
Could you take a minute to rehash the point of this series?
I know a woman who teaches blind children in the Aurora, CO school district, and she said many (most?) of them were shaken as babies.

Usually you think of that from when they're infants, so I wonder how fucking hard she had to do that to hurt a three year old.

I'm going to be depressed for the rest of the afternoon now.
@1 Gays are unfit parents & opposite sex couples are the only way for a child to make it in life.

Except when the mother and/or father beats & tortures their children, often with heavy religious reasons. But, of course, that never happens.

Because of shit like this:…
What a sickening story. I totally sympathize with your point, but reading that thing has ruined my morning. My god it's a fallen world.
Donation made.

Thanks, Dan, for including the link. It's heartbreaking to think of how people can lose it like that and beat the shit out of another person, much less such a young child.

But my 2yo is learning to use the toilet and I'm having a hard time feeling pity for the woman. Fuck her.
Maybe there’s hope for her life, but I’m taking this story personally and wishing she’ll die a horrible death.

BTW, though: she's the dad's girlfriend, not the boy's bio-mom. FOTF thinks this living arrangement leads to abuse, too.
I hope the mother is treated in such a way in prison that she needs to be potty trained all over again.
Child abuse to justify gay rights? Stupid move - the backlash kicks a lot harder than you just did with your lashing out, Dan.
@8 Child abuse to point out that the Christian Right's repeated assertions that children who live with a mother and father are unequivocally in a better position than other children is complete bullshit with no basis in reality.

Seriously, they demonize not only same-sex couples with children, but single parents as well, as if simply by having a mother and father at home, the children are immune to any kind of harm because JESUS LALALALALALALA.

You're reading something into it that's not there. It's not "child abuse to justify gay rights," it's "child abuse to illustrate how full of shit the Christian Right's ideas on family are." And by extension, how full of shit their condemnation of families with same-sex parents is.
@1 Because of all the allegations that same-sex couples are automatically bad parents and that their children suffer psychologically, Mr. Savage is pointing out that many opposite-sex couples are rotten parents.

Parenting lesson: It's okay to WANT to choke them. It's not okay to choke them.

The point of the series;
although our little Danny doesn't realize it
-oh the irony-
is that out of wedlock childrearing,
shacking up,
and adultery are HELL on children.

This bitch is not even related to the child.

She is the unmarried live-in girlfriend of the father.

See, shacking up is LETHAL to children.
Danny hasn't even read the post.....

"The injured boy was living with Chastity Renee DuFour, the girlfriend of the boy's father. DuFourt is not the boy's biological mother...."
Has Danny reported the DEATH THREATS Brad Pitt's mother is receiving for expressing her disapproval of homosexual "marriage"?

Is it only a hate crime when the victim agrees with Danny?
Oh but its fun to watch the troll coming into bloom. I was slightly afraid he drought was going to affect the troll crop, seems were okay though.

I didn't say that the statement, on a certain level, isn't an excuse to be a racist, homophobic, holier-than-thou asshole.

I said using it here was a stupid move.

There are, in fact, shitty gay parents, and the next one of them that does something liken this will cause a media shitstorm the likes of which will dwarf the divorce of Cruise/Holmes.

Statements/blog posts like this one will bite you in the ass when that time comes is all I'm sayin'.
"Shaken baby syndrome" is a sad, well known cause of neurological imparment for small chilldren. New mothers,, baby sitters and caregivers in general should be well aware of this information. I know what I am saying is obvious but I wanted to put this link to make it well known.
Also, make a donation to Planned Parenthood. Every child deserves to be born into a family where he or she is actually wanted. Too many people are practicing accidental parenthood, and end up having kids they are unprepared ot care for - financially, emotionally or physically. Access to birth control results in fewer abused children.

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