
which is why citizens need assault rifles.....
Sounds like citizens with guns is exactly the answer. You can't subjugate people with guns when they have them too. The violence against regular citizens in Mexico is a direct result of the lack of armed citizens.
One of the many reasons why our forefathers said "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

It is a shame that the citizens of Mexico do not have the same protections when they are forced to fight better armed criminal elements.
Mexican problems for Mexicans to worry about. I'm okay with all of this as long as my little Timmy and Susan can be protected from the perils of the same sorts of drugs I freely partook of when I was a dumb 20-something.
Goddamn, that was a sharp comment, @4. In a week or two I'll be taking credit for it in galaxies far, far away.
Maybe the Mexicans should consider leaving guns around for their toddlers, then everyone will be safer.

@1,2,3 - It sounds like they're already armed so not sure what your point is. Also, there's not much comparable to this in the US except for the mob... Have you considered shooting them with your assault rifle when they're demanding their cut? Let me know when that happens and how that works out for you.

@7 it's very difficult for Mexican to get weapons. Because of poverty and because there's only one authorized gun store in Mexico (in DF). Yes I would prefer to be armed when roving gangs come into my house to take what they want or kidnap me. You're always free to bend over for them if that's your preference as it apparently is.
@8 - the only problem with your analogy is that the United States are two totally separate realities. You are about as likely to live out your Chuck Norris vigilante scenario as your average Mexican is likely to wake up tomorrow in a totally non-corrupt nation where La Familia is suddenly gone as if by magic.

What you or someone near your weapons is MASSIVELY MORE LIKELY TO DO is accidentally murder or injure you or someone else with your "self defense" weapon.

Other than that, perfect analogy.
@8 - How often do roving gangs come to your house? Your neighborhood?

Perhaps you should always wear a life jacket - you never know when a random pool, bath tub, or flash flood might come to drown you. I mean, it's probably much more likely than the scenario you describe.
In Mexico, guns are not legally available to people who need them. In the US, guns are too available for people who don't. Neither one has a sensible policy.

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