
I'm glad Kim Davis is the public face of Christianity in the same way ISIS is the public face of Islam.
Nailed it, Dan.

I think she will come out of this the poster child for anti-gay marriage.
Geez, all those divorced people she's denied licenses too over the years must be pissed off too ...
But but but but but but not all Christians are like that, and all that.
Earlier today I commented on FB that being a hate-martyr is the new retirement plan for far-right Christians, because you just know that donations will pour in by the thousands for this ignorant bigot.

You're right of course - when she's fired she'll make more from the direct-funding campaign than she'd make in that job for the rest of her life.
In the end I don't think she's going to make all that much money off of this. Her grifter attorneys at the Liberty Counsel will suck up the majority of it then hang her out to dry.
Kim Davis believes so strongly in the sanctity of marriage that she has completed three of them. Start to finish.
If I were a Christian I'd be ashamed to have people like Kim Davis on my team and I'd be working as hard as I could to expel her from the clubhouse. Since the NALT Christians seem like they can't be bothered to step up and defend Christianity from people like Kim Davis, I'm just going to have to assume that either Kim Davis is a true-Scotsman Christian, or true Christianity isn't really worth defending. What say you, Christians?
Just fines aren't going to be enough to get her to obey the law, the bigots will pay those. She needs to be locked up. Once that happens, the County Executive can appoint a new Clerk until a special election can be held. This woman is such a fucking embarrassment to all us Kentuckians.
Did that bigoted bakery woman in Oregon retire already on her ill-gotten bigot donation millions? I don't believe that being a bigot is a cash cow. It's just a 15 mins of fame thing.
@9 NALT Christians are protesting every day outside the Rowan County courthouse. What else do you want them to do?
This brings to mind the story of Bartleby the scrivener. He did his job until suddenly one day he would only reply, "I would prefer not to." His employer can't make him budge so he eventually moves his entire business away and Bartleby is imprisoned by the new tenants. He refuses to eat and dies in a somewhat unceremonious ending. Now I understand why that ending was perfect though: the alternative (Kim's) is beyond comprehension.
Not just the freedom to discriminate, but the freedom to do literally whatever the fuck you want. This new interpretation of the First Amendment makes all law moot. Laws can no longer be applied to anyone who states a religious belief in support for their action.

Hell, all it might take is a religious declaration denying the legal system authority in the first place. That would be a huge time saver.
So now we know where seattleblues moved to.
she accidentally issued a license to a trans couple in February so isn't she already going to burn in hell?!
she and her entire staff have been called to court on Thursday. she complies or she's in contempt.

you can't do anything about her martyrdom - its coming no matter what.
I have a sincerely held religious belief that you all owe me a fuckton of moolah. Are you listening, sinners? Post some emails and we can let the healing begin!

I kid, SLOG admin. My grift is slicker than that. But not as slick as Kim Davis.
Here's hoping she does cool her heels at the county's expense for a while--and I can't wait to hear her Zsa Zsa impression: "You can't send me to prison! There are lesbians there!"
Evangelical Christianity is essentially a tool to keep stupid people complacent. I can't imagine that the powers that be will take kindly to this "sincerely held religious conviction" once it starts impacting the profit motive, so I expect they'll be some sort of clampdown eventually.

In the meantime, what's to keep people from creating new religions with all sorts of "sincerely held religious beliefs" like adultery or refusal to show up for work if it's nice out? Does the clergy really want to have the government determining what religions are legitimate and what aren't? That could create all sorts of trouble for the religious establishment, especially when it comes to taxes and competition.
There you go again, Dan, persecuting Christians.
I'm a propulsion engineer.

But lo! The Bible is silent, SILENT I SAY, on the topic of aviation safety.

Ergo, I could say that God doesn't want me to ensure that every aircraft that rolls out of the factory is as safe as can be, and so I could go to work, but not do any work, and then sue the fuck out of Boeing when they rightly fire me for being a terrible employee. BECAUSE GOD SAID SO!

