
OK, we have a right wing xian saying that other people can't accept that they may be wrong.

Any well educated smart people out there want to explain the psychological concept known as projection?
"Black people think that just because they're black, it can't be true that it's okay to gun them down because they're black."
"what really happened."

Woah! Hutcherson was there? Why the fuck didn't they call him as a witness? This could have been resolved so much faster and easier if we'd known there was an eyewitness. We wouldn't have had to base the entire trial on the story of the shooter.
Larry Elder (@larryelder) 7/22/13
Deja OJ: Poll-86% of blacks disagree w/verdict; 51% of whites agree. 70% of white GOP agree; 30% of white dems agree.

Well put but Larry Elder is a better black voice on the whole pathetic hysteria.
"Jeez, shoot a few unarmed black teenagers for no reason and black people get all TOUCHY. "
@4 - This doesn't have anything to do with OJ. We mentioned that last time. I think you have a difficult time accepting truth simply because you're a racist bigot.
Well... I suppose it is good to know that Hutch is a lunatic asshole about other people besides just teh gheys. He's an uncle Tom too.
Don't forget- this is a man who believes the earth is a few thousand years old. So much for truth.
Oh, fuck this guy.
The ACLU is even in the GZ corner now. It was a tiny bit sad to watch the left and the race pimps before the verdict knowing they were coming downstairs on Xmas to an empty box (it was obvious to everyone else) and now they're doing it again?! Somehow staging street theater in Westlake will change reality and Holder's transparent, impotent pandering gives you all a glimmer of hope. It's becoming fun to watch now.
Yeah, and Ann Coulter said Zimmerman was afraid for his life. It's very telling who his fans are.
"What really happened"? I know as a latte-sipping progressive/liberal I've got my head so far up the ass of Dan Savage or Mayor McGinn or or President Obamacare or whoever to no the difference, but I thought it was an open-and-shut case on "what really happened": Zimmerman disobeyed the 911-respondent's request that he stay in his car, he stalked an unarmed teenager, and in the inevitable ensuing scuffle, he shot him.

Florida has a fucked up law that says people can shoot other people when they feel their life is in danger, I get that. I also get that there's no definitive version of exactly how their fight went. But am I missing something, or did Zimmerman indisputably disobey the authority's request and confront and eventually fatally shoot an unarmed teenager, or not?

Because that's how I see it, and I'm pretty sure that's how most black people see it.
to know* the difference. Wow. typo city.
I thought Judaism was the apex of victimhood.

Isn't this the same guy who proudly admitted that he got into football specifically so he could beat up white men?
@10 - "The ACLU is even in the GZ corner now."

*citation needed

Yeah. I loved the part where he shit all over Rachel Jeantel for being foreign and having a speech impediment. Great company you keep, asshole.
@14: OY VEY! IT'S A SHONDE! *flings bagel*

I'm with you, buddy.

You can tell the whole story without mentioning the color of skin.

He is guilty as hell for approaching Trayvon with a gun, after getting specific instructions to stay away. TO STAY AWAY.

Stand Your Ground, my ass.

Racism plays into it - why he targeted Trayvon, why Zimmerman was acquitted - but as to the facts of the case, no skin color needs to be included in the story.
Hutch is trying to move the conversation past the facile demonization of GZ. He wants to advance the idea that the black community actually has a bit of culpability in their behavior and the perception of their race, and he is trying to get the black community to heal and move forward from being seen as criminals to a healthy community. Bill Cosby got lambasted for the same thing a decade ago.

Hutch's main problem is that he is creating a sensationalist argument to garner attention, and making it easier to dismiss him. Do you go for page hits and easier dismissal? Or do you go for serious discussion but nobody sees it?

Hutch's other problem is his Church Solution. Wrapping the solution in a God that will forgive all but being gay is just inviting bad behavior. But, he's a man of the cloth, so whatever. He's trying to profit by bring people to the flock.

There is a huge conversation that isn't fucking happening about poverty, race and crime. It gets caught up in the "evils" of racial profiling and race baiting (like calling GZ white). It's fucking obnoxious, and I see the left being enablers of this situation for the reason that they don't have a solution and don't want to seem racist to the black community.
@12, 19

I had similar thoughts...

There seems to be a dispute about whether the dispatcher ordered Z to stop stalking TM or only made a rational suggestion.…

So has Ken Hutcherson published any more pictures of guys giving each other BJs? Maybe that's why Rush and Glenn Beck love him so?
This is the quote that pissed me off the most- "I have been told that the medical report revealed Trayvon had marijuana in his system that night. Someone told me if you smoke marijuana you can get the munchies and feel paranoid. So the reason may be that he was out late to get his munchies on and since he may have been a little paranoid, he could have been acting a little suspicious."
A quick search for the timeline of the evening's events (which apparently Hutch didn't bother to check) shows time of death at 7:30 PM. Wow. So late. So fucking condescending. Tell me his kids never partake of skittles and sugary drinks. Whether or not he had pot in his system is beside the point. I'd like to see his POV if it were HIS kid in that situation. So much for the Golden Rule- his god's most important commandment to treat your fellow man the way you'd like to be treated (paraphrasing, I know). STFU, Hutch.
"Blackness is the apex of victimhood" Funny, the black friends I have are hardly victims, in any sense. What an insult!
Sounds like Uncle Ruckus. I'm surprised he didn't just come out and call black people monkeys.

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