
I am shocked

Well, not really, you could see that coming an oil spill mile away
Get your necessity defenses lined up…
Only a matter of time before they're doing this to Tom Douglas restaurants and/or his automobiles.
I may not be well versed in such things, but isn't this the type of overtly illegal action that can cause protesters to be arrested/charged, which would then harm the protests in general?

Not that some illegal actions are not part of protest and activisim, but making sure everyone sees the evidence of your illegal actions may not be best if you wish to keep protesting.

And before anyone dismisses me as a concern troll, please keep in mind I am not concerned by these people at all. Genuinely curious if this is the type of thing that happens often, or is a good idea in the long run. The action and spirit makes sense, but postign the evidence of your illegal acts with your name? Hmmm...
Hundreds of rigs in the Gulf of Mexico where there's dense population but drilling in the Arctic is verboten?

I'm sorry, but these spontaneous protests have all too much the aura of a directed attack, probably by business competitors.

Shell is probably the greenest and most innovative of worldwide petroleum companies. The big picture says, Greenpeace is fishy.
I'm sorry, what type of fuel do Green Peace's ships run on? And what type of fuel the these morons pump into their cars? Oh, you say they drive electric cars? So the don't mind that they get their electricity from coal-fired plants?

The cheapest and most environmentally friendly energy source is modern nuclear power.

@6 is a close second.
Maybe we need an ordinance that make it illegal for Greenpeace to put petroleum from the Artic, sold in Washington State, into their vessels. Perhaps a resolution not allowing the transfer of fuel produced in the Artic to any means of transport with a Greenpeace member on it. Perhaps a prohibition in using petroleum originating in the Artic to refuel any plane at SeaTac airport transporting a Greenpeace member to any point of protest in the world. After all isn't Greenpeace's consumption of Artic petroleum to support their protest activity, part of the problem?
Thank you. I are a college grad :)
Cognitive dissonance... What fuels that 2100 Gross Ton steel hulled vessel causing it to travel 30,000 miles a year? What lubricates their engines pistons and valves? That hoist they have to haul in or off load, what makes that run? Magic? How was the iron mined and smelted to make steel? The food they eat, was it farmed via ox and plow by Mennonite farmers then delivered cross country via horse and buggy to their ship?

What a tired old script. Professional protesters, unwashed and glorified in their own eyes... attempting a $ shakedown of a major corporation in the manner of a Sharpton/Jackson script.

So few care. The jig is up, the bounty won't be paid.

Oil is cheap and plentiful giving us a high standard of living that fuels this economy. Besides the public demands it. Perhaps they have romanticized dreams of how things would be if we went back to the living standards of tenth century Europe. Wouldn't that be great? Perhaps they romanticize themselves as being great warriors fighting against the perceived abuses by the rich noblemen towards the serfs.
But in reality they'd be ringing the bell and hauling the cart while calling out "bring out yer dead!" because hey... with out the advances of technology fueled by oil they'd all be living by a peat bog somewhere, farming potatoes and hogs, never traveling past their county line. And when the black death came a calling... they wouldn't have the ability to escape it or fight against it because hey, no oil.

Ah.... fantasy...
@12. Like by not buying vessels manufactured with the energy @11 cites? Like by not driving said vessel into the middle of nowhere? Like by not flying protesters too and from said vessel? Like, like, ...... Doesn't seem they are leading by example.
If these persons get injured doing their stupid stunt, who's responsible? If I were the captain of this rig I would say "full speed ahead" I don't see any protesters anywhere!
Glad to see that your spoonfed Greenpeace PR continues to spoonfeed the Stranger Credulous Hack Department.
Great, as if Shell dumping its crap here wasn't bad enough, now we get to have Greenpeace come and chode everything up?
Are these 6 the pretty ones allowed to twitter or are they redshirts taken from the rest of the crew?
This comment thread brought to you by the same folks who want to ban cigarette smoking because second hand smoke causes cancer but can't be arsed to care about the amount of carcinogens in car exhaust. To hell with it. Let's dig up all the oil we can possibly reach and pour it on top of every tree we can cut down to create a BBQ big enough for every member of every endangered species left. What could possibly go wrong?
My my. The comment dies on this blog seems to have completely missed the point. So I present to you, Xena, Warrior Princess ~…

Seriously, if you can't figure it out from here, god bless you and get out of the way. NO to Shell.
The usual right wing nutjobs have finished posting, so now we can decide what to do with Bob Bryant, whose campaign for governor just got flushed down a very small toilet.
And when the black death (climate change) came a calling... they wouldn't have the ability to escape it or fight against it because hey the earth was no longer liveable. .

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