
Can you at least block quote the part explaining or justifying your headline?
I was wondering when we were going to get around to this article. Please begin dismissing the contentions and statistics therein because of the NYT's "liberal", anti-gun bias.
Did Dulcinea enjoy the Stranger Genius Awards?
Goldy, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate these posts. I've been blogging about this issue since the mass shooting in Oak Creek WI which is only a few miles from my home. I've been able to link to lots of information you provide, including in a post I put up today.…

When it comes to availability of guns in this country I feel surrounded by unreasonable voices, and the clarity and compassion in your posts gives me hope. Thanks.

This headline is as big of a lie (if not bigger) as Kelly O's assertion that a model painted herself black (and ended up having a picture of Kelly O in blackface uncovered).

Child gun deaths did not go up.

Child gun accidental deaths should be higher, but child gun homicides should be lower. But, total child death by gun remains the same.

Damn Korintia, thanks for speaking up! Nice looking blog. That close-up of the main violin photo. May I ask the settings of your camera? The strings are so close to the focal point -your name on the bridge (which kind of looks like swiss cheese hee-hee), yet they are out of focus. Nice effect. Maybe you had it professionally phototaken, which unfortunatley takes my admiriation down a notch, but not terribly so. Did you know that Stranger writer Ansel Herz once had a fancy camera?
It's called the circle of life. Get used to it, pussies.
@7 are you having a senility race with SROTU?
@6 is right. The article plainly states that these deaths are recorded as homicides instead of accidents. The number of reported child deaths by guns is not "far higher than official records show", but in fact is exactly the same.

How's that for reason, Goldy?
@7 are you really Daniel Bennett Kienecker on [slightly better] meds?
@8- I think you make the first mistake that most weak men make, confusing insensitivity with toughness. Any wimp can be an insensitive jerk- A tough person is able to set aside their own discomfort, not discount that of others.

The most shocking part of this article is the fact that families who had lost a child to an accidental shooting continued to own and use firearms, and allow their children to use firearms.
I don't think Goldy even bothered to read the article.
I think that the total number of deaths isn't the point, but rather the cause of the death is. Homicide vs. 'accidental' shooting is a big difference. Knowing how many children die b/c the adult/s in their life can't be bothered to secure their firearms is important.

I was personally amazed by the parents who give kids as young as 3 their own guns, to basically play with. WTF?!
Perhaps if we convicted negligent parents of manslaughter or a similar crime when a child dies directly due to that negligence, this figure would drop dramatically.
Did you read the article Goldy? It is really not saying what you are trying to claim it is saying.
@9 point taken. I do have issues. Will try to reverse toward to sanity.


I think you'll only get Goldie to respond when he believes he's got a tight defense. To show weakness and fallibility diminishes his credibility. He's got a tough job, no doubt. That's why lazy Joe Schmoe is in the homeless encampments, and Goldie is in an office making the big bucks.
The skew from accidental shooting to homicide is a totally political move. When we dig through stats for these numbers we have to be able to assume that the numbers are accurate and reasonable- but if accidental deaths are much higher than homicides it gives even more lie to the already weak claims about self defense and gun safety in the home.

I've long been on Goldy's side on this one, but that headline is just fucking amateur- worse than Kelly O's wobbly, high school bullshit from the last go-round.
It's time for another episode of EVERYONE'S favorite game show

Today's winning picks are:

Gun nuts!
Thee Olde Seconde Amendmente!
Assault weapons!
Apples and oranges!
You just do not care about X dead Y's!
Tautological tautologies!
Picking cherries!
I don't want to ban all guns but ... !
The NRA!

Beat a straw man for big bonus points!
Children and guns clearly do not mix. I hear you there. Therefore I completely support the banning of children. Or at least requiring them to be kept in gun proof-safes and I support other child-control laws. And we need to background check, insure and license parents. I'm all for that.
@19 I agree that the skewing could definitely be seen as political. If only somebody at The Stranger was paid to read articles write honestly about what these statistics might actually mean.
Goldy, just edit to add "Accidental" to the headline, and all the niggling nitpickers will have to address the substance of the article.

I crack myself up.


Why is gun technology so primitive still.

For example, no electronic key locks that could be voice or fingerprint activated. Not only would this keep kids from using guns, but it would prevent a thief or madman from grabbing your gun and using it against you.
So it's all about the headline? What's the matter, the article too long for you?

How about just looking at the stupidity/horror that is the father with his toddler son and a gun? Yes, that child is now dead...from a gunshot.

