
This is one of those letters where we really need an update.
hounding you about it endlessly

tell him he is welcome to let the dog fuck him.
@1: YES! I am dying to know how this one turned out. Did she or didn't she screw the pooch? SLOG POLL!
I like the letter where a woman writes that she fell asleep on the floor, nude, and woke to a screaming orgasm as her dog licked her pussy. Good reading!
Animals cannot consent. Period. I'm very disappointed in this response. A sociologist is your expert in animal intelligence/behavior/ethics, Dan? Really?
@6, if dogs cannot consent to sex, where do puppies come from? Or is a dog perfectly able to consent to sex with a dog (say, by voluntarily mounting it with an erection) but completely unable to consent to sex with a person (say, by voluntarily mounting it with an erection)? And when a dog tries to fuck my leg, am I raping the dog because it can't, as you've established, consent to mounting anything other than another dog? What about the stuffed monkey toy my mom's chihuahua fucks behind the couch? Is the inanimate stuffed monkey toy forcibly raping the chihuahua? Poor traumatized chihuahua. Constantly raped by shins and beanie babies alike.
@6 Yah, but dogs also can't consent to medical procedures, being put to sleep, or whether they are made into pets, stew, or a nice coat. Nor when and how they are bread to other dogs.

Consent is a meaningless term when it comes to animals like dogs. They simply do not have the brains to conceive of such a thing nor a developed enough psychology or sense of self to see sex as peoples do.

Fucking a dog is gross gross gross though and certainly outside of the bounds of any reasonable expectation of being accommodated in a relationship. Just watching porn with this guy is above and beyond so he should count his fucking blessings that she did not dump him right then and there.

But at the same time grossness is not grounds for legal sanction so to the extent the animal is not harmed it should be legal. Plus then it is less likely I'll have to hear about some dude getting banged by a horse in Enumclaw.
@7: With humans, smartass.

@8: Except that we generally only do those things (or ethically, SHOULD only do those things) when they're necessary. It's never necessary for a human to fuck a dog or get a dog to fuck them.

And my entire point is that consent is impossible to get from an animal because they don't have the faculties or ability to do so. Pedophilia doesn't always hurt children (even though it does hurt many), and yet we consider it wrong because children are NOT ABLE TO CONSENT, even though they can verbally do so.

If a child starts humping you, wouldn't you stop them? Wouldn't it be fucked up of you to allow the child to continue, even though they initiated?
Yeahhh. I'm gonna go with the parallels to children's rights. They can't consent to medical procedures or decide whether they go to school or not themselves, because parents/adults (excluding bad parents and the kind of adults who rape animals) know better than the kid how to CARE for the kid .

Note that you should never rape children; that is illegal for good reason. How hard is it to extrapolate this to our pets? Care for your animals. Do not rape them.

Seriously, this guy wanting to get off does not trump the animal's rights. It is not always about your orgasm, guys. Shocking, I know.


People keep animals as pets without their consent, and it's arguable whether they're "better off" being in captivity or not. A longer lifespan and better health versus freedom and autonomy... definitely arguable which one equals "better off."

I'd say if someone is trying to force a dog to fuck, that's abuse. If the dog does it on its own, that may be many things, but abuse? No.
@9 I do things to my dogs all the time that are not necessary for them but benefit me. I train them do stupid tricks, I lock them in cages, I make them sit by me when I want some company, etc. The best part is that they want to do these thing simply because I want them to. That's how dogs work when they think your the leader. I have little doubt that with the right training I could get my dogs to preform all sorts of sex acts with humans because to them its no different from anything else. They are dogs. Sex is not special to them.

So it is not consent that matters with animals like dogs, but harm. It is not ethical to cause an animal harm except when necessary, e.g. medical treatment. So to the extent that fucking the animal does not cause them harm, and in the letter's example it certainly would not, then it is still gross, but not unethical. To the extent that you are hurting an animal for your own gain, then that is wrong.

With kids it is a whole different ball game. It is pretty easy to tell which sex acts would hurt a dog and which would not because harm to them is almost entirely a pain pleasure kind of thing. A dog cannot be 'violated' or develop a fucked up sexuality. A kid can.
@10 There is something kind of offensive about comparing the rape of a person to an animal. While physical harm often results from rape, it is not really the reason it is such a heinous crime. Its the psychological effects that it has on the victim that are so damaging. To compare something that to an animal is no different from any other kind of experience to rape is a pretty big stretch.

