
"Barack O'Fraudo"? Christ, there is nothing worse than when right-wingers try to be witty. It doesn't even make sense! Shouldn't it be Barack Ofrauda? Or is he Irish now?

It's like watching kids swordfight, where they just bang two sticks together and don't even actually know what swords are, except that there's only one of them, and he's just run up and waggled a stick in your face, and he's thirty-four years old and actually believes he's Zorro.
DO NOT click the comments link on that page if you're at work. It threw a bunch of porn at me.
That map SHOULD be entirely red or red and black, because Obama wasn't even born in in 'Merica.

He refuses to show his birth certificate. No, not that fake one from Hawaii, THIS one:…

His REAL birth certificate.

He can't be president because he was born in Africa.

And he's a muslim. And an atheist. And a communist and a socialist and a nazi.
At this point I can only assume someone was confused by the phrase "black Irish."
Their ability to delude themselves knows no bounds.
Suits me. Every minute Republicans devote to thinking about shit like this is a minute they're not working on winning over voters.
But do take the "survey" about whether you think Obama was legitimately re-elected. Finally, a place where I could admit I voted for Romney (otherwise, my claim that Obama was legitimately re-elected wouldn't've made it into the survey results, I'm sure).
I recommend against taking this too seriously. There's no reason we have to lend credence to the things they say to themselves so they don't have to acknowledge that their claim to be "real Americans" isn't borne out by reality.
And on the other end, someone claiming to speak for Anonymous claims that group foiled Karl Rove's attempt to steal the election.
Whoops! Shoulda read down the page before posting -- looks like Paul already posted this.
I've also heard of a plan to convince the electors of "just 17 states" to switch their vote. THERE'S STILL TIME TO WIN THIS!
I'm gonna go all conspiracy-nutjob here. You've been warned. The Conservative Entertainment Corporations were "in the know." The plan was to subvert the vote for Romney. It was Florida 2000 all over again, except national. Voter suppression in the form of ID laws, plus actual voter fraud supplied by Diebold. The fact is, they don't need to warp every vote. Just enough to make it look realistic.

The problem was how to make post-Election America swallow it. That was the CEC's job, to give doubt to the scientific polling numbers, and present their own skewed numbers, which would reflect the stolen election numbers. Except that Obama & his team knew what was going on, and they're smarter. They blocked the ID laws in court, and had operatives on the ground to switch the voting machine software. They didn't have to skew anything: All they had to do was make voting fair, because they followed the actual numbers.

Ah, that was fun. Seriously, I think Heinlein's razor applies to this one: Never ascribe malice to what can be explained by stupidity.
When will the 47 percent who are 52 percent realize that Slavery is Freedom and Corporations are People?
Do all teabagger nutjobs still use Microsoft Frontpage for their website design?
Everyone knows Democrats are NEVER going to be organized enough to commit voter fraud in one state let alone that many. I wish they would think of something that's plausible.
I couldn't navigate the site; it was a jumble. Is there an article on it somewhere that pretends to explain what kind of fraud was perpetrated and what evidence they have of it?
@16--you are looking for facts on Unskewed? Really?

I checked it earlier and the 'Post comments' page went directly to a gay porn website.
Wow. Election fraud in four states! Four states with highly partisan Republican Governors and Secretaries of State! Right under their big red noses! Four states whose administrations were actively engaged in voter suppression tactics against Democratic voters!

That was some awesome voter fraud, wasn't it? Way to go, Machiavellian Democratic magician fraudsters! Boo-yah!

Good point. How would the Democrats get to steal the election in 4 Republican-controlled states?

Let the Rethugs waste time and energy gazing at their navels for the next four years. Works for me.
I remember all the talk in 2000 about Gore not even carrying his own state. The Republicans made a big deal out of it. Sore/Loserman they called the ticket. least Gore/Lieberman carried Connecticut. Romney/Ryan failed to carry MA and WI. There's a lesson in there somewhere about not rubbing shit all over losing candidates. It might come back to haunt you. more bad words from me about Romney (whose political life is probably over). I'll reserve the right for Ryan, but will pause for now. I agree with Bill Maher: let's don't talk about Romney anymore. He's been taken care of.
21 shows Romney winning by 51%!! Yikes! And they talk about Dems drinking the kool-aid!!
I looked over those 4 black appears that the basis for alleging fraud is that in some urban voting districts, Romney got less than 1% of the vote, and that therefore it must have been rigged.
Gee, maybe some urbanites actually don't like Romney much at all?
When I voted in Northern Virginia we had a line going around the fire station and into the parking lot (about 2.5 hours). Much longer than last time. And when the volunteers came down the line to pass out sample ballots NOT ONE person took a Republican ballot, while most reached out for a Democratic ballot. That was pretty different from 2008, too.

Or maybe Democrats were voting two or three times each is why the lines were so long, amiright? **winkity-wink**
That unskewedpolls really is an absolute mess of a site allright. I tried to bring up the comments (in hopes of seeing the gay porn, natch) but saw neither. Just a confused conglomerate of casino and gaming links and a place to "post comments", but no comments to speak of, nor any indication as to where they direct to.

And you know, I'll say this once... In those goofballs defense, I can see how they'd have expected to fare better this time around, and they actually did close some seemingly important gaps considerably. Thank goodness they didn't come too terribly close to any of their unskewed projections, but their basic premise was likely sound, just not so in it's scope.

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