

I see a lot of these "Hydrogen Sulfide" articles from the Democrat funded newsfeeds on Facebook (I also assume SLOG is one of its tentacles as could you not).

They mainly seem like FUD articles designed to "pollute" information since HS sounds a lot like the colorless, odorless gas, Hydrogen, which is a fuel.

Hydrogen, as a fuel, by the way, does not need a refinery. It can be produced by rather small machines using either methane, or solar power and water. The purpose is to confuse, muddle and disparage something that would be truly beneficial to people.

And again, ironically, Hydrogen fuel can remove the need for very polluting refining operations. Of course, Democrats like Inslee, and Gregoire, who mouthed "environmentalism" will never recognize Hydrogen as a fuel because of their corruption.

One thing we can agree on....the FUD meisters are thick with this S/Blog.
@1 and your degree in chemistry above and beyond Mr. Jaffe's is from where again?
Let us know your address, and the next time Shell has a chemical spill release we'll make sure your home gets the primary exposure since you're fine with it. Thanks for being willing to put you and your family's health where your mouth is! You're swell for jumping up an being willing to be the canary:) Oh, wait...
Everyone uses petroleum everyday, so if you complain about this you are the worst hypocrite ever!!!!

Besides, the occassional Hydrogen Sulfide Emission is just a refinery's way of saying "Howdy!"
We can make sure your food is grown downwind of releases like these too, since the release was safe?
From Google (asterisks mine)
hy·dro·gen sul·fide
a colorless *poisonous* gas with a smell of rotten eggs, made by the action of acids on sulfides.
From Wikipedia
It is a colorless gas with the characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs; it is *heavier than air, very poisonous, corrosive, flammable, and explosive.*
*Soluble in: Water*

So nothing to worry about, right?

Go back to school SROTU, seriously. GOPsplaining chemical spills is not your forte. Your Faux education is showing;p
@1 -- Oh, geez, hydrogen sulfide sounds a lot like the colorless, odorless gas, Hydrogen, which is a fuel?

When you put it that way, it sounds friendly enough ... but how does it act?


I've already exposed the trolls. And now, you guys are exposed too!

Unmasking Astroturfers…
I wish I knew binary.

Wait, there's a calculator.

Fuck, that sucked.
@7 - WTF? No one here cares about fuel vs storage wording, only that you disingenuously (ignorantly?) attempted to greenwash the release of a chemical with *many* known hazards. Try OSHA -… for a dose of reality. Oh, I forgot, you *know* better than all the experts though! Wish I could buy your brain for what it knows and sell it for what you think it knows. I would be able to retire...
To extrapolate, what I am saying is that if you go to school to learn in lieu of a grade you will end up dealing with problems a billion to a few trillion times larger than what you are slamming your head in to.

Not an exaggeration. Especially if you fail out.

Don't use the calculator and pull a C-D. It may take 40 hours a week, but you'll sleep later.

MIT's from NAND to Tetris is what did it for me. After Dune, of course.

Xor. Mux. Demux. Eighteen quadrillion demux. Fuck you.

It's only the shape of the human mind.

And he is in no way coming from the same place that I am.

I don't think I'll ever go to Vegas again.

Anyways. Have a degree. Be an insect. Enjoy Crystal Pepsi.
@#7- So you say hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, odorless, harmless gas? (Which it ain't, BTW.) If that were why so then why, in my 20 years of naval experience, were we told that if we smelled hydrogen sulfide that we likely had a shit tank release? (Yes, hydrogen sulfide is associated with human waste.) And if we were to explore said release that we had to don oxygen breathing apparatuses before proceeding into the space where the shit tank was? But I suppose naval engineers and scientists don't really know shit, do they?

Of course I also have this question for you, do you know of any colorless, odorless gas that is piped into homes daily? I do. It's called propane. The only reason propane has the smell it does is because it's added so we can detect a leak before we are overcome by its toxicity and/or it goes boom when some unknowing person creates a spark.

So please, Supreme Ruler of the Universe, go back to the troll cave you crawled out of and learn about the real world before showing your face again.

Johdar Qwed.

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