
Thank you!

With all the crazy stuff happening and the fight with the NRA which lies ahead, thank you for reminding us that there are great things happening with our democratic republic as well!

I'm in living in VA and I plan on going to Rhode Island to help out when that state legislature takes up marriage equality next year.
Is Terry so nice that you don't insist on the right to commit adultery?
Yeah, it might seem tough but marriage is a big girl institution, can you borrow some big girl panties?
@2: You don't have to be married to be monogamous or monogamous to be married.

You know...

When social conservatives start taking down the license plate numbers on the cars that legally married straight couples park outside swingers' clubs, when social conservatives start amending state constitutions so that the marriages of adulterous straight couples can be terminated by unaffected third parties or the state, THEN those of us who are gay and in happy, successful, long-term monogamish relationships will take you fuckers seriously when you freak out about our marriages.

And since that's never going to happen, we don't ever have to take you seriously.

And if monogamy is the gold standard—if monogamy is what marriage is all about—only lesbians should be allowed to marry. But you don't hear social conservatives making that argument.
You know, sometimes it's frustrating to live in California.
Go, Illinois!

It is one thing to cheat.
There are and always be cheating pieces of shit.

Or to make a mistake.
Everyone does.
Honest folks admit it and try to make amends and try not to do it again.

It is another thing to seek to legitimize cheating.
To make Cheating Piece of Shittery the accepted standard of behavior.

One involves failing to live up to the Ideal.

The other is throwing the Ideal into the trash.

if we accept your version of the world,
want to throw the Ideals that makes Marriage Useful and Special into the trash.

if we accept your version of the world,
do not even claim to love their 'spouses' enough to want to try to be faithful.

There are lots of social relationships that accommodate the lifestyle you advocate.
They show up in "Every Child Deserves..." every week.

Marriage is not one of them.

The Troll may not be a smart man but we know what Love is.

And Love does not want to cheat.

Love does not seek to justify cheating.

And Love does not try to convince itself
or those we claim to Love
or others
that cheating is OK.
Ah, but Dan, when THEY do it, they are redeemed by their penitence. That's why catching these fuckers not living up to the standards they expect everyone else to meet doesn't slow them down - we call it hypocrisy, they call it redemption. If they didn't sin, they couldn't be saved, washed in the blood of the lamb. Prodigal son, lost lamb - it's all the same damn story. They can do anything they like, as long as they are sorry afterward.

Those of who do what we think is best for our own lives, own the consequences, and have no regrets just burn their asses because they can't imagine a life free of guilt and self loathing.
@6, thank you for making my case.

...are and always WILL be cheating...

are you kidding?
Danny wants so badly for Maggie to admit that he has a Real Marriage that it hurts.....
Remember, you came to Us trying to make Us recognize Your "marriages".
Are either of those smiling gals named Murphy Brown?

'cause it seems we've heard this tune before.......
Just hold on a second, unregistered twit: my cousin has been with his partner in a monogamous relationship for 37 years. (They aren't married yet because their state won't let them marry and they want to wait until it's legal where they live but they did become registered domestic partners as soon as that became available to them. They will get to marry in their home state someday, I hope.)
They are monogamous, conservative, old-fashioned men. Your assumption that all gays are not monogamous is ridiculous.

But straight or gay, people aren't cheating shits, even when they're not monogamous, as long they are open with each other about the boundaries in their marriages or committed relationships.
I'm a Chicagoan. What can I do to help?
So if you could marry Terry a third time, you would pick and chose which parts of his anatomy you would get... umm... hitched to? (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

That is Danny's assumption about Homosexuals. Not ours.

And sorry, they are.
Cheating Shits, that is.
Because even if two Cheating Shits get together and decide they don't care if they cheat on each other they are still cheating on the Institution of Marriage.
Because Traditional Heterosexual Marriage is a means to help people be better than they otherwise might have been.
It inspires and motivates them.
It makes them, and their community, better.
But only if you play by the rules.
No Cheating.....

If you want to Cheat, and don't plan not to Cheat, then don't marry.



It cannot be called "cheating" if the person is not dishonest. Troll, your argument is invalid.

Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, esp. in a game or examination: "she cheats at cards".
A person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.

So you are saying that if someone dishonestly enters into "marriage" in order to gain the benefits and advantages thereof (tax breaks, social status, etc etc) but has no intention of living up to the standards by not committing adultery they are a cheater?

We never thought of it that way but we see that you are correct.......
@19: Show me where in the law of the land participants in marriage are expected to be monogamous.

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