
The background music is a little too Christmas-y, but the ad is spot-on. McGinn's the best mayor this city has had in the past 20 years. Voters would be foolish to throw him out after just one term.
effective/waste of money?

I have no idea, except that I'm of the opinion that the majority of things are a waste of money, so I'll go with that
If McGinn wins, then obviously it was not a waste of money. If he loses one could argue that it was a waste of money, but those that don't try to win races don't win. Hence it's not a waste of money. Advertising rarely is.
As to whether the tone and execution of the ad sticks the landing, I'd say for the most part (but maybe not a grand slam). But @3 is right about ads...and furthermore...

Granted he's the incumbent (so what else would you expect?) but McGinn has been consistently trumpeting his accomplishments and sticking to a few primary tent poles of his achievements and vision. It's been steadier and more substantive than any one of his opponents (with the exception of the relentless drumbeat of "divisive/collaborative" from Murray, which is consistent but shallow as all get out).

We'll see if the approach is resonating, but the Mayor's campaign tone has been set, cultivated and maintained, no doubt about it.
@1: Why don't you just drop to your knees and blow him?

Style? Here's Mike McGinn's style:…

Effective? I already voted. So no.

/for McGinn
I can say that one of the reasons I didn't vote for Nickels last time was that I generally had the feeling he didn't care about me at all. Part of the reason I felt this way at election time is that I never encountered any reaching out to the rank and file voter, like McGinn is doing here, simply asking for our votes.
@8 you can be assured McGinn doesn't care about you personally, either. Like all politicians he cares about his big contributors, in this case labor unions and developers.
"I've been in four years and I'm almost ready now."
Ah Goldy, as a McGinn whore you're like a twice-baked potato, except more like a hundred times. Feeling loose all over yet?
It's a good ad. He comes across as thoughtful and humble, and he trumpets his accomplishments without seeming like he's bragging.
Noicons is very clever and talented. My favorite thing about him is his mature and nuanced imagination. So creative!

And the way he rebuts people with regards to their sexual proclivity is especially potent on a medium like the Internet. I'm surprised that someone as talented and successful as he must be is able to find the time to converse so effectively with his peers!
@13, so there are two sloppy old McGinn whore on the thread, then. Tell us, which orifice is getting the best workout?
It's effective, if you can make voters believe in your "accomplishment" by repeatedly taking credit for things that aren't really an accomplishment of the Mayor's office.

-create jobs - How?
-green jobs program - oh these 14 jobs…
-lowest crime rate - Sure, but if your stuff gets stolen you can fill out an online form that nobody will investigate. The SPD posts pictures of recovered phones (with unique numbers) and computers clearly marked with employer and employee logins on the screen and yet can't identify the owner? How's that $41M a year DOJ reform going ?…
- Families and Ed Levy - if we're claiming voter approved measures then maybe he should take credit for rebuilding the seawall too
- fighting coal trains - ok, but the state and federal government have some pretty serious rules about commerce and rail traffic..
The first ten seconds seem kinda nonsequitury, and the "make a difference on those things" line near the end was a bit hard to hear, but otherwise pretty good.

But we already mailed our ballots, so ineffective in that regard.
@9 I know that, but they don't have to be insulting about it.
Seattle is controlled in large part by developers and the other wealthy folk. We are their compliant liberal sheep receiving our generous policy consolation prizes.

None of the remotely viable mayoral candidates is fighting that reality. I just don't see any of McGinn's opponents who would do better about the things I care about or who have a substantially different constituency. Given that, for Murray to get the support of enough big money boys, he will by definition be beholden to them to deliver more to them than McGinn has. I don't see that we need the balance of power tipped even MORE in the direction of developers.

For all the criticisms I see of McGinn, I don't see specific opposite policies proposed by Murray. For example, has Murray come out and said, "I will crush the Police Guild."? No. Meaning he is just as likely to be worse than McGinn on police accountability. I honestly have trouble seeing what motivates Murray other than personal ambition. Nothing wrong with that really - that is one of the defining characteristics of career politicians. I'm just not seeing that supporting his personal ambitions in this case is likely to put me and my family in a better position. The dishonest campaign materials from Murray just made me feel more confidant in my position about McGinn.
@17, I agree. Murray won't be any better. If McShithead survives the primary, I'll vote for his opponent regardless of who it is, just because McShithead is, well, McShithead. But the end results won't change, because Seattle is institutionally corrupt, and voters pay little attention.
It'd be pretty funny if it wound up Murray v. Steinbrueck. Unlikely for sure, but that primary outcome would certainly send a message to the urbanists and bike nazis. It's also going to be funny if the more likely outcome happens, McShithead and Murray, in which case both candidates get down on their knees in front of Harrell.

In the end, with a 50% disapproval rating, it's hard to believe that Goldy's love interest wins re-election. All that whoring for nothing, Goldy!
@14, offhand, I'd say yours. You're the one who's busiest working your sphincter here and elsewhere.
There he is again! Oh, Noicons, you rapscallion! Always elevating the discourse with a witty barb!
Howdy Fnarf, you urbanist whore! Has someone driven a truck into your Holland Tunnel yet?
So Murray got the endorsement of the United Transportation Union - now what was all that Stranger echo noise about him and mass transit? Seems folks who know the issue . . .

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