Blogs Dec 6, 2013 at 10:38 am


oh, come on!
If Saint Ronald Reagan had had his way Mandella would have died in prison.…

Let's not forget, that Santorum is a "pro-life" Roman Catholic who understands that apartheid is just like getting affordable health care.

The pronouncements of morons and hypocrites when an icon for decency dies is a comic gift that keeps on giving.


Part of not being hypocritical means consistently following your own rules.

Mission: not fulfilled.
@2 Fuck off, Bailo. You're already regarded as Slog's village idiot, a role that for years was Will's exclusive purview, but somehow you've managed to prove yourself the greater asshole, probably because most of Will's jackassery was harmless, while yours has more than a whiff of dumb, right wing violence associated with it.

TL;DR: fuck right off.
Personally, I would encourage every other rescumlican to shut the fuck up for all eternity.
@4: oh, you mean like the teabaggers condemning Mandela for being a commie, then snuggling up to Putin because he's antigay even though ol' Vlad was part of the ruling circle of the Communist Party? That kind of consistency?
Someday Republicans will be forced to eat their words about the ACA the way they are forced to eat their words about Mandela. It's because everything they do is from a malevolent heart and being small of spirit and the future never rewards that.
The temptation's so strong today to skip from post to post reading people of all stripes working super hard to claim Mandela for their own views and causes.
apropos, so (via -…)

"It's a constant theme of conservatism to falsely take credit for the progressive causes of yesteryear while attempting to destroy contemporary ones. It bears repeating: in 1776, a conservative was a Tory. In 1860, a centrist advocated more compromises and a conservative was a Confederate or Confederate sympathizer. In 1880, a conservative was a friend of the robber barons. In 1930, conservatives advocated that the elderly die in the streets rather than receive Social Security. In 1955, a conservative was a McCarthyite red-baiter. In 1965, a conservative was a Beatles-hating, MLK-hating opponent of Medicare, civil rights and birth control. In 1986 conservatives were calling Mandela a terrorist while clandestinely selling arms to Iran to funding fascist Central American death squads. In 1996 conservatives were led by Newt Gingrich and impeached Bill Clinton over sex acts. In 2006 they were committing war crimes in Iraq while trying to private Social Security and subvert the justice department.

It's not any different in 2013. The issues change, but the heart and soul of conservatism remains the same."
I'm now imagining Bill O'Reilly covered cap-a-pie in clear plastic with a big lace doily on his head - it's actually rather amusing!
@2 - You great big pile of stupid. Nobody here but you and the unregistered troll has ever said that age difference is what causes a problem. Are you really that bad at reading that you just decide people said whatever you were thinking?

If you are actually capable of reading, despite all signs to the contrary, please commit this to memory: You are a feckless moron, Bailo, and nobody here likes you. You have never won an argument here, and you never will by putting words in people's mouths, or by any other means, for that matter, because you are a hateful idiot with no hope for redemption.
@2 - By the way, none of what I said there should be construed as permission for you to make sexual advances on teenage girls.
@13 - I'll go one further. John Bailo is denied permission to make sexual advances on any girls, because she can do better. Where "she" is defined as the set of all human women, living, dead, and yet to be born.
Bailo is a clean/alternative energy guy, and, from what I gather from his comments, a Keynesian. That's not right-wing. His critics here are way over the top and way too personal.
@15- "Bailo is a clean/alternative energy guy..."

No he's not. He's a lunatic who thinks hydrogen fuel cells are perpetual motion machines.
@15 - Bailo's ideas about clean/alternative energy are based in a fantasy that has been thoroughly debunked again and again. He has shown an inability or an unwillingness to actually read and comprehend the comments that contradict his fantasy. Whatever his actual politics, he's an idiot and his comments are a pollutant to Slog.
@ 17 - Except re: George Zimmerman. SROTU was right on the money when posting on that topic.

You know, stopped clock and all that....
@18: Nah, SRotU attributed too much conscious intent to Zimmerman's murder of Martin. He made Zimmerman out to be a vicious psychopath rather than a prejudiced and armed fool who let his irrational fear rule him.
@9, but no matter how hard you look, and no matter what insane nastiness you uncover, you will find it very difficult even in the darkest corners of the Republican's tiny tent to find another person whose take on the Mandela thing is to justify child molestation, like Bailo. That's just...beyond.
Santorum segued into another topic of the increasing role of government using "injustice". While very crass, he did not directly compare Obamacare to apartheid.

Paul Constant stretch factor for this post is 67%.
I would rather have a Christmas party with raindrop then read another word written by SROTU, stupidest motherfucker on the planet.

@15 - He also thinks that all cities should de-densify and that America should be the equivalent of a giant cul de sac or freeway because everyone should have their own car.
FUCK YOU SANTORUM, psychotic catholics who think like you and the tea reBOOBlican party.
Just a BTW, santorum, your wife had a defective child in her MID-forties, just like palin. Maybe thinking you've had enough kids instead of putting your wife through the trauma of having that child, who probably will not live to see her teen years, would have been the correct and moral thing to do. But no . . .
Beside being neutered YOU should continue with that LOBOTOMY you're been undergoing. Please let them finish the operation.
I can't believe inbreeds like you are allowed to exist in MY world. Please leave.
Whatever it was he wrote, it got pulled, but I'll trust others' judgment that it was pretty fucked up and revise @14:

Where "she" is defined as the set of all human w̶o̶m̶e̶n̶ beings, living, dead, and yet to be born.

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