And what happens later to that dog sexualized to a human woman?

How long will it be allowed to live if it -- literally -- tries to hump women? Goes beyond the usual dog nose to woman crotch?

My thought: not long before someone brings it to the pound, where the chance of adoption is slim to none.

Y'know, there's people who actually get paid to jerk off animals to collect their semen. Does consent matter in that situation? Would consent suddenly start mattering if the person doing it secretly enjoyed it?
Why the hell are we talking about dog abuse? I'm with the doctor; pressuring your partner into sex with an animal is human abuse. I feel abused just reading about it. Gah!

When the Israelites conquered Canaan they were often commanded to destroy the animals.
@14: Y'all aren't around dogs much, are ya?

I don't know how many dogs I have known in my life that humped anything that moved. The number of times that habit resulted in a trip to the pound for the little pervert is exactly zero.

Be a little more careful about what you exaggerate about, if you don't like being laughed at.
I've grown up among dogs (we had quite a few), and I only remember one of them trying to hump me once. And he was still a puppy.
Where do you find all these dogs with severe behavioural problems?
I know of two cases where kids were (effectively) sexually abused by dogs. One case is a friend-of-a-friend situation, and I don't know a great deal about it, other than that her neighbour's large dog tried to have sex with her when she was a kid. In the other case, it is someone I personally know very well and have known for many years. As a child, he was knocked down by a large dog he didn't know, and the dog mounted him. It was a frightening experience for him, even though he was very familiar with dogs and had a pet dog himself. He remembers that the dog came all over his raincoat.

The question is, I guess, is this normal dominance behaviour in a dog, or is it something they learned? If it's learned behaviour, then that would be a strong argument against bestiality. And the lesson, of course, is that dogs should never be allowed out unsupervised. Especially dogs who have not been doctored.
@Giffy, I was comparing how one should CARE for one's pets: as you would a child. Feed them, shelter them, give them love, do not rape them. Don't really see the problem there. Straightforward really.
Folks in this thread are really invested in arguing FOR bestiality.

So we're having a back and forth about whether having sex with animals is alright? Really? It's unethical and sick. Nuff said.

Discussions like this make it seem that liberals have NO morals at all.
I'm repulsed by the pressuring of the partner. Also, the use of alcohol to 'permit' the lowering of inhibitions is a problem. There's a lot of stuff I might do if around the right people, but it doesn't require me consuming booze, mushrooms, or anything else. Anything that I might do ONLY if drunk is a thing I really want to avoid doing.
Continuous, whiny pressure from a partner to do ANYTHING (sexual or not) is a deal-breaker for me.
@10 Dogs aren't children. People who treat their dogs like children tend to be terrible owners.

@consent You don't have to ask a dog if he wants to fuck you - the boner he sticks in your vag will pretty much give it away.
@27 see 21

Your "morals" are a just an excuse to treat harmless people like shit.

As Dan said...

Icky /= immoral

Every affront to freedom is built on this same basic idea. The idea that if you personally don't like it, it must be wrong. Though Dan does this too... Pitbulls?

@23: The thing about ethics is, if you don't go through the trouble of hashing out WHY you (and/or society at large) think something is unethical, you're perpetually standing on quite shaky ground in terms of supporting and defending your ethos when challenged. "It's unethical" isn't an argument; it's an opinion. People must discuss these matters in order to have informed and developed ethics and avoid the trap of unquestioned morality (which tends to veer toward fundamentalism).

Bestiality is (IMO) gross, and a desire to engage in it likely speaks to some psychological imbalance in the individual experiencing that desire. Does the act harm the animal? That's much more difficult to establish; as has been noted, the reason sexual assaults between humans are considered so heinous is because of the psychological damage they inflict, which can have a tremendous impact on the rest of a person's life. It seems fairly disingenuous to imply that a dog or other animal would experience the same trauma. Further complicating things is the common use of sex in the animal world as a means of establishing dominance, in addition to the fact that one of the most intelligent animal species on the planet (dolphins) is known to occasionally force sex with swimming humans. If we unquestioningly consider animals' inability to consent to be identical to minors' inability, we should be convicting every swimmer this has ever happened to of rape, even if the actual situation would be more accurately described as the dolphin raping the human.

I don't advocate for bestiality, but I want the opponents thereof to have stronger arguments than "it's gross" and "animals can't consent." Neither holds up well enough under close scrutiny.

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