Enjoy your next flight, folks!
“I don’t ascribe to your secular Supreme Court rulings. I answer to God. So, I’m taking my case to the Supreme Court… because I want the Supreme Court to rule that I don’t have to answer to the Supreme Court. I will only answer to the Supreme Court when they determine that I don’t answer to the Supreme Court.”
"empowering people—particularly public servants—to violate the rights of their fellow citizens based on the opinions of their various imaginary friends is an invitation to civic chaos" Just one of many points made by Dan Savage in this piece where he * NAAAAILS IT !!! *
24 thoughts might not garner much support but here's the deal with the cravenly complicit progressive Christians as I see it. I suppose I'm one of those (Evangelical even. At an Evangelical Church with a gay pastor married to her wife. And a straight man married to his second wife - both widowed, but she's a completely different denomination. Is that ok? We are rare...but that's beside the point). I don't think we are craven....I supported marriage equality in my state (MI), I voted for it, I contributed money, etc. general, I suspect part of being a craven progressive Christian of any type is a queasy feeling about mixing politics and religion on an institutional level (unlike the right end of Christianity that seems to have no problem at all...and as such is well bank rolled by the conservative political machine who really don't care a whit about Jesus or any other spiritual person...) So, I'll work on cultural and social equality for the LGBTQ community as a citizen and I'll support my own church's leaders as they become support for other groups like us who want to rewrite what "evangelical" means (good news, we love you, really, not lots of rules) but I'm not interested in being part of ANY part of ANY religion that thinks politics is a great partner to organized faith. I'd be really pissed off if there was any hint at my church as to how I should vote, even if I agreed with it. I'd be pissed too if we stopped talking about stewardship of creation, all people are valuable (whether or not they believe anything at all), the existence of privilege, the need to right wrongs, welcome of the immigrant, take care of the poor, etc - but see, those are Biblical so it makes sense to talk about it at church. If the left side of Christianity got involved with politics like the right is, well, it wouldn't be a net good, it just wouldn't. Religion in bed with politics is one marriage I can't support.
Awesome take on this. I needed this perspective today after watching that hypocrite lecture those two couples.
She's an emotional toddler, playing the "I don't think you really mean that" game. Parents know what I mean.
Don't do that.
::kid moves to do it again::
I said, Don't do that. Do you want a time out?
::kid stares back, thinks, then moves to do it again::
Okay, kiddo, you just earned yourself a time out!
::kid cries and wails with a sense of injustice and persecution::

It doesn't matter her reasons or imaginary sky friend. Toddlers have them, too. In this way, it is good that religion exists. It is not necessary for everyone to have religion to be moral, but for some people, it is. Miss Davis and her friends would probably be doing a lot worse if they didn't have Magic Sky Fairy looking over their shoulders, telling them to be good.

My underlying point is that participating in the most controlling religions, (evangelical, Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, etc) is a sign of emotional immaturity. Thus they should be treated as "special needs" folks. Nice enough, but not people you want to empower in positions of authority. I love the intellectually disabled folks. We have a guy in my town, he gets around great, he's friendly and nice, he likes things on his FB page like Chevrolet and Burger King. I don't want him as an OSHA inspector.

Same thing. They're nice, reliable, great people for working behind the counter at the gas station. They could even have their own set of Olympics. But belonging to one of those religions is a sign they're not mature enough to have a moral/ethical code of their own, like adults do. They shouldn't be in positions of authority or responsibility.
Man. I SO want to stage something like this. You know. Take some indefensible Bronze Age moral position on something - become a big martyr to get the mouth breathers with persecution complexes all fired up. Get a ton of right wing fundraiser money. And then donate 75% the money to the leftyist cause there is and blow town with the rest.
@20, have you been watching John Oliver....

One other comment, so called "NALTs" ARE frequently working hard against this bigotry, but you pretty much never hear about, from ANY media (People supporting one another, that wont sell anything..) I know of a few local congregations that have worked very very hard FOR marriage equality (phone banking, raising money, canvassing when it was on the ballot here in Seattle, letter writing in support of other places). One is a founding member of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, and over the protestations of the ABC regularly represents that group at annual meetings and was willing to lose their charter over it (ABC eventually relented). You never hear about these groups because (as stated above) the media never covers them. Ever. And before anyone says, well they should have advertised more, they did. Press releases to every local news outlet during the marriage equality campaign, plus their names on the support website. Still never reported
"Thanks to the efforts of hate groups like the American Family Association, the Family Research Council (co-founded by a tortured closet case and lately the employer of a kid-diddling serial adulterer), the 700 Club, the Moral Majority, the National Organization for Marriage, the National Association of Evangelicals, etc., and the mousy, near-complicit silence of left-wing and progressive Christians, "Christian" is now synonymous with "anti-gay bigot."

