
That's who owns Wilcox Family Farms? I've been buying their cage-free eggs from Central Coop. :(
Very good!

Seattle unemployment dropped again to 4.6% (state up to 6.3% as Red areas slacked off again, the Takers)
And they are trying to stick Seattle for it raining here and the drill UNDERWATER having to cope with excess water.
Brendan Kiley is probably the best journalist, and by far my favorite, in Seattle. Thanks for another good article.
"Is there a way to fix the bill to put whistleblower protections in here?"
Well, given that the point of the bill is to punish whistleblowers, I'm going to guess, no?
The legislative system works when you pay attention and participate? Who knew??
"Not to get too IWW about it, but the ability to knowingly cause economic injury to a company's business interests is one of the most valuable tools we have to get shit done in America."

The very fact that laws like this are considered or exist at all, is insane.
The simple solution is to quit buying meat products. Anything that has to do with animal by products is off the table, I realize that it's not going to happen over night, but if people realized how the animals are treated before their death it would change a lot of minds.
#10, that works until you fall back into food.
Thank you so much for your fantastic coverage of the Ag-gag bill here, as well as the breaking news on the horrendous US Gov't facility in Nebraska (SHOCKING!)! I so appreciate your covering my testimony at Tuesday's hearing. Rep. Klippert tried to trip me up when I inadvertently said opposite of what I meant, but he made the mistake of then trying to reiterate my support of his stance (yeah, right!), which then gave me the opportunity to explain the absurdity of his stance. I was nervous since it was my first time, but these ag-gag bills that are trying to be pushed through state governments all across the country are one of the worse possible laws that can be passed. AND once anti-whistleblower laws are passed in one industry, who know where else they will pass them! I was gratified by the entire experience!
You meat-eaters have a lot to answer for.
#11, not sure what you mean, but fruits, veggies, nuts, grains are also food. It's a lot easier than most people think. It was watching these types of videos that convinced me to stop eating animals 4 years ago. I'm 61, so it took me a lot longer than I wish it had, but I feel great about that decision!

Being vegan is great and all, unless you have no money and there is free food in front of your face.

Which, while not the majority(the free food part) of people is still a lot of them.
@11 Fall back? I don't get it.

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