
A friendly ladybug flew in from the left.
It saw a leaf with many aphids on it, and decided to have them for breakfast.
But just then a grouchy lady bug flew in from the right.
It too saw the aphids and wanted them for breakfast.

"Good Morning," said the friendly ladybug.
"Go away! shouted the grouchy ladybug. "I want those aphids."
"We can share them," suggested the friendly ladybug.
"No. They're mine, all mine," screamed the grouchy ladybug. "Or do you want to fight for them?"

"If you insist."
Thanks for the robocall tonight Kshama....

Now you're going to make me listen to some Sleater-Kinney.
The "other side", aka the Income Inequality Advisory Committee, has been pretty clear that their proposal would come in Spring. That does not seem like an unreasonable amount of time to consider something this unprecedented.
Wanna bet she's gonna propose a tax on the rich to support small biz and non-profits? A tax that will have zero constitutional standing?

@1 shame that's not how wealth is created.
There do seem to be institutions where the tip income is substantial, where it on average exceeds $15/hr. The tipped-wage exemption is a huge open door for abuse, but - in the context of a system where we tip waiters - it does appear it's sometimes justified, maybe even frequently.

The answer, of course, is to get rid of tipping, or at least of tipping as a significant determinant of income level.
@1 Wealth is not a pizza where, if I have too many slices, you have to eat the Dominos box. My wealth does not create your poverty. Your wealth does not create my poverty. They're separate questions. And we can generate more wealth.

How about making more pizza parlors baking more pizzas? The solution to our problems is not the redistribution of the pizzas we’ve got—with low-cost, government-subsidized pepperoni somehow materializing as the result of higher taxes on pizza-parlor owners.
Why does she always - in every photo - look so insufferably fucking smug?
@8, have you looked at photos of the rest of the City Council? Or the County Council? Or the Mayor? Or the state legislators? Or your own photo?
I kind of hope that any exemptions for small businesses will define small business ownership as having no more than five restaurants.
@7 The problem is that all the new pizzas we are creating go to those that already have them.

It's called capitalism for a reason, you need capital to play the game. When jobs don't even pay enough to live, much less to build up a little wealth for yourself, the system is not working.

If you really want to see more wealth in this country then you have to have a system where everyone has the opportunity to build some.
"The problem is that all the new pizzas we are creating go to those that already have them. "

Learn how to make your own pizza.
I've listened to the arguments and am still not sure what's so god awful about considering total compensation in some rational configuration. I'd take $13 an hour and good health care over $15 an hour w/o 7 days a week.

Don't they just need to establish parameters w/o bullshit loopholes? Like meals or a cut rate bus pass don't count as compensation, but healthcare and retirement benefits do? Could benefits be mandated at a 2-1 ratio against wage? So to legally pay and employee $13 an hour an employer would need to pay $4 into a retirement fund to make up the $2 less than $15?

I dunno - real benefits are pretty nice - not as much fun as having extra cash but pretty fucking awesome when your kid breaks her arm or you realize that your involuntary retirement savings are going to come in handy down the road.
@6 total comp? Because 15 is enough? Can't have people who work hard and satisfy customers making (gasp?) over 20!!!

@12 Make your own pizza? Yeah that should be the slogan of all the workers at dominoes and Pizza Hut.

@7 my wealth does not create your poverty... But a worker's modest minimum wage somehow does? If you actually followed your own rhetoric to its logical conclusion you might realize better pay for the working poor equals more customers for biz owners: win-win!

Because the total compensation is unstable. Insurance rates fluctuate, that is, go up, so your total compensation increases and you get the same salary or your total compensation stays the same and your take-home pay actually drops.