My church, Seattle First Baptist, is not mousy or near-complicit. On the first Sunday after SSM was legal in Washington, we held a group wedding for 25 same sex couples (…). We fully incorporate GLBTQ individuals into our faith community and proudly proclaim this both locally and nationally.

I understand what you are trying to say here, but please give credit where it is due.

I understand what you
People have moral qualms with their jobs all the time. They have two choices:

1) Deal with it, suck it up, do your fucking job
2) Stick with your moral compass, and quit.

There, is THAT so difficult, disgusting backwoods bitch?

Part of the whole Flyover Jeebus ethic is the Big Victim Card. She'll clean up on the martyr-borscht-belt tour.
It's all fine and good for her not to approve of gay marriage as a private citizen. But as a representative of the state, for her to stand in the way of same-sex couples getting their license is illegal. This is a wonderful example of why we have a separation of church and state in this country.
Dan--god knows I love ya . . . or whatever. But Jesus man, run your copy by an editor before hitting that 'Post' button. Gaaa!
Yeah right Lady, but does Heaven pay your wage? No.. So they ain't got no authority here.
So are gay Christians now bigots against themselves?
She's definitely just an attention whore.

Unless she's a complete idiot, she knows simply issuing a marriage license does not mean she endorses it. A librarian will still let someone check out Atlas Shrugged even if they disagree with the philosophy.

She dislikes gays so she's using a flimsy excuse to try to get governmental authority to force others to adhere to her beliefs. Fucking grandstander. Throw her in jail.

Well, TPTB know that Davis, as a good, obedient, God-Fearing Christian, is going to tithe 10% from any contributions she receives (minus legal fees, of course), so they make bank anyway.

That's the beauty of organized religion: while it's just like any other Ponzi Scheme, with those at the top of the pyramid raking it in by the truckload, and everyone below praying - literally, in this case - for the little piece of Heaven promised to them in the brochure, it nevertheless possesses the unique exception that it's legal, tax-exempt, and pretty much immune to any form of criticism or rebuke. In fact, the more you point out the scam, the more the marks double-down on their bet.
Those who are convicted of crimes are not allowed, by law, to profit from them. So I wonder, if she's held in contempt by the Supreme Court, and goes to jail, does that equate?
She's just another poor product of a poorly funded public school system.

Total sideshow guys. Why bother taking a political stand when you can get poor, worthless people to take the heat for you?
She has a role to play in history (albeit, as the bad guy). Like the county clerks who denied voting rights to blacks during the civil rights movement, we kinda need her to make this move so the necessary, public, countermove and punishment can be made and precedent set.
She'll be chowing down on jailhouse pussy right after the pickles run out.

Aaaand now I'm off to bleach my brain.
I wonder how grifter lawyers like Liberty Council can keep their licenses, when they're clearly giving her bad council. They have to know that telling her that she'll win with a "sincere religious beliefs" argument goes against both the first amendment and her duties as a public, elected official. How are they not being disbarred?

Also, I agree that, Dan, you should slow down or have a proofreader look these posts over before publishing (or hell, edit them after publication). You write about a lot of serious topics, and numerous typos and grammar errors distract and diminish the importance of what you're writing about.

Yeah, it's just like how nobody takes Shakespeare seriously, because he couldn't seem to spell some words the same way twice. Hell, he frequently just made up words out of whole cloth when he couldn't think of a proper one to convey his meaning. Seriously, talk about lazy; how distracting and diminishing is THAT?
Please, please, please don't put this woman in jail. That would just increase her martyr cred.

Instead, the court should find her in contempt, and fine her and the county a ridiculous amount of money each day until she starts doing her fucking job. Eventually the county will get tired of paying the contempt fine, and fire her ass for not doing her fucking job.
I am going to be annoying and do #notallchristians. I am a member of an Episcopalian congregation. We have lady pastors and several gay couples. They take the sacrament and are entirely part of us. I protest people like this and speak up for gay equality and always have. So no doubt will my kids. I dont understand what Savage wants us to do? I won't send this dirt bag money but I can't stop others from doing it.
"Kim Davis got knocked up by her third husband shortly after divorcing her first husband and somehow managed to talk her second husband into adopting the kids she had by the man who eventually become her third husband... and she's now on her fourth husband?"

this is wrong, if I'm reading it correctly. She got knocked up by her third husband BEFORE she divorced her first.
Oh dear Dan, the grammar police on your tail.
I rather like your typos etc, then I am also a culprit.
@32: Sorry about the typos. We sometimes bust posts out quickly—actually, we all the time bust posts out quickly. There isn't always time to copy edit. And you know what's helpful? If you see a —where is it? what was it?—instead tell us they're in there. Makes it easy for us to jump in and make a quick correction. Mob-sourced copy editing!
I’d like to take a moment to recognize that the bucket of human excrement topped with the god-crazies called Kim Davis is a Democrat. She’s one of yours. Not mine.

