
Fuck religious and moral objections.

I have a moral objection to the endless warmongering this country (mostly republicans) engages in. I demand that I be excluded from paying taxes to fund any wars. See how well that works?

If those extremist religious fucks want to live in this integrated country, then they'll fucking do what we the people tell them to do. If they don't like it, they can vote on it, and if they lose the vote, then they can go shut the hell up. Period.
Can anyone point me to some articles that might be pro-Dunn? I know it sounds crazy, but I really want to find out of this guy does anything that isn't really, really, really stupid.
American Taliban. And these are the people always screeching about the dangers of Sharia law.
"Fresh news" from the Seattle Times? More like reported by PubliCola more than two days ago.…
What about the religious people who think all medical intervention is sinful? Will we support them if they refuse to sell band-aids or cough medicine? Where does it end? If these people want church and state to be working together they need to move to another country because one of the reasons America was founded was to end that problem.
Sure, they have an absolute right not to sell you a legal product, prescribed medication no less. Their employers also have an absolute right to shit-can their worthless asses. See how that works?
Why is it so hard for them to see that they have the right to their religious beliefs that preventing egg-meets-sperm-meets-uterine-wall moments is evil, but that if their religion prevents them from doing their job, maybe they should find another fucking job.

Or another religion.
Religious freedom is only guaranteed to the point where it infringes upon the rights of others. That is why I can't believe they won in court. The Ninth Circuit will overturn on appeal but this is just another stupid misinterpretation of the 1st Amendment and the rights that it does guarantee.

It does not guarantee you the right to deny another person access to a legally prescribed medication.

It does not guarantee you the right to refuse service to someone because of their sexual orientation.

It does not guarantee you the right to do anything or refuse to do anything that harms or hinders anyone in the pursuit of lawful behavior and activities.
Unfortunately, their defense is that if they don't fill the prescription, there are other pharmacies that will. Therefore, they're not literally refusing you medication.
That should read "narrow minded, crucifix-clutching pharmacists" THAT ARE LICENSED by the STATE. You know what? You wanna get a license to be a pharmacist? Fine. These are the rules that you play by. Don't go trying to change the rules after you agree to them, but then, that does almost always seem to be a RW douchey way of doing things.

I've always been of the opinion that Ralph's Thriftway in Olympia et al should either HAVE to fill ALL prescriptions as written, or go away. We have a history of supporting women's rights in this state, and if they don't like it, they can get out of the fucking drug business.
"If somebody has a legitimate religious and moral objection to selling something like the morning after pill …"

…then they have the absolute right to not be a pharmacist.

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