
Would like to thank all of our outstanding photographers who entered into the competition. Ansel, Joshua, you show great promise, but yet again, Alex Garland will be taking home the grand prize this year. See you at the Oscars!
I wish some Seahawks would participate on the field. Maybe come out with hands up like the Rams did or wear t-shirts with "Black lives matter" or "I can't breathe."
go hawks!
@2: I can not speak for the Seahawks, but many NFL players were doing the gesture individually after plays and on the field the week the protests really took off nationally.


I figured the Seahawks didn't, or the SPD union would have freaked out about it.

The only think I could find was a blog post from the PI from earlier in the week in which Richard Sherman referred to protesting.…

Here's an article from USA Today about Cleveland Browns players wearing t-shirts with "Justice for Tamir Rice and John Crawford." (The police union demanded an apology, which isn't covered in this article.) There's also a cool photo gallery with athletes wearing "I can't breathe" shirts, including white players from Notre Dame's women's basketball team and Justin Lin.…

And here's an article on a San Jose cop who threatening people because of the protests. He had some criticism of the Cal Berkeley women's basketball team for wearing t-shirts protesting the killing of black men. (Looks like the photos are on the Cal team's official Twitter page!)…
The fact that more players aren't, that people are objecting to the protests, are ignoring the protests, or turning out at a rate five times higher, for other unrelated protests, tells me that Washingtonians value other things. I am not saying that is right, I am just looking at what the empiric evidence indicates about the impact the Ferguson protests are having.
Richard Sherman retweeted a pic of protesters prior to the game.
How weird that Ansel didn't manage to get a picture of the folks carrying that "Anarchists are not White Supremacists" banner outside the stadium.

And it must have taken a lot of effort to avoid taking a single picture with a revcom sign in it; there were quite a lot of them there.
Not a great view of the banner, but here it is.
The banner said "Anarchists Against White Supremacists" and Alex did get a shot of it.…
I like that Cleveland response. That's my home town and we don't mess around over there. Right in your face, same way I do my videos out here. My fave overall has to be this one with SAFE and BoA downtown last Christmas.…

Cheers guys keep up the great work.

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