“Democrat Kim Davis is among a handful of clerks who have refused to grant licenses to any couples in order to avoid handing them out to gays and lesbians.”…

I only point this out because Dan seems to have neglected to mention it...
@47: There are plenty of hateful nasty registered Democrats that just happen to vote straight ticket R. Maybe she changed to vote Hillary in the last election like Rushbo told her.

You're apparently alike in nastiness.
If she loses her job as a county clerk, maybe she could go ahead and become a professional cherry picker! She's already got an impressive resume with Christianity!

I mean, if she were able to find Jesus and wipe away the sins of her previous (and scriptural-ly adulterous) marriages, then why not just touch base with the Big Guy at the end of the workday and get some forgiveness to cover her for all the gay marriage licenses she had to sign?
@47 Interesting that its apparatchiks of the GOP and Fox News that are lining up to support her and pay her legal bills. The same rightwing groups that have done this for nearly every anti-gay bigot out there who needs the cash and media attention.

I only point this out because you seem to have neglected to mention it.
I think she's overestimating the support she will get from conservatives. I've been reading a lot of conservative today -- cultural conservatives -- who draw a sharp line between discrimination by private individuals and discrimination by public ones. There's a strong sentiment of "do you damned job" out there.
Also Matt's statement that she "converted to Christianity about 4 years ago" is probably a lie. Anyone who knows anything about the south knows that if you grew up there, you were going to Christian church and taking christian sacraments since you were children. It wasn't like she just woke up 4 years ago and figured out that this new religion called Christianity exits.
@49: Wonder what kind of penance she's doing now to cover her ass for the unrepentant adulterers (i.e. divorcees) that she's regularly issuing licenses to? Maybe she can just double that?
Separation of church and state. Written so long ago by our founding fathers.
Darkhorse, you're getting the carriage and the horse mixed up in Dan's attacks on "NALT" Christians. It's not that you haven't done enough to support gay rights. It's that Dan's anti-Christian, and this is an excuse for him to bash Christians, especially pro-gay rights Christians (who are the only ones who are going to care if Dan criticizes them anyway). Compare and contrast with Dan's writing about Putin's anti-gay policies, which Dan somehow manages to do without ever once mentioning that Putin's an atheist.

What does Dan want you to do? To convert to the One Right True theology, i.e. his, of course.

Her sin may have been forgiven, but she's still committing it. The only way to get right with the Lord here is to renounce her three adulterous marriages and return to the first husband-- the original marriage that God joined and no man shall rend asunder.
@55: Dan doesn't mention it because Putin is a member of the Russian a Orthodox Church not an atheist, but nice try.
4 husbands? Pretty she's not. She must give one hell of a hummer or bake a tasty pie.
@46, hell, I'd be happy to, except that for every post I make with copy edits, I'll get two insulting me for it.
Can we simply call this what it is: Un-American? If she doesn't like or want to comply with the law of the land or support the Constitution, she should be fired or move to a place that agrees more with her principles? Oman, perhaps? You can't get any more un-American than the whole "I don't have to follow the law or the Constitution if I disagree with it" approach. Can we trade these folks for a like number of hard-working, freedom-supporting immigrants who just want a better life in the USA?
I have no idea what Putin is. I just feel a little kinship with the many moderate Muslims (ironically) who arw accused of "not doing enough" when living quiet accepting lives doesnt make the news but the jihadists do. Accepting gay marriage doesnt make it to the news, but excrement like this lady does. While dan doesn't always reply, he clearly reads the comments. So my question was actually serious - what does dan want us to do?

I do understand Dan's hostility toward organized religion. Nothing makes you feel better in the morning than the knowledge you are - legally - a second class citizen because of a religion.
2015 religious person in a position of power doesn't torture 'sinners' to death.