I don't really know what more people want.

I have zero sympathy for any of the parents in the article. I have all the sympathy for the dead child and their friend/sibling who accidentally killed them. The remaining child will have to live with a mistake that was caused completely by their parent's own negligence and inability to understand child development.
Can't win, Goldy. The gun nuts are so far gone and twisted that they revel in child deaths. See, there wouldn't be ANY accidental gun deaths, suicide gun deaths, homicides using stolen guns, domestic violence gun deaths, or "heat of the moment" gun deaths if everyone were already dead. Then their version of the 2nd Amendment could be justified without contradiction from the world outside their heads.

"The remaining child will have to live the mistake..."

Yes and no. An attentive school system could possibly have a great beneficial impact on the child having to deal with this tragedy. Goldie has been telling us over the past week, and probably before that, the amount of money involved in school reform. As long as he doesn't have to go into the classroom and touch the disgusting little rugrats, he may be able to really concentrate on his research and possibly get a Pulitzer.
"I know when I write about this issue it's because I am an awful, awful person who dances on the graves of children whose blood I use to bake my matzoh, or something."

Blood libel.

Goldy, can you link to any specific comment on SLOG that accuses you of that? "That" in this context being "blood libel".
If not, why did you attempt to imply that someone did?

"Child Gun Deaths Far Higher than Official Records Show"

That is not what that article states.
So why did you attempt to imply that it did?
@24 And the great thing is that fingerprint locks wouldn't stop you from using the gun to kill your wife - when she deserved it.

Actually, though, since the whole modern ideology of guns is driven first by the what the gun manufacturers want, sophisticated technology that you describe is not acceptable because it raises the price of the gun some amount and makes it more difficult to resell. For all the bluster here from the gun nuts, they (the gun nuts) really are in large part only the Frankenstein creations of the gun manufacturers in the last 40 years in their push to increase gun sales at any cost. Before that, people with these ideas were more often diagnosed as "dangerously obsessed individuals."
Gun nuts could actually do something to reduce these accidental deaths, like closing loopholes in background checks, mandatory training, mandatory safe storage, mandatory liability insurance, and increased prosecution for negligence. Or they could try to shoot the messenger. The gun nuts, as usual, try to shoot the messenger.

Gun owners in America are a dying breed. Your own extremism is the reason why, gun nuts. You're doing this to yourselves.
Here come the Goldy apologists, who, like Kelly O's apologists, dismiss that their hero is outright lying in the article headline saying "won't you pay attention to the content?!" They are supporting the trolling of the author, because they agree with him. They refuse to admit that Goldy is being a stupid fucking credulous hack, and a fucking liar on top of it, even though its right there and will forever be in the permalink.
@28 This is the most awesome gun nut response ever!! Yes, Goldy, can you link to any specific comment on SLOG that accuses you of Blood Libel?!

Your use of humorous satirical metaphor makes you unqualified to speak on child gun deaths!

(This is right in there with the arguments that focus on the lack of technical knowledge about something like bullet caliber to say a critic is unqualified to talk about people being able to buy and sell assault rifles without a background check.)
Don't bother Goldy, he is busy brushing the last finishing touches of shoe polish onto Kelly O's face.
"a critic is unqualified to talk about people being able to buy and sell assault rifles without a background check."

Where in America is that legal?
Been a while since I saw a nice Jewish boy make a blood libel joke. #28 doesn't get it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. This isn't about the children, it's about the guns.

Goldy doesn't give a flying fuck about children dying unless it's at the end of a gun.

The fact still remains that, according to the CDC, the number one cause of death of children under 5 is drowning. Gun deaths rank ninth, behind traffic accidents, unspecified homicide, fire/burn, suffocation, pedestrian fatalities, special homicides and natural/environmental disasters.

Somehow I don't imagine Goldy breathlessly searching the news headlines trying to find toddlers drowning in the tub, but when 43 toddlers are killed with guns each year, it's a fucking tragedy.

Keep grinding that axe, Goldy. You really do have a serious gun fetish.…

I guess you didn't read the article. According to the Times' research, the incorrect classification of accidental gun deaths as homicide or even suicide means that accidental gun deaths are more likely twice as prevalent as commonly thought, meaning that it's more like the fifth leading cause of death of young children.

