
I feel as though we should be making suggestions for how to celebrate Santorum/Man On Dog Day nationwide - but everything I'm coming up with is too gross to share.
(Much less "actually do.")
Where was marriage equality 10 years ago, and where is it today? We (well... YOU, Dan) stood up to the bully, the public noticed, and they came over to the right side of history. So let the history books show that it was santorum that gave marriage equality to teh gayz.
He's probably right about "frothy." Really makes the image come alive.
@1 - I suggest we celebrate this momentous occasion by forgetting who Richard Santorum ever was.
The children of the future will learn all the sexual slang as they reach adolescence, and when they get to santorum, they'll giggle and titter and move on to the donkey punch and the dirty sanchez. They may even assume santorum is the clinical term and come up with their own slang for it.
"Every society in the history of man...". He really has no idea what he's talking about.
The Brown Froth is planning to appear at Grosse Pointe South High School in Michigan tomorrow,…. Let's hope the kids wear rubber boots.
@7 His obvious and palpable disdain for history may be how he ended up on the wrong side of it.
@7 - I came here to say the same thing!
Every society in the history of man has upheld the institution of marriage as a bond between a man and a woman.
He has clearly never studied any actual Anthropology, because the evidence does not support this statement. There have been --and currently are-- many different types of families. And the "institution of marriage" is hardly a human universal either.

He's really only taking his personal point of view and wildly extrapolating it to all humans everywhere. He clearly has no experience with non-western, non-wealthy-only cultures, or he's just lying through his teeth to play bullshit politics with other people's lives.
Adjectives are so important to getting the meaning across.

please enlighten us all.

please list the cultures that embraced homosexual "marriage".

you will find more that institutionalized homosexual pedophilia, btw.
Santorum froth is the froth by which all other froths are measured. The International Froth Council has endorsed the system of evaluating froth that awards points according to the Santorum Froth Scale with One million Santorums being 100% frothiness. The scale also allows for measuring supersaturated froth which is the result of 100% Santorum froth being mixed with the frothy spittle produced by Rick Santorum talking out of his rectum on the subject of Anthropology. The highest recorded measurement of supersaturated froth was 1.69 million Santorums. No dogs were involved in the calculations.
In celebration, it seems the AP Twitter account has decided to screw the pooch today.
So, what I had forgotten about the NYT op ed, was the plan for another little Savage pattering around Capitol Hill. You and Terry still planning another adoption? Waiting until DJ is out of the house? I am told parenthood at 50 keeps you young. Or you could go all Tony Randall......
History lesson time!

But I ain't doin' your work for you. Read two books by the late John Boswell:

Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality (1980)
The Marriage of Likeness: Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe (1994)

Then you can speak.
As a Pennsylvanian, I am so grateful to you and the readers who made the relevant suggestions. We were able to soundly kick him out of office thanks to your help. Beforehand, I didn't think it would be possible (and he needed to go for so many reasons, not just "man on dog.")
I recall an episode of The Daily Show where Keira Knightley was visiting, and she had just been introduced to the term "santorum" while watching in the green room. It was the inclusion of the word "frothy" that really jumped out at her too. I think the guy was right, it was that adjective that really makes it memorable.
I think they should interview the AP interviewer. His reaction was priceless, and did double duty calling out the WTF nature of Santorum's position.

please enlighten us all.

please list the cultures that embraced homosexual "marriage".

you will find more that institutionalized homosexual pedophilia, btw.

Many of the Native American cultures embraced men to men marriage. Not only embraced it, but considered such unions as more spiritually powerful than man to woman marriage. Specifically in the Lakota culture a transgender woman was sought out by new fathers to bestow a special secret name for their child and it was a huge honor to receive such a name. Instead of embarking on genocide, our forefathers would have been wise to learn from Native peoples. Of the over 400 cultures native to North America alone, most were very happy to have LGBTs among them. How many more examples do you require if hundreds are not enough?
the troll has officially discovered copy and paste...
Who exactly says the American Family in its current form shouldn't be threatened? After all the harm it did me, I'd be the first to give it a hearty buh-bye.

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