Please tell me some journalist somewhere has looked for her email address on the Ashley Madison leaked list. After all, she got that big magic Windex bottle of forgiveness from Jesus so she's all good.
I'm with urgutha forka. I don't doubt she's stupid & bigoted, though I wonder if that's really what's driving her behavior here. I'd not be surprised to learn she's just a simple minded fuck who derives no real pleasure from whatever regular pursuits she regularly engages in and suddenly saw an opportunity to claim her 15 minutes simply by being an idiot and screwing over a couple gay guys. Maybe she even had enough foresight to recognize it'd garner national coverage, though I'm not really convinced. That we're sitting all the way up here in Seattle, Washington talking about her!?! We'll, she'll be damned.
@61 - fwiw, Oman is relatively moderate in a sea of fundamentalist states.
'I protest people like this and speak up for gay equality and always have. So no doubt will my kids. I dont understand what Savage wants us to do?'

Well, you could explain how and why you practice a 'Christianity' that ignores THOSE poisonous verses of the Bible. If you have a theology which doesn't depend on authority, and/or can refute Kim Davis and the Duggars, it should be your moral duty to reform and redeem those lost souls.

Otherwise you're just claiming 'sincerely held beliefs' and demanding that they not be challenged.
Step One: Get job at Burger King
Step Two: Refuse to put bacon on things
Step Three: Hide behind my Judaism
Step 4: Internet fame!
Dan: the spirit of your post is great, and the information is mostly correct, but... technically, Kim Davis is not defying an order of the Supreme Court.

The order to comply with the law came from a federal district judge. He stayed that order pending her appeal to the Sixth Circuit. He later clarified that unless the Sixth Circuit granted a further stay for the appeal, the stay would be lifted on September 1.

The Sixth Circuit denied the stay extension on the grounds there was no evidence that Davis was likely to prevail in her appeal. Davis requested that the Supreme Court order a stay, which request was denied by the full court.

What that means is that the order she's disobeying is still the district court's. And technically, since the Sixth Circuit has yet to rule on her appeal (I'm not sure they've even heard any arguments), the case is still live.

In other words, she needs to comply or be held in contempt of court. But there's no "final" judgment yet because there's still a live appeal pending, and if the appeals court panel rules against her (as they almost certainly will), she could still ask for the entire court to hear her case, or she could seek writs from the Supreme Court (none of which is likely to go her way).
@58: Putin spent the first decades of his adulthood as a member of the KGB. In order to be accepted into the KGB, a person had to be a member in good standing of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and in order to be a member in good standing of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union that person had to proclaim themself to be an atheist on a regular basis. I'm curious if you have any evidence that he's a member of the Russian Orthodox Church: I've never heard that before, although I'm sure he'd do it if he thought it would help him hold on to power. He is that Church's boss, and as such he sometimes shows up when they're doing a big performance, but that in itself doesn't make him Orthodox any more than being the boss of the army and showing up at their big shows makes him a soldier.

Anyway, if you think Putin was secretly a Christian mole for decades as a KGB officer and is only showing his true beliefs now, well, whatever.
"Sweet, Sweet Bigot Money" is gonna be my new band name.
@55 & @70 - I believe that religion can be a positive social force, and while I think any form of anthropomorphic monotheism will naturally struggle more with that than other forms (simply because empirically untestable posits about a single source for both the physical universe and human moral reasoning seems all but designed to suppress nuance, negotiation, or dissent), I have no specific issue with Christianity if it is not misapplied or forced upon the non-practicing.

With that background, I think it's still fair to say that the reason for not pointing out that a given totalitarian leader is an atheist (though reasonable doubt has been raised as to whether Putin is such) is that atheism doesn't really offer or claim to inspire any particular behavioral directives; it is solely about non-belief in [G/g]od(s). Christianity, on the other hand, is a complete system of belief with attendant behavioral expectations (though various denominations clearly disagree as to what those are).

Is an offender being Christian relevant in all cases? No. You have two tax cheats, one Christian, one atheist; neither Christianity nor atheism strike me as fundamentally relevant. This isn't necessarily true of two homophobes who follow the same belief systems, because the Christian's homophobia is at least arguably tied to his her religious affiliation.
Hmm, seems to me if she REALLY wanted to be a martyr, she should issue those marriage certificates... you know, and endure all that burning in her hand when she signs her name...

Forcing non-believers to convert to the "one, right, true theology" is pretty much the imperative of every major organized religion, with the possible exception of some milder forms of Buddhism.
I can see as a journalist, sticking to the facts isn't your forte. The same can be applied to the fact that as the son of a preacher, you really don't know your Catechism.
I thought people were smart.

