
You will be missed. Best of luck to you!
This is unsettling. I may be forced to cyberstalk you.
Miss you.
I can't believe Tim sprang for a new desk phone. Dom, you will always be one of my favorite colleagues, regardless of who I work with in the future.
Thanks for your years of courage in print and in person and thanks for your indomitable spirit. You are an "always read" and I'm the smarter for your efforts. Thanks again and good luck in whatever next you endeavor.
can i have your statue of the blessed mother? i'll come by and pick it tomorrow after my face wax.
Well I am sorry to see you go, really. We didn't always agree, but so what?
What?? Wait! Nooooooooo! :/ <3

if you feel you must
I'm glad you're leaving. Ever since you posted that dream you had it was achingly clear that you needed a change of career. I wish you luck and happiness.
Oh no wait, that was Brendan Kiley. Well, he should probably get out too.
Best Wishes on your new adventure Dom. You are so amazingly talented and we will miss you around here. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you. Cheers.
See, Dom, you even brought Original Monique out of exile!
Man, this sucks. Was going to ask you to write about King County closing several Public Health Clinics, just as the ACA has brought huge numbers of new Medicaid patients, who are going to have a very difficult time finding good doctors who accept Medicaid. Dumb, dumb, dumb!

Maybe you could still write about this. ACA giving poor people health insurance is great, but if they can't find doctors to treat them then they're not any better off than before. Ugh, we so need a single payer plan, but with Congress being run by the Living Dead, it's not going to happen.

First Goldy, now you! :-( :'(

All the best & Thank you.
:-( I'm still expecting great things from you. Please inform us how to follow you now on Twitter (etc.) and please, for the love of all things meaningful, help us oust Sally Clark and all of the other 'liberal' dregs on Council with zero backbone, courage or vision.

The very best of luck to you...
Oh dear. I was an admirer of your works here, Mr. Dominic. The Stranger's loss is wherever-you-go's gain.

Lindy, Goldy - Danielle didn't even stick around. Stranger! Your voices are shifting rapidly.

Please make sure to hang onto the excellent Paul Constant, Jen Graves & Bethany Jean Clement.
Hopefully the Stranger's news department can now lighten up, stop scratching so deep, because that kind of reporting can offend the wrong people.
Best of luck to you Dominic! I'm looking forward to reading whatever you write next. :-)
you are so correct about Seattle being too timid! I will miss you!
Argh! Where can we read you now? Please post links!
So sad! Good luck on your future ventures.

Now to stalking you on Twitter.
STILL no one has been held accountable for defrauding the citizens of Seattle for a system of accountability that didn't exist. .

STILL the corrupt cops are holding back for their jobs as directed by their own union. (its been seen in their newsletter)

STILL these abusive cops are suing the citizens of Seattle because they don't think they have to follow your rights under the constitution.

STILL we are paying MILLIONS and MILLIONS for retraining, new policies being written not to mention all the lawsuits and settlements directly caused by this corrupt abusive department.

STILL over 95 percent of all these abusive cops live outside Seattle so their families never pay for their disgusting criminal acts against the people of Seattle.

STILL council member Tim Burgess hasn't had to answer how it is that having no accountability went over his head when the OPA director reported directly to him. Yeah Tim Burgess the former Seattle Cop!

Still all cops PROVEN to be lying on their reports are still on the job. Will your son or daughter be next?

Seattle is truly held hostage by its police department and their union with the help of the mayor and city council. The federal investigation did nothing to help the people of Seattle Is there any doubt at this point?

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