
PLEASE bring on "the end of civilization and the beginning of an era in which Christians become a persecuted minority"!! Good times around the corner! What fun we will have!

This just in...catacomb rents in Seattle have skyrocketed!

Over here in Canada it's been legal for about 10 years and there's been nonstop anarchy, rioting in the streets, rampant persecution of Christians the whole time. It's like freakin' Mogadishu ever since those gays have been same-sex marrying each other. The courage of oppressed Christian bakers who every day bravely resist the fascist pressure to bake gay cakes for sodomarriages is second only to that those 9/11 firefighters...
Indeed, the good news is that rational people can question religious dogma, and conservatives do this everyday and accept gay marriage, often after realizing that someone they care for is gay.
Good. But here is something that will piss you off.…
Anyone catch Bobby Jindall's rant in the NYT today? It's extremist liberals and Hollywood that are setting the agenda. Dude just shot himself in the foot (again).
Jindal's crazy. He's also condemning large corporations for opposing "religious freedom" and cutting education funding so much that 20 state universities are making bankruptcy plans.
Since when do "end of civilization" and "Christians become a persecuted minority" go together? When the Roman Empire was at its peak, Christians were persecuted; when Christianity was the state religion, the empire went into decline.
(If you actually think I'm saying that persecuting Christians is good for civilization, slap yourself in the face for being so stupid.)
Papa Vel-DuRay was a very devout Catholic (albeit of the kinder/gentler Jesuit persuasion) and he used to say that American Christians could use a littler persecution, just to get them to be a bit more compassionate and grounded. But we came from a place where the Bible Belt pinched a bit and Catholics were given the fisheye by other Christians. Nowadays, the Papists seem to be a bit too cozy with the fundies for my comfort level.
@9) You're not saying it, but I am.
I love how they say "persecuted" but they mean "not allowed to be obnoxious bigots". Bring it on.
@1 From the Christian perspective, by simply ignoring them, that is persecution. Because every time someone turns away from a Christian demagogue, baby Jesus cries.
If by "end of Christianity" you mean "Fundamentalist homophobes unable to pass bigoted legislation," then yeah. Perfect.

If by "end of Christianity" you mean the end of people who pay attention to Jesus' teachings and follow the Golden Rule (or ignore Jesus but follow the Golden Rule simply because they're decent ethical people who Jesus, if he ever lived, would probably embrace), then nope. Not happening.

Those ("Believers" and not) who treat each other with Equality will continue to grow, furthering the New Testament's dream of Peace on Earth. In fact, by Jesus' standards, the only people in our country who are antiChristian are people like Maggie Gallagher and her followers. And, ignoring them or even denouncing their spoken stupidities, is not persecution. It's what Jesus would do.
@15 Yeah, I like to counter their "Love the sinner, hate the sin" slogan with "Love the religious bigot, disagree with the religious bigotry".
While it's undoubtedly true that approval is growing by leaps and bounds, the first question is very poorly worded.

Given that Slog's most reliable reactionary (and thousands like him on Twitter and comment threads nationwide) regularly says "Of course I support allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally—to opposite-sex partners," it seems likely that an awful lot of people checked the "yes" box wearing very self-satisfied smirks.
@17, people against same sex marriage aren't going to give even a smart aleckey reply that might lead people to believe more people accept it than actually do. One of their big arguments is that so many people are against it that it should be majority win.

On another note...
As far as Christians being persecuted into non existence, it isn't the pro gay, left leaning attitudes of the populace that will do that. It's Christianity itself. As more and more young people realize that their Churches do not reflect the real world they live in, and are not relevant to their lives, and seek to persecute people in their lives they love and respect, they are walking away on their own.

Besides, the biggest threat to religion, particularly violent threat, has always been other religions.

When it comes specifically to Christianity if you consider a person a Christian only if they are someone who actively attempts to emulate Jesus then only maybe 1 in 100 people who call themselves Christian actually are anyway. I've never had a problem with an actual Christian. Only with people who claim they are Christians but really aren't.
Ah, if only.
I don't think I've ever met an "actual Christian" worthy of the name. The most "Christian" person I know, in terms of emulating Jesus, is my Mom. And she's an atheist.

Christianity will continue down the road of increased factionalization started by Luther some 500 years ago, as the various denominations devolve into hair-splitting and litmus-testing down to the subatomic level. If only it can happen soon enough for the rest of us to watch the inevitable implosion.
@22 It has less to do with morality and more to do with class. Jesus was preaching to the slaves and lower classes that they had just as much right to a place in heaven as the masters, priests and rulers.

Why do you think they put him to death?
What I wonder is, what are the Gallaghers, Dobsons, etc. going to do when SSM is finally legal in all 50... and their paranoid persecution fantasies fail to materialize? What twisted, micro-sensitive definitions of 'persecution' and 'oppression' will they have to try to sell in order to vindicate their own predictions? Tax breaks for churches aren't going to go away. Religious schools will still exist. What are they going to claim next as evidence of their disenfranchisement?
@24, they can milk the fear for at least a generation. After all, Fundamentalist Christians have been riding the "Jesus is coming" since the day after they nailed the poor guy to that stick. Every so often they get the idea that they need to get their affairs in order because "Jesus is coming again", or Armageddon is here, or some other doomsday scenario, and when it doesn't happen they don't all go "what a fool we were".

They just batten down the hatches for the next scare.

Same thing here. It's going to be, "It may not have happened yet, but any moment civilization will collapse because GAY MARRIAGE!!!".

And every time it doesn't it will just be a brief reprieve until the next time they want to scare the sheeple.

After all, it's been legal in Mass for almost 11 years, and it's been legal in Denmark for 26 FREAKING YEARS and they haven't collapsed into anarchy. That it's been around in some places for over a quarter of a century hasn't caused them to let up on the doomsaying and distopian prophesy, so I think it will be many, many years and decades before they let up on the "Civilization is about to end because the gays can marry" bullshit.

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