
Can somebody buy the PI and bring it back?

Not even when they are forced to give that rag away for free.
Pot calls kettel black. Again.
Being partisan and objective are not mutually exclusive in news organizations.
I'll subscribe to the Times when Frank Blethen jumps off the Aurora Bridge. And only to cut out and frame the obit.

I wouldn't taint my fish by wrapping them in the Times.
Jesus Dom. What are you smoking?
"it will develop and place political ads in the newspaper in support of Yes on Marriage Equality R-74"
Is that the Republican plank this year? (Man, times have changed!)
Does this mean the Times' staff will no longer be allowed on Inslee's pressers?
And then there's The Stranger, which doesn't even attempt to be objective. Pot, meet kettle.
1: Nobody would read the PI either.
@9: I would!
The "Republican newspaper" that endorses Democrats Barack Obama, Maria Cantwell, Troy Kelley, Peter Goldmark, Mike Kreider, Brad Owen, many D legislative candidates and R-74?

Dominic, you're an idiot.
The whole kettle-meet-pot thing is bullshit.

If the Seattle Times is a kettle, the Stranger is more like a toaster or a curling iron.

The Stranger flaunts their opinions like rainbow flags at Pride (they flaunt those too). The Times, on the other hand, comes up with this load of crap: "This is a business decision that is completely separate from journalism functions".

Your company just gave $80,000 to the McKenna campaign and now you're hinting it's impartial?


Don't forget the Times also endorsed GW Bush -and Rossi twice. Didn't they also endorse Hutchinson over Dow?

No wonder nobody reads that rag!
The Tacoma News Tribune has a better sports section, anyway.
Can any of you commenters read? Dominic was complaining about them calling themselves unbiased when they are a republican newspaper. They're okay with partisan reporting and they obviously know they do it themselves.
Ignoring that the Times endorses Barack Obama's reelection, sure.
I was gonna write about the pot calling the kettle black but 2 and 8 beat me to it.
Of course the Seattle Times is endorsing Barack Obama. He's the most sane of all the Republican candidates this year. Sure, he's well to the right of Eisenhower and Nixon, but I'm pretty sure they would have approved of his smooth handling of the coup in Honduras, among so many other slick accomplishments.
It's easy to endorse President Obama in a state and city that will give him the vast majority of the vote. It isn't really fair to compare that to the endorsement of a candidate (with a massive donation on top of it) in a close race for governor.
Another great example of the Times' bias.

The Letters to the Editor section is really the "public square" of the newspaper. And yet, this week they ran a photo of a charter school supporter complete with "yes" signs behind her.

We at NO On 1240 asked for equal time but no go.

The Times is determined to continue to blur the line between all sections of their newspaper. They really hurt their reporters ability to get information from sources.
Gee, the Stranger complains about the slant? Pot, meet kettle.
@21) You can't really be as stupid as you pretend to be. The paper's slant is "fine," as the post says. Only an idiot could miss that because I wrote it twice. So I assume you're just acting like an idiot--to fool people who are actually idiots. The issue is that Seattle Times can't credibly claim their operation is neutral anymore. The Stranger, as you know, never claimed to be neutral.
Dominic, you are such an infected moron. What is it, brain cancer? Or are you just a lifelong common retard? Look, you dripping "progressive" dumbfuck, the Stranger has no standing whatsoever to attack the Seattle Times for a lack of objectivity. It'd be like the Taliban condemning the United States for our human rights record, right after hacking off another head.

Besides, shithead, you know, but won't dare say (because, like Fox News, your job is to tell your idiot chorus what it wants to hear) that the Seattle Times's problem is one of appearances. If the owner runs an political ad in the paper, it doesn't mean that anything has changed in the newsroom.

Yes, the appearance is a problem for them. But it's their problem, not the problem of some free weekly rag that hasn't committed journalism in a decade or more. For the likes of you to go on the rag about the Seattle Times is a fucking joke, just like you and everyone else who works there.
@23 - The Stranger is a Pulitzer Prize winning paper
As if that matters anymore.
Oh, I forgot to mention that it was awarded in the past year.
I wouldn't read the times if they paid me. After this? I wouldn't consider it firewood. What a waste of space. I wish we had a daily newspaper. Instead we have Republican Times. Malarkey!
Hi. You fail to mention the ST support of the gay marriage initiative. Also, Rob McKenna is EXTREMELY liberal for a republican. And the paper endorses Obama.
So.... I call BS.
There are SO few media sources that actually "report the news" in an unbiased manner, what journalism is supposed to be. All the networks and papers are bought.
There are some independent sources that attempt to be a "free press", but it's not the mainstream.
It's so sad that for a semi-literate country, we are all being brainwashed night and day...
and now the Seattle Times joins the fray--at least the reporters protested thank you!!
Wish it was more civilized, but no, it has to be constant ranting...just like in this column.
While respecting another's viewpoint, you can disagree-strongly, but you reveal a lot about yourself by how you communicate.
The "aggresives" of the world have to be fought against, as they will dominate unless reigned in unfortunately...
Peace on Earth? Let's hope so, for the future of our race!!

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