Nice try though.
@36... we as a society attempt to protect our citizens with precautions to prevent death, i.e., lifeguards at swimming pools, seatbelt laws, smoke detectors, stoplights, traffic laws in general. The list goes on. But apparently reasonable gun laws, like universal background checks or gun locks being sold with every gun purchase, aren't worth our time, b/c it's 'only' 43 deaths per year.
@37 look at the chart provided by CPN from the CDC. It includes Unintentional Firearm (which is #10 for 10-14 year olds and lower for everybody else), Suicide Firearm (#4 for 15-24, and #5 for 10-14), and Homicide Firearm (#2 for 15-24, #4 for both 5-9 and 10-14).

Add them up, even being generous and giving them the same number of deaths as the #10 cause of death), and they still are not #1 cause of death.

The New York Times is being rather histrionic...which is more acceptable than outright lying like Goldy does.
@24 What the hell are you lying for? Isn't this what you want, and want others to want?
As of 2008, 33 states do not restrict private, intrastate sales of firearms (like the AR-15 assault rifle) at gun shows or between private parties IN ANY MANNER. If it's legal to own you can buy and sell it.
"As of 2008, 33 states do not restrict private, intrastate sales of firearms (like the AR-15 assault rifle)"

"Assault rifles" are fully automatic.
"Assault weapons" are semi-automatic (with additional features).
So no, your statement is incorrect.
Which is one of the reasons why the "Assault weapons!" category is included in Trolling Bingo.

There is a difference between
fully automatic

I said more like #5. The NYT said more like #5. Who exactly is being histrionic here?

it's a little redundant to say "nice Jewish boy" - we all know that Jewish boys are nice. Sure there's a Weiner here, and a Madoff there, but c'mon, who doesn't make mistakes, and mistakes they might not even had been. So Venomlash, "Jewish boy" is sufficient - for Catholics, Muslims and other religions that Judaism is superior to, yes, you must designate if a boy is "nice" or not - A simple reminder - ALL Jewish boys are nice, sincerely wonderful human beings.
@41 Thanks for proving my point. You are using the your definitions that distinguish an "assault rifle" from an "assault weapon" to try to say I'm not qualified to comment - by saying a "rifle" is not a "weapon." You are being a total weasel trying to distract from the point of the conversation with weapons fetish minutia. An AR-15 fits the definition of assault rifle as understood by the public at large, who know it not a machine gun, and you know that.

So, a rifle is not a weapon. Got it. You and your gun nut pals can chalk up another victory of fetishism over common sense.
Oh for crying out loud who the fuck cares as long as weapons of any kind are kept out of the hands of fairly.unbalanced.
"You are using the your definitions that distinguish an "assault rifle" from an "assault weapon" to try to say I'm not qualified to comment - by saying a "rifle" is not a "weapon.""

I'm pointing out that you do not know the definitions of the terms that you are using.
But don't let that stop you, right?
If you spend any time reading the previous "discussions" here you'll see that I and most of the other people who know what the difference is keep pointing out how arbitrary and useless the term "assault weapon" is.…

Now you can either use the more accurate descriptions or you can choose to continue to incorrectly use the political label.
To those who are pointing out that Goldstein lied: This is The Stranger, and Goldstein is Goldstein. What did you expect?
@43: Cute. I'm so mad at your mockery of the Jews, I'm gonna go poison your well.
@46 As I was saying, when backed in to a corner even a little gun nuts refuse to talk honestly about the substance of critiques. One favorite tactic is to divert the discussion to a complaint that someone has incorrectly described the details of their specific fetish object. This, of course, allows them to relive the intricate technical attributes of their their fetish objects, while feeling deeply offended that critics don't appreciate their "precious."
"As I was saying, when backed in to a corner even a little gun nuts refuse to talk honestly about the substance of critiques."

If you cannot tell the difference between an abortion and a miscarriage then correcting your usage is addressing the substance of your critiques.
That being that your "critiques" have no substance.
Again, which is one of the reasons why "Assault weapons!" was included on the "TROLLING BINGO" post.
@44, the "public at large" can't distinguish an "automatic weapon" from a "semi-automatic" one. Why is the fact the public is willing to attack something they clearly don't understand a good metric?

Shit, the public can't distinguish "Obamacare" from "holy shit, I can afford health insurance!" They're the same damn thing, unlike assault weapons/rifles. Why is the public's understanding of a matter indicative of its benefit or detriment to the US?

What you call "intricate technical attributes" are anything but. They're fundamental distinctions.

Maybe I'm crazy, being pro-healthcare, pro-gun, pro-gays, pro-choice, etc. Yet here I am, and I'm not willing to stand idly by while people lie or misrepresent things I know and support.

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