And why wouldn't meals or bus passes count? It's all compensation that costs the employer. If you're looking at it in terms of total compensation, should a restaurant owner be penalized for employees having meals while a bookstore owner would never be required to provide food?
I meant @13.
it's extremely complex to fairly value benefits packages. it will work like this: the employer wil tell you how much your benefits are worth, and if you don't like it, you won't be able to challenge it because you the little minimum wage worker can't afford to pay a lawyer $20,000 to hire experts at $500 per hour to evaluate the fair market value of that health care package and other benefits. second point. if the employer IS fairly valuing the benefits -- say by setting it at their COST -- then they SAVE NOTHING by including benefits. QED the only reason they want this humongous loophole is to cheat us. Third point. we have obamacare, so buy your own health care plan the one YOU choose, not the one chosen for you by a paternalistic employer. they're not your daddy. you're not their serf. be a bit more independent. at $15 it's clean and simple and enforceable. at "wages plus value of benefits" it's just not enforceable. look it costs $500 to get a crappy house valuation, and back a few years ago all the appraisers were lying a bout that and telling the person buying what they wanted to hear. the folks appraising benefits plans for employers will similarly lie and be biased. why would you trust an employer to do the right thing in this regard? when it's in their interest to not do so? you'll never know if you're being cheated in short. so you will be. big time.
I like how people have decided that if you get tip income you should somehow be penalized for it in regards to an increase in the minimum wage. "Sure, we want you to make a little bit more money but not too much!! You gotta know your place!!"
@13 You won't have useful, fairly valued benefits like healthcare. What you will get is scam benefits like ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans). With an ESOP your "benefit" is invested in privately held stock of your company. You have 4 year vesting: If you leave in less than 4 years you forfeit your "retirement". Your boss is the trustee of this plan, and can invest as he sees fit. This is a mini Enron plan except worse. Since the stock is privately held, even if you vest, you can only sell it to your boss. He gets to decide the valuation. Also there usually penaltiesfor cashing out prior to retirement age.

And even if you vest, and keep track of it until you retire, what guarantee is there that the company will still be there.

If you think I am making something up, these are common in construction companies that bid on publicly funded projects with prevailing wage requirements.
some businesses will try to slime around the edges of the law 13 - make that type of "benefit" illegal in regard to achieving the $15 minimum ... make benefits that count toward wage narrow and substantial.

A basic question for anybody who knows - is the $15 wage for any work performed in Seattle, or for businesses located in Seattle? I'm assuming it's the former otherwise every mobile business in the city will relocate to Shoreline ..
@20 the Seattle sick leave law applies to anyone who works in Seattle even if their company is located outside the city. I assume any min wage law could be written the same way.
How the hell could that make any sense? So, if I order a pizza from a pizza shop located on Shoreline, does the pizza delivery person man $15/hour for the time their car is in Seattle? How the hell does that work anyway?
And NO ONE is talking about what businesses could EASILY DO to get around this: fire everyone and re-hire them as independent contractors, paying them whatever the job and experience calls for. No workman's comp, no paid sick leave, no Social Security, no benefits. How's that for "progress"?
The ONE QUESTION no 15/now moron can answer:

If raising the minimum wage was an effective anti-poverty tool, then why doesn't Bangladesh simply institute a $50/hour minimum wage?
@23, No one will answer that because it is a ridiculously extreme question. $50 per hour in Bangladesh is absurd, $15 in Seattle is fair and doable. You can take any reasonable thing and push the numbers to a ridiculous extreme.
@20 ESOPs are permitted under federal ERISA law and if the city tried to make them illegal, that would be overturned by federal preemption. The problem with trying to exclude the scam benefits is you waste a lot of time arguing what is and isn't a scam, then new scams are created to game the new system.

Also, a particular benefit may not be helpful. If your spouse has family healthcare, you don't benefit much from part of your minimum wage being diverted to buy duplicate coverage. Shift meals are nice, but if your check is going to be docked for full value, many workers would prefer to pack a lunch. Especially at an expensive place.

The point is that at minimum wage, even at $15 dollars is still just getting by, in Seattle. Essentially forcing a worker to take some of that in preselected benefits will undermine the goal, to move low wage workers to a reasonable amount of self sufficiency.
I got a goddamn robocall too.

