
Bullshit. The Saudi's are rich as fuck and behave like stone age assholes. Throw all those assholes in a open pit and bury them alive, the world would be a better place.
If they were white, Christian or Jewish you'd be just fine with blaming them and their culture. A white Christian or Jew is held accountable and the poverty card is never played even if they don't own a pair of shoes, are homeless, and haven't eatten for 3 weeks. On the other hand if are not white and/or a Muslim you could be multimillionaire with a PH'd from Yale and the poverty card would still be played.
Except the reason wealth isn't equally spread is mostly because of religion and its use to continue to further the empire of those with the wealth
@1, listen, i know you have heard that saudia arabia is packed with money (it's your education I blame--so many americans are taught eat up what they see on tv without a thought). but do you know that the country has population of nearly 30 million and a GDP of $570 billion, whereas seattle's metropolitan area has a population of 3.5 million and a GDP of around $225 billion. that's a perspective, im sad to say, that's available on tv for americans.
Yea let's spread the wealth evenly then everyone can be poor, socially backwards, religious assholes.

That you are blaming capitalism rather than religion for religious violence shows us what we already know:

Charles Mudede is a fucken idiot.

BTW how did that whole socialism thing work out in Rhodesia?
Of course poverty caused them to do it. It couldn't reflect badly on them. On the other hand if Isrealis were acting like this Charles would be shamming the whole culture and country.
I meant to say: "that's a perspective, im sad to say, that's not available on tv for americans."
"it infuriates me that this guy made this movie with the intent of igniting murderous riots"

How do you know his intent? A French African man made a movie ridiculing the Holocaust. If Jewish Americans lynched black Americans over it would you say the same thing?
I saw photo of a black church group holding up bags of Chik-Fil-A. I felt it was gay-baiting but would anyone say that they are responsible for any hate crimes that happened in response or that there was an"intent of igniting murderous riots"?
Two unrelated observations about this news topic:
1) Bacile obviously sounds similar to Basseley, could the Sam part be a play on "Uncle Sam."
2) Why is it that the only news source I could find today that adequately answered my questions about the actors and their participation in the film was at of all places. CNN and NYT online news "reporting" is garbage.
@5 How has socialism (the 'social democratic' version of it) worked for northern Europe? Pretty fucking awesome, I'd say.

Your reference to Rhodesia is instructive. Your dig on Rhodesia's post-colonial history ...(as though Charles is somehow linked to or allied with Mugabe - oh well yes, he is black so) the perfect frame from which our involvement in North Africa and the Near East can be viewed. Recent events are merely points in space set against the fabric western colonization and global capitalism.

...which is complicated as hell and often contradictory.
You have a point. Americans watch way too much TV. I think it quite dangerous whatever one's political disposition is.

For the record, I don't subscribe to cable TV. I never have. I can safely and honestly estimate that I watch about 1 hour of commercial TV a week. It's SportsCenter that I watch at my local tavern. That's pretty much it. I view two DVDs of fine art or classic films a week and I read an enormous amount both online and in books. Currently perusing "The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbon. So, I take the printed word virtual or otherwise far more seriously than anything televised. I loathe the TV medium by & large.
@13. That's nice. Pulling the plug sounds enticing.

...and while this whole affair is made possible by the recent history that you can find rigorously developed in books (highly recommended - totally!), it has been brought to you by television, YouTube, and social media.
Movies, cartoons, stray lint, it just doesn't matter what you have, the muslims will riot.

Fuck 'em. And Fuck Mohammed.

When I speak of Rich Saudi's I am talking about the rich ones. The ones with oxford educations, cash, cars, etc. And they STILL think it is great to subjugate women, whip them, etc. Hire some cheap help from India, kill the maid. Who cares.

I have spent over a year in Egypt & they (the extremists, the ingrained subjuators) are fucked up too. Year 600 mentality with all of the bells and whistles of 2010.

#15 has it right.
"the muslims will riot."

So where are the Muslim riots in the USofA?
Seems that you are wrong.

Part of the problem over "there" is that due to policies that we have supported in the past, there just aren't many liberal or moderate Muslims left there.
They've moved to more Western countries if they could.
So now there are lots of churches over "there" that are equivalent to our own beloved Westboro Baptist.
And led by their versions of our own equally beloved Terry Jones and Fred Phelps.
Christians, Muslims, Marxists, and capitalists have a lot in common. They have a dogma that they believe is inerrant, and all objective facts and empirical observations will be warped and twisted to fit into a pre-defined box. If a fundie dickhead kills someone, it's not because he's a fundie dickhead, but because he is a victim of capitalism. Even if the fundie dickhead is a super-rich beneficiary of capitalism like bin Laden. If an an almost unregulated financial derivative blows up, causing near-collapse of the economy, it's not because of lack of regulation, but because regulation needs to be extended, and historically low taxes need to be cut even more.

Empiricism and pragmatism beat rigid ideology any day of the year.
Interesting that this happens less than two months before the election, and that this thing was funded and supported by, if not outright produced by, radical conservative Christians. It seems that many of the same people who have been saying that they'll do something close to the election aren't remembering that.
@1 - The wealth is not spread anything close to evenly in Saudi Arabia. The royal family are crazy rich and the rest of the people live at varying levels. The royal family has a lot to lose in the event of a successful rebellion, so they use all kinds of nasty tactics to play defense, just like dictators everywhere.
Indeed, there is evidence to back Charles up on this one: high equality and a strong social safety net is associated with low religiosity. Religion is something people use to reduce the psychological discomfort caused by uncertainty about whether they will be able to hold on to the things they value.
Buddhists has suffered plenty of injustice, often at the hands of Muslims. Such as the destoying of the ancient Buddhas in Afghanistan. If it was poverty that made people act this crazy why do Muslims go bolistic over a cartoon of Mohammad while Buddhists stay calm over the destruction of irriplacable ancient statues of the Buddha? Why don't the Tibetians blow up airlines and committ terrorist attacks all over the world because of how China treats them? Has nothing to do with poverty. Everything to do with culture, beliefs and principles. Even in this country black Muslims such as Malcolm X to Louis Farrkhan were the most hateful bigotted leaders amoung all those in the black stuggle.
@22 - two words: Northern Ireland.
@22: Just so you know, Tibetan separatists have committed attacks in China here and there. The Dalai Lama condemns such actions, but not all of his people listen.
@18 - "Christians, Muslims, Marxists, and capitalists have a lot in common. They have a dogma that they believe is inerrant, and all objective facts and empirical observations will be warped and twisted to fit into a pre-defined box."

That's all that needs to be said on this topic. (In fact, the entire post is filled w/ truisms.) I seriously have zero faith in people who adhere to dogmas. Their actions and words are always flawed and impractical.
@6- I'm really furious at this guy. This isn't going to turn out well for Coptic Christians in Egypt, which seems to be fine with this guy because he's not there.
I think it's safe to assume with you Charles that when somebody so much as farts, capitalism is to blame.

Charles is linked to Mugabe by the fact that Daddy Mudede was one of Mugabe's economic advisers.

When Chuck shit talking America, Capitalism and White keep in mind that he has close ties toa genocidal mass murdering communist.

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