
I'm sorry to be the spellchecker, Paul, but in this case the word hero is spelled d*o*u*c*h*e*b*a*g.
That's true, it means nothing in and of itself.

These days, if you're an over 50 straight Christian white male with a family, you actually have to earn any respect you get, rather than having it automatically bestowed on you as an outdated cultural archetype.

If I had been raised in the type of privelege that white, Christian males have gotten used to in our culture, I'd be sad to see it crumble too. But I wasn't, so I'm not.
He's absolutely right! Look at all the straight, Christian white men who *weren't* elected president in 2012! When is somebody going to stick up for *their* rights?
i hope he kills himself
I guess he raised a family on his own. No mention of his wife contributing. You built it Tim Brando!
Yes. Check. Those attributes alone are not enough to- um- get you a cookie? What?
And that, in a nutshell, explains how the republican party continues to exist.
I think (contributing to) raising a family is something that should earn you a boatload of respect. It is hard work, and work that is usually undervalued for both men and women. Not sure what being a 50+ white christian male is supposed to mean, other than that is your demographic. Congrats on being born white and male not dying at 49, I guess?
@2 - perfectly stated.
Simple being a person that is unable to quantifiably demonstrate the ability to generate net profit means nothing in today's culture. The sad truth. Period.
It amazes me how blind he is to all the privilege he's been entitled to since the day he was born. And still he whines.
Wow, he said the word "Period", I guess that means he's totally right, and there's no other viewpoint or debate possible.
I think the root cause of this myopia is that life is hard for everybody, even "privileged" white males. We all have our challenges, our weaknesses, our selfishness and stupidity to manage. And when you overcome those issues to the point where you are generally a good man, faithful to your wife, raising your kids, etc, you crave acknowledgement. Nothing wrong with that. In this world that, in fact, is an accomplishment.

What guys like Brando miss, unfortunately, or don't want to believe, or refuse to acknowledge, is that it's even harder for everybody else. It takes humility to let that reality into your world view, and some of us just aren't able to do it due to the aforementioned weakness/selfishness/stupidity.
"who has" not "that has"
or, maybe not
If you have kids, you are required to take care of them. If you want an award, ask for one on father's day. Talk about being entitled.
Brando's first two words describe him well: "Simple Being".
Brando isn't really a "reporter". He's a play-by-play guy who's just happened to do SportsCenter types of gigs along the way. He's always been a putz, so this is nothing out of character for him.
Do the kids not send father's day gifts? Get that man a tie, stat.
Some people are never given a reason to question anything. Coping with aging (being "over 50") might be the first time in his life he's had to confront a loss of privilege.
Just because gay people now count as human beings too doesn't mean that 50 something white, christian guys no longer count. It's not an either/or thing.
@13, well said.
As a pro choice feminist, it's my view that people choose to reproduce. It is a difficult thing to raise kids but nobody is required to undertake it. I guess if your political view is that people should be forced to reproduce, then maybe you'd think meeting that "obligation" should be admirable. As it is, I'm sick of people who chose to have kids that keep bitching about it.
#2 I agree - there has been a shift in how respect, at least outwardly, is bestowed on people. My dad grew up in a world that automatically gave males of his color (white) and income (upper-middle class) automatic respect, especially when they got older and became 'patriarchs' of the community. By the time he reached an age where he was a senior member of the community, that world had changed. He really struggled with it - he expected deference and respect just because of who he 'was' and his 'station' and when it wasn't always forthcoming it pissed him off and he suffered a lot for it. Today, you have to earn respect, either by having so much money you can buy it by surrounding yourself with toadies and other money/celebrity worshipers, or continuously earn it through the strength of your personality and your actions. A lot of older white males that don't have piles of money won't see the kind of respect/deference/attention they expect cause they haven't earned it and they can't buy it.

Having said that, I do think we as a society though could do a better job of respecting our seniors, regardless of gender or ethnicity/skin color.

I think a lot of men like him felt they had to have kids. They didn't see it as a choice but a requirement. Then they spend their lives resenting people who don't have kids.

I'm glad you said that because the assumption is that somehow it automatically buys you privilege.

And if it doesn't, then whence all the animosity.

If you think that started "today" then you are more out of touch than the Tweeter.
#27 not sure I understand what you mean. I think my dad was of a generation that is still coming to grips with major cultural shifts that probably started becoming noticeable, at least to those who were paying attention, in the 60s and 70s. I don't this is a phenomenon that started 'today,' if that is what you mean.

Let me put it this way. I have never once felt that I was awarded any extra right, privilege, money or anything that was not due to my own personal effort. Same with loss, personal problem or punishment.

I am not claiming that others may have suffered for who they are or what they look like.

At the same time, I reserve the right at any time to also question any extra privilege awarded by The System to anyone in the interest of ascertaining the justification or lack thereof.
@29 Of course not. Neither did George W. Bush.
#29 revised

"I am NOT claiming..."


Go away
To be fair, there is plenty of expected backlash at the popular misandry of second wave feminism, especially against white males.
You want a medal for a cumshot?

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