Nothing will turn me against this initiative faster than that shit.

Fuck that.
Why is that the case? If having a high minimum wage is an effective anti-poverty tool, then why don't all third world countries just have a high minimum wage? Go ahead, attack the question, but you can't answer it because the only true answer is that MW is not an anti-poverty tool.

Yeah, you go right ahead and vote for whichever sides and candidates never use robocalls. Let me know how that works out.
Thanks for the multiple illegal robo-calls to my cellphone!

While political calls are generally exempt from the Do-Not-Call list, *all* robocalls to cellphones are specifically prohibited unless you have given prior permission, and violators are subject to large fines.

I didn't stay on the line long enough to listen to see if there was a way to contact the campaign to let them know that what they are doing is completely illegal, and to have them contact whoever gave them that number to demand that they remove it from their calling database.
@25 thanks great response.
@27 you seem to be making the ridiculous assumption that the people who control the laws in third world countries act with the welfare and best interests of their poor citizens as their main priority. also, you erroneously characterize seattle's proposed $15/hr min wage as "high." but more to the point of your question...

@23, a modest minimum wage law in low wage third world countries would indeed help people immensely. as would expanded workplace and environmental safety regulations, workers' rights laws, and especially increased workers' representation in their job market through strong unions. we don't propose $50/hr because we don't seek heavy handed government intervention to make people wealthy, merely enforcement of bare minimum of standards for how human workers should treated.

also @22, you may think it's ridiculous but it's no longer a point up for debate, it's the law. I've read it - or at least the city's summary document. feel free to read it yourself. the details are spelled out quite clearly as to what is expected of companies who wish to do business in seattle. and if your shoreline pizza place doesn't like it, I wouldn't want to order their pizza anyway if that's how they treat their workers.
@22, you clearly don't understand what an independent contractor is. When you contract for a service to someone independent you do not get to define how, when, of what gets done. When you define things like hours you become an employer. Tell me how many of these businesses could survive without highly detailed control over employees.

You say stupid shit that makes it obvious you know nothing. Then once it has been explained, you repeat it the next day.
The Federal minimum wage was the equivalent of over $11/hr in the late 60s. Worker productivity today is double what it was then, over $22/hr. That's where $15/hr comes from; it sits right in the middle. In fact it's a bit on the low side of the middle -- $16.50/hr. would fairly split the difference. There's no mystery here.
I contracted independently as a temp for two years, I know how it works. I had a set schedule and had to show up at work every day, just like an employee. Please do some research sometime before making idiotic statements.
Bullshit. The Federal minimum wage peaked at $8.56/hour in 1968. Source:…

And worker productivity is only higher because of technology. One worker with a computer in 2014 can do the work of two workers without one in 1965.
First, I don't see how any minimum wage law can be enforced across city limits. I mean, if I have a tech support guy on the phone in India, he is technically working in Seattle. Does he get 15/hour for answering my phone call?

As for raising the MW in third world countries, many of them actually do have MW laws but they don't do shit. Czech Republic, for example, has a higher minimum wage than Greece. Granted, neither are "third world countries" but why is it Greece still has higher poverty than the Czech Republic despite having a higher MW? I'm sure it has nothing to do with the countries collapse after being run by socialists for years who spent money that wasn't there...

@36 you "don't see how..."? well, i'm glad our progressive efforts on minimum wage etc aren't limited by your lack of vision.... and a guy in india is a guy in india. why dollars are free to move across the border b/w here and there and people are not is another discussion. as is Greece and why it pays something like 9% to the EU central bank while the US basically prints free or negative interest money. anyway, oranges must be better than apples because of the orchard they grow in....
@34, then you probably were an employee by IRS rules and you let yourself get screwed on benefits and bill rate. Your ignorance on the subject knows no bounds.

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all of the time.

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