than that please.
@28: Life begins at abiogenesis approximately 3,500,000,000 years ago.
Has anyone noticed that Rob and Kendra look like brother and sister? What bugs me is that we're talking voluntary termination, key word is voluntary. It would be different if the abortion was medically necessary. I mean really, where is this going to end? I need a boob job. Maybe next they can pass a bill to make insurance cover that for all of us boobless women out here!
Annette - Considering the way our elected representatives think of women, you would probably get state-funded tits way before state-funded abortions. It's a bit of an apples:oranges kind of comparison.
Why would a lesbian care about getting pregnant?
She's no Samantha Brick
"abiogenesis." Swooning for venomlash.

Kendra is such a fox!

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