

Will there be cost overruns on the tunnel?

More than 90 percent of the design-build work will be performed for a fixed price. The remaining amount includes work such as building repairs along the tunnel route, unplanned repairs to the tunneling machine and work stoppages due to differing site conditions. For these items, we established risk sharing with the design-builder.…

Well, lookie dat.

Pretty sure if Goldy has two misogynist posts in one week he might in fact be a misogynist. Just because you like progressive taxation and a higher minimum age, you don't automatically get a pass to sexually harass women on your blog.

Not necessarily that he is a misogynist deep in his heart -- but then who the fuck cares what's deep in his heart of hearts?

Misogyny is as misogyny does.
Sorry Paul, obviously the point does need to be made, and the Onion-esque headline drove it home.

Since Goldie became a writer to gain money, I think he as ethical allowances to be a parasitical creep.

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