
the very LEAST they could do is blur the womens faces and alter their voices.
Sounds like fantastic grounds for asylum, IMHO, if they wish to apply for it. I know that would mean leaving their friends and family, but it would keep them alive, at least.
Wow, those filmmakers totally respected their subjects, didn't they?
Some of those women are still married to the men who threw acid on them - they are right to demand that it not be shown.
How could you make a film like that and not first and foremost care about the safety of your subjects? I'm disgusted.
How about give the women a choice: They can stay in Pakistan and the film will not be shown, or the can get asylum for themselves and their children, get the hell out of Pakistand and then the film will be released there.
Needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.

You can't fight ignorance. Don't show the film.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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