
The politician and presidents just do what there told and what will get them there votes.... bomba you know you was a pot head back in the day brother..... LOL! just pass the I-502. dont worry about the politician it is there job to figger it out IF WE THE PEOPLE PASS IT!!!! <- not the joint that will be later. This it is a free country right? not passing it IS NOT GOING TO STOP IT... 'ITS ONLY GOING TO COST THE PEOPLE MOTE MONEY FOR LOCKING PEOPLE UP AND ALL THE OTHER COST INVAULVED IN BUSTING PEOPLE..... But out of are lives and stop controlling everything you can think of....
California didn't pass their's and they got mad raided. One would stand to think if I-502 fails the feds will have a lovely time catching all you "bad guys" in the shops...

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