
Where are these Democrats for Rob when the pollsters come around?
Right, "different"

Idea: Support marriage equality and other youth vote friendly issues of personal liberty and maybe people will stop thinking you're another "say anything that won't anger my evangelical base" pandering Republican that tends to lose statewide races here.

Oooh, you're "moderate"! A poll tested right-leaning not-actually-moderate moderate that is banking on a fraudulent image to boost him.
Not sure if you'll read the comments, but if you do read them (or make a volunteer/staffer read them)....

My question is fairly simple. You keep saying that we need to reform education. K-12, university, community college... the whole kit and caboodle. How do we pay for that reform?

Specifically. What do we cut to pay for education? I've spoken with my legislators, and they're all pro education, but they all signed off on budgets that cut education time and again. Each and every one of them said "point out something else I can cut."

So, that's my question for you. If you are elected, when you propose your budget, what will you cut instead of cutting education? What will you cut to pay for the reforms you say are needed? What will you cut to re-invest in education?

You have said you won't raise taxes, so it has to be cuts somewhere... yes?

If you look at McKenna's plan for using property tax to cover revenue, it makes sense and is fair. I don't see his opponent coming out and proposing anything as sound. Democrats should support McKenna.
If you don't want a national campaign, Rob, then don't have the RGA spend millions on silly ads in this state. You know, like the insulting ad with 5 elderly white men ripping on Inslee while chowing down on an artery clogging breakfast. Five guys who are collecting Social Security and are eligible for Medicare - two critical elements of the social safety net that the national GOP wants to eliminate.

Rob McKenna will simply be another Scott Walker - taking orders from the Koch brothers to bust unions and reduce health care for women.
mr. mckenna, you won't be able to do anything but continue to cut essential services, because governor eyman has already tied your hands. and feet.

tell me how you assert control over governor eyman.
We know why Maggi (Sic) Fimia would support you. It's because you both want to prevent Sound Transit from moving forward with a transit system that that actually works and moves people around our region without the need for sitting in traffic.
I'll give McKenna credit for submitting something to Slog - even if his campaign staff DOES keep Stranger reporters from attending his otherwise 'public' events - but what he offers as 'Democratic' support just doesn't cut it.

Endorsements from has-been and third-tier politicians who identify as Democrats is token support at best, and I'm sure Jay Inslee could claim comparable support among Republicans. Indeed, with his lead in the polls it's all but certain that there are more Republicans supporting Inslee than Democrats supporting McKenna (although I think both numbers are statistically insignificant in this race).

Again, cudos for voicing your opinion on Slog - now grow a pair and open up your 'public' events to the Public.
I prefer to be the one in control of my uterus, which is why I will never support a GOP candidate, particularly when the party claims to want less government out of one side of its mouth, and tries to invade the bedroom and my vagina with the other.
"If you look at McKenna's plan for using property tax to cover revenue, it makes sense and is fair. I don't see his opponent coming out and proposing anything as sound."

Not really. The levy swap raises the state portion of the tax, but lowers the local portion in the same amount. You lose local control, and cede the power to Olympia. This won't do dick-squat to meet the McCleary mandates; the only thing it does do is take away some of the uncertainty associated with trying to pass levies.
"as Governor, I intend to listen to voices from across the political spectrum, because no one group or party has a monopoly on good ideas."

Then can you explain why you were so rude and dismissive to someone asking you a question about the Reproductive Parity act and told her to get a job?
Video, if you need it:…
"Democrat leaders"? You just lost me right there. It's the Democratic Party, and only dyed-in-the-wool in-the-tank forever always rightwing Republicans say it the way you do. You may talk like a moderate but you don't think like one.
Could you please tell us in what type of direction you plan on taking Washington? Perhaps in bold and repeated clumsily throughout every one of your policy positions?
And can you also explain your actions on both the King County Council and Sound Transit board where you were actively obstructing any kind of progress?
If you are a different kind of Republican, why did you join all the other right-wingers in the ACA lawsuit against the wishes of the governor and the legislature, both of which happen to be DemocratIC or a majority DemocratIC party?
Again, maybe I'm a bit too obsessive about this, but this bipartisan bullshit reminds me of last night's debates. Nobody asked Romney the name of Democrats he'd work with. You mostly listed retiring and retired Democrats. Why should we believe you wouldn't just be another obstructionist? Based on your record—most notably, suing Obamacare against the wishes of the people you represent—why should we believe you'd be a bipartisan governor?
If you are a "different kind of republican" then you should have had the good sense to refute the national party and their complete disregard for the welfare of Americans. There is no reason we should presume that you are somehow not associated with the party that you have CHOSEN to associate yourself with.
Referring to Democratic leaders as "Democrat" leaders is a subtle slur, of which Mr. Mckenna is no doubt aware, and I'm sure will not repeat in the future.
Shut up shut up shut up.
Is this some kind of social experiment on us hapless sloggers
Rob - it's DEMOCRATIC leaders. Jesus. Do you really need this advice? Separate yourself from your toxic allies at Fox news and the national party.
Paul, is he going to answer any of these questions? If not this is utterly pointless and using the medium correctly. Perhaps you guys could tell him he needs to answer some of comments before starting a new post.
Anyone read the PI today?
Doesn't look like it.
Any Democrat who is planning on voting for McKenna or any other Republican this election, I just want to ask a question? Seriously, think about this for a long minute before you answer? Are you really that easily wooed by false advertising to think that there is any such thing as a moderate, independent-thinking left Republican left in our country? And do you think that that Republican would be getting millions in campaign contributions from the same Koch Brothers, Rupert Murdoch billionaires as Mitt Romney, Todd Akin, and Michele Bauchmann? Don't you think that voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida were fooled too? They thought they could trust their Republican Governor and Secretary of State. They thought THEIR Republican was different, moderate, independent-minded. They thought wrong. All it takes is one mistake, for them to seize power and restrict our voting rights to the point that our poor, young, elderly, and minorities will have a really hard time voting. Don't believe me? Look at what is going on right now in our state, just with a Republican Secretary of State. Acting on his own, Sam Reed managed to confuse a million eligible voters with false information, telling them they aren't registered to vote. He managed to suppress voter turnout by denying statewide voter pamphlets. And he was a heartbeat away from using the same database that Florida Republicans are using to kick out legitimate American citizen voters.

As Samuel Jackson says, "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Please!

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and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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