
Is the point to create a side show so there is less discussion of real issues (education, environment, equity, racist)? Obviously, no one in the RNC Tea Party gives a shit about some rancher in Nevada.
I think it's funny where the fault lines run. Being homophobic is fine, being sexist is fine, encouraging lawbreaking is fine, turning guns on your own first responders and military is fine, using women and children as human shields is fine, denying your government exists is fine, but racism, quelle horreur.
@1 Yes, I think that's a big part of why Fox News reports on anything. They want people to be scared so they will vote with their tail between their legs next election. As to why someone in Idaho or Montana would travel a couple states and stand around with a shotgun is a sign of how ineffectual these people feel in large part because Fox is telling them things are much different than they actually are.
Because apparently, the GOP is absolutely 100% convinced they can pull African American votes to their side if only they can keep their rank-and-file from SAYING these things; believing it is perfectly okay, though. Just don't git them uppity colored folk all riled up and they'll flock to the Republicans, alrighty, you betcha.
No NO nO no....this is the lamestream media's dare they report what the dude is actually saying!!! that's just meanie bias to report his actual words!!!
Well, it's natural. Not every Republican has to be a white racist, but if you're a white racist you pretty much have to be Republican. There's not much in the Democratic platform that will appeal to you, and plenty that will be abhorrent to your racist philosophy.

That's a good feature of the Democratic Party. That's why when a more conservative party than the Republicans cropped up (Tea Party), it turned out to be even more racist than garden-variety Republican party members.
It's sad how the oligarchs who rule the United States manage to keep the electorate focused on garbage like this and keep us fighting over basic human rights like marriage and reproduction so that we pay no attention as they rape and pillage the middle class and force the poor into ever poorer circumstances.
The revolution is coming...

Just name one time in history an armed standoff between someone violating a government edict and a phalanx of armed agents ever ended up with the citizen "winning" and not ending up a bullet ridden corpse?

Just one...MOVE in Philly, Koresh, Whiskey Rebellion, Haymarket Square, etc, etc,

This guy smells like dung.
@8 Really? The Haymarket? IIRC no one knows who threw that bomb, which killed several Chicago police officers, and no one knows if the culprit was at all reprimanded for his actions. Several organizers of the peaceful and legal protest thst had been going on were, of course, wrongly executed at some remove of time and place, albeit without bullets. Odd example to throw in with the rest.
@8 'Just name one time in history an armed standoff between someone violating a government edict and a phalanx of armed agents ever ended up with the citizen "winning" and not ending up a bullet ridden corpse?'

Federal forces using deescalation as a tactic in a standoff may be a "victory", but it seems unlikely that this will ultimately turn out in his favor.

As for your challenge, let's go big: The Wilmington Insurrection of 1898.

If that some how doesn't count, how about Battle of Athens in 1946?
. _ .
^That is my surprised face.
Indeed it was nicely done.
You shouldn't have to be media trained in order to not be a bigot. You should just be a decent person.
Everything @2 said. It's idiotic and ridiculous.

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