
I would also like to thank Seattleblues in advance for the entertaining comments, assuming it's not already past bedtime.
I find myself hoping that the timing was not accidental.

(I'm a sucker for sentimentality at times like these.)

I hope the asswipes at FRC, NARTH and the other shithead organizations that filed amici briefs in support of reinstating Utah's bigoted anti-equality amendment are looking at this decision and dying inside.

I suppose it's not nice to wish other people unhappiness, but... well, karma. Eat that, motherfuckers!
: )

Ninth Circuit rules "California must allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms in public, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday, striking down the core of the state's permit system for handguns."

Happy Valentine's Day, young lovers. Don't forget to shoot first.
in DC you have NO RIGHT TO REPRESENTATION in the senate or congress. Ditto, Puerto rico. it's six million people. why do we get to vote for reps to make laws over them, and they don't? can they cite this decision's profound legal reasoning -- in the quote above, it's summarized as "hey it's unfair!" which it is -- and get a judge to order equal voting rights for all us citizens and persons over which we rule? or, do we have conquered people in Puerto rico and second class citizens in DC when it comes to voting right? sometimes people in America get more angry about the name of their football team than the fact they are legally second class, back of the bus type "citzens" -- good enough to draft and tax, but not good enough to merit representation somehow.

are we better than them, is that the justification?

all for gay marriage equality, all for no bad voter id laws, all for making Yakima have Hispanic or latino representation, but at some point we have to deal with the six million people in dc and Puerto rico totally lacking in federal representation. it's quite unfair.
@4, this decision is the fruition of years and years of work, and, much like the march towards gay marriage, sets up a series of domino's that will continue falling all the way to the Supreme Court. Thanks for yet another reminder that rights are not determined by popular opinion (even though gun rights has considerably more popular support than gay marriage).
@5280, you'll have noted in the link I provided @4 the prominent photo of Judge Richard Kramer, who received death threats after he invalidated Prop. 22 (the forerunner of Prop. H8).
@4 - did you even read the article or just link with an ominous description for effect? The ruling doesn't circumvent the permit process and allow for carte blanch carrying of weapons, an individual still has to apply for a permit and be "of good moral character", whatever that means.
A whole legion of screeching, orc-like, hate-KKKrayzed, cross-eyed, hair-pulling, apoplectic, Confederate neo-fascist, right-wing submorons is gonna be bouncing off their padded walls today. Sales of guns and lube are gonna go through the roof.
@8: Yep.
@9: Probably.
Yes, Virginia, there is an Due Process Clause.

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