You can't fire and elected official.
@ DarkHorse - I can't speak for anyone else but the reason so many NALT Christians rub me the wrong way is because they respond to and expect change from the wrong group of people.

When NALT Christians tell LGBT folks that they're "not all like that" they're doing pretty much the same thing that guys who posted #notallmen tweets were doing: they are addressing a problem by objecting to the people who are discussing it. And that's not going to fix the problem.

NALT Christians are in a unique position to challenge the behavior of other Christians (just like straight people are in a unique position to challenge the behavior of other straight people and white people are in a unique position to challenge the behavior of other white people). Christians who are "like that" expect other Christians to agree with them (sorta like racist white people used to expect all white people to agree with them) so if they meet resistance from other Christians, that's not the same as meeting resistance from LGBT folks. And it means something different. It means they can't express their hate as freely as they thought they could without the expectation of negative ramifications.

I live in a very red state. I am surrounded by Christians every day. And I could count on one hand the number of times I have seen a NALT Christian push back against other Christians. But there never seems to be a shortage of Christians ready to stand up and say "not all Christians." After a while, it starts to feel like a lot of NALT Christians are really just concern trolls.

So... that's what I'd ask you to do. I'd ask you to respond to other Christians when you go into Christian spaces, both online and off. If you hear another Christian saying something shitty, say "hey, knock that shit off - I'm a Christian, too, and I don't think that's okay." And then talk about having done it. Draw attention to the fact that you're a Christian and you're not going to let that kind of toxicity from other Christians go unchallenged.
@76: I'll add that Judaism doesn't proselytize either. It's got a set of fairly basic rules for Gentiles to follow, but the philosophy is that conversion should be discouraged, since you're better off being a good Gentile than a bad (or inobservant) Jew.
Such a typical hypocritical, curse laden spew of vitriol from Savage. He must despise capitalism too. We'll see how he sings when the money benefits his ilk. Let's see what other stones he throws from his throne.
And Jesus said to them, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." And they were amazed at Him. Mark 12:17
@70: Google it. While I do not doubt his reasons are cynical Putin has aligned himself very strongly with the Church in Russia and has used religion as a reason for the oppression of Gays.
So there's that.
I know you view Dan askance, but while there are undoubtably homophobic atheists and oppressive officially atheist regimes I doubt you can find any one who opposes homosexuality because atheism forbids it.
So again, there's that.
@22 Thanks, I was debating if I should take a tranquilizer before this flight or not, I'm solidly in the yes column now.
Is someone on here seriously arguing that Christianity has nothing to do with gay bashing in Russia? Lol, okay.
@4 Roscoe: You might want to go after the "Christians" who ARE like that and have a chat with 'em about why you're not.
@79 MiscKitty: Bless you! If more Christians--in deeply red states and elsewhere--thought like you, grandstanding "religious freedom" claiming nutcases like Kim Davis, Sarah, and Bristol Palin wouldn't make the news anymore or stand to profit from their bigotry.
I love you, Dan the Man---spot on again! Kim Davis really should be fired from the Rowan County clerks' office--and without any severance pay or unemployment benefits.
Ms. Davis belongs to the all-too-common Church of the Peekachoosies, Christians who pick and choose which parts of the Bible are to be followed literally.

Were she being a consistent Bible thumper, she would have realized that, after divorcing three times, marrying four, and cheating on her first husband (with the man who would in time become her third) she is four times an adulteress (that we know of, that is) and should be put to death by stoning. Four times.

Why don't we submit a petition to the SCOTUS asking to legalize the public stoning of Ms. Davis? After all, we are as entitled to stoning her as she is to denying marriage licenses.
I'm not understanding your ridiculing of the tenet of "redemption through the blood of christ" as a magic windex potion. As a (one-time) catholic, you must be aware of this as central to the christian faith. Even if her past sins were committed after her conversion, the redemption of sinners through the sacrifice of the son of god is the primary distinguishing factor of the books of the new testament.

Of all the reasons to make fun of Mrs. Davis's position on issuing marriage licenses, nailing her as a hypocrite when she can easily dismiss the charge in light of her personal redemption seems like the weakest. It makes for a satisfying meme-graphic, but the charge is pretty stupid, and gives easy fuel for her defenders.
Hmm, knowing and having visited a jail inmate, I am not particularly impressed with jails as a means of reforming people, but ... I think some time in jail would give Ms. Davis the opportunity to experience a different reality than the one she appears to have experienced up to now. Could be a chance for her to grow.

