
Follow the money, the leaders of these hate groups made lots of money for a long time. Probably still do. It was never about Jesus or families. The "other side" has the same formula, HRC comes to mind.
I think naming your organization the National Organization for Marriage while being against marriage was probably their second wrong move. The first was opposing equal rights.
So, they don't exist anymore?
Have the books ever actually been opened? Where can you see donor lists?

Left wing grifters pale in comparison to right wing grifters in sheer numbers, brazenness, level of criminality, and the amount of cash they rake in.. "Both sides do it" doesn't apply here.
@1: The KKK was a bit of a MLM, the Amway of its time.
"Awareness based" charities on the left are crap, but while wearing masks, are at least masks of pablum and not inciting hatred. Love sells, hate sells.
@1 - Perhaps you're not paying attention. The groups on the left are playing by the rules, making donor lists available, not running smear campaigns, and not targeting the judiciary when they lose. In other words, they operate ethically. NOM has been a smearing, lying, unethical, covert operation from the beginning, flouting the law and beating its breast dramatically when called out for its tactics -- oh, poor us, the victims of your hatred, they say, while pleading for more money and continuing to lie, smear, hide, and generally behave like bullies against anything even remotely honest. Where do you see HRC or other pro-LGBT organizations doing that? Try to keep up, johnny.
I'd love to dance on their grave, but they're not dead yet. Reports of its demise are premature. They're still out there, raising money, hawking their poison, filing briefs, advising (and pressuring) conservative politicians, and supporting pastors and televangelists who spread their message.

They're also active overseas, supporting draconian anti-gay laws in Uganda, Russia and everywhere else they can.

It's still a lucrative business and I don't see anyone walking away from that gravy train or having to give up their vacation homes.
not schadenfreude. schmaderfreude.
This is the risk you take by choosing to thumb your nose at man's laws, holding yourself only to God's* laws.

*(utterly arbitrary, Bronze Age, scientifically ignorant, shamelessly bigoted)
@11: They don't even try to hold themselves to God's laws.
@9: "I'd love to dance on their grave, but they're not dead yet."

Yup, my Jack Mormon friends are observing that now Mittens is out of the running, the LDS are now pumping more money and organizational power into hatepolitik, I'm sure NOM gets a lot of support from them.

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