Blogs Aug 29, 2012 at 4:42 pm


Israel does have some pretty great nude beaches, I'm with him there.
Seriously, how much more behind Israel can either party get here?
@2 exactly, not even an issue any longer. USA (DC an NY) and Israel, locked and loaded til your wallets bleed.
What I Learned From 1938: A coelacanth, a fish thought to have been extinct, is caught off the coast of South Africa near Chalumna River.
Not to worry your grizzled head. Benjamin Nuttinhoney's planning an October surprise that will force the U.S. into active military support (because Iran's first move will be to try to close off the Strait of Hormuz), or flip the election to Romney.
@2: If we were any more behind Israel, we'd need condoms.
Somebody ought to do a poll about how enthusiastic people opposing Obama are about Romney. A vote against Obama is not necessarily a vote for Romney, and it may not translate into GOP victories.

If for example I were anti-Obama and also anti-Romney, I might a) stay home on November 6, b) vote Third Party or c) skip the vote on the Presidential candidates altogether and move on to downticket candidates and ballot measures.
did bob have bitch tits?
Presidents in bed with Al Qaeda kill Bin Laden?

Did you ask him if his support for Israel's vicious thuggery was solely religious based, or is it because Shindlers List made him feel really sad about the Jews?
Israel sure didnt learn anything from 1938. They went from escaping the ghettos of Warsaw to creating the ghettos of Gaza.
bob is what i like to call a fucking idiot.
Did you ask him what happened to Bin Laden?
Speaking of Isreal, looks like St. Pancake's parent got zilch from their lawsuit over her death. Something about lying down in front of a bulldozer is stupid and suicidal.
1938? It was Roosevelt's leadership that prepared us for war and supplied our friends through "Lend Lease". It was Republicans who sank this country into the depression of 2008. It was the Republicans that threw away trillions of dollars on Bush's war of choice. And not one single American should die for Israel when there are thousands of Israelis who won't even fight for Israel.
"Ask any senior Israeli official involved in national security, and he will tell you that the strategic relationship between the United States and Israel has never been stronger than under President Obama."…

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