OTOH, her behavior could be motivated by a desperate desire for husband #4 to divorce her, since as a good Christian woman she may not be able to initiate divorce herself (as a non-Christian, I don't know the details on this). In which case, she's figured out a rather elaborate strategy with all kinds of side benefits.
@87: Kim already looks stoned (in another way), and her hair reminds me of actresses Piper Laurie and Julianne Moore of their disturbing portrayals of Jesus-freak Margaret White in the 1976 and recent film adaptation (2014?) of Stephen King's first novel, (c. 1974)"Carrie".

Seriously, when will this wrong-wing extremist religious whacko bullshit end? I understand a supposedly big, corrupt GOP figure has Kim's adulterous, hypocritical back on refusing marriage licenses to same-sex couples at the Rowan County courthouse.
Dan, please deliver us from this corrupt evil!
As a follower of Christ I certainly am ashamed the way the term "Christian" is being used to act very un-Christlike. When I first heard the story about the vendor (baker I believe) that refused to be a part of a same sex marriage I was confused. Did that person, and all who have followed, do interviews and only provide services to those they deemed worthy? I am sure they and Ms Davis participated in weddings where the couples lived together first. Or where one of the people had lied, maybe even committed adultery before that point.
My "imaginary friend" teaches not to judge others when we are imperfect ourselves, to hate the sun yet love the sinner and love our neighbours AND our enemies. I have several friends and family who believe differently than I do - including over same sex marriage - yet that doesn't mean that I have the right to judge them.
If certain business owners choose to make certain guidelines - say, they won't sell same gender cake toppers and won't allow you to bring in your own topper of any kind then you have the option of adding a topper later or choosing a new bakery. My brother and his wife were married by a justice of the peace this summer and shopped around for one they felt would give them the ceremony they wanted- why would you want someone who isn't 100% supportive to do your ceremony?
Anyway, I feel sad for those people like Kim Davis who allow hate rule their lives while professing to follow a dirty that proclaims Love.
This is also in the bible: "I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men. She is to keep silent." (Timothy 2:11) There are a lot of good things in the bible, and there are a lot of not so good things in the bible. Stop hiding behind the bible. God is Love and versa visa. Most of the people that use the bible to justify there fear have never even read the book. Love one another! That's in the bible, too! By the way, Kim Davis, there is no stipulation in that verse! It is all inclusive! Lorna Stephens, Detroit, Michigan
When I pointed out the same thing about Bristol Palin I was jumped on for "slut shaming" so lets have it Seattle. Everyone jump on dan for the imaginary crime of "slut shaming". I'll wait.
There's a science fiction novel by James P. Hogan in which a group of very advanced aliens have a contest to see which planet can build a worthwhile civilization first -- Earth or another planet. The leaders of that other planet send undercover agents to Earth to start religions on purpose, TO HOLD US BACK from developing that worthwhile civilization, so they can win the contest.

This is actually the most convincing explanation I've ever heard for the tenacity of something that's clearly an illogical pack of lies.
BTW, Mr Savage, hubby 2 = hubby 4. Just so you know. ;-)
@88 Michael of the Green

The fact that the doctrine is popular does not make it any less ludicrous.
If God forgave all her past shenanigans/biblical sins, I feel good about the prospect of God's forgiveness of her grudgingly and crankily issuing the marriage licenses of those gay infidels! PLEASE let her 15 minutes be over so we no longer have to see those dim-eyed, slack-mouthed photos of her anymore. ...
Hey dickwad, whats wrong with capital gains tax reductions?
One day, hopefully soon, our successors will look back at a time in which fairy tales actually dictated the course of human events and laugh.
You know, all I see here is a damn witch hunt. Don't get me wrong now. What she did in her position was out of the question, but sending a person to jail over something like this. A bit extreme if I do say so. This is a job she was hired (let me say it again, Hired) to do. I believe if I was in charge there, I would have gave her two options.
One would have been, Do Your Job! Period!

The other would have been to file her transfer papers to another office and clear out of the Register of Deeds if she has a problem with what she is hired to do.

But to send a person to jail for something like that, doesn't sit well with me. This should not even be news except the city it was in.

About all I see anymore is people who hate hypocrites being just that and people that are normally hypocrites being even more hypocritical. I donno, but if she stopped a persons right being in a position like that, normally that is a loss of a job, not the loss of a persons freedoms. Really just doesn't sit well with me.

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