
Those Were The Days....My Friend.
It needs something from Jesus Christ Superstar. Probably "I Don't Know How To Love Him". although there are a number of good ones.
the people this album is made for don't like to hear the music they listen to. it will just be background melismatics. to quote my SIL, "i like it, it's not in the front seat of the car".
Needs more Starlight Express.
Something tells me the average Slogger is not the target demographic for Ms. Boyle's album.
I can't believe you aren't mentioning #susanalbumparty.
it was quite a bum party...
I thought she was dead...or was that wished she was? I can't remember now...
@7 I, too, read it as "sue's anal bum party."
Susan Boyle only seems to be regarded for all mankind ( or so mankind seems to think they have the right to) as to be reduced to nothing more then an Object of Ridicule.Merely fodder for cruel comdiens, something to "entertain" mankind in a mocking way.
She is massacred daily , ripped apart by all you bloodthirsty Hyenas whom lunge apon her the second she dares to sing.
You will only keep her held captive to a BGT Vid, close your ears , harden your hearts to anything the Good Lord wants to BLESS you with through His PURE Vessel. You mock @ God in the process and the Gift He has sent forth.
Well I have news for you all . God isnt laughing WITH you, Hes laughing AT you .

MANKND named it SANDY. Thats what God delivered , . SAND !

Right to the JERSEY SHORE which was a STENCH in His Nostrils , for all the Impurity, Vulgarity, Debasement , Immorality , Sexual Perversions that the JERSEY SHORE has influenced the world WITH. Now how many people were laughing ??

You dont want to listen to BEAUTY or PURITY through the Gift God has sent thru Susan Boyle? Fine ...then He'll be taking away the HEARING of some of you , so you cant HEAR anything ..unitl you humble yourself, and Repent of your wickedness and HEAR Him .

Also ............many have not listened through His First warnings that He has ENDURED enough of your rebellion ,wickedness and complete mockery and Arrogance towards ...WORLD ....expect ANOTHER response from Him soon...

A day will come when you WISH you could HEAR Susan song YOU NEVER HAVE TO WALK ALONE on her new cd STANDING OVATION , but for some of you .........your hearing will be CUT off !

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