
Woo hoo! First response on the board! Unfortunately, I have absolutely nothing to add. Guy sounds like a real dick, woman sounds trapped. Dan's response was just what I would say. Bad situation all around, but sometimes when you make your bed you have to lie in it.
Uggh. This is one of those problems with no solution. I would only add to Dan's fine answer that you should consider (if only for your own sanity) formulating a long term plan to get away from this man as soon as your and your kids' situation will allow.
Maybe I'm missing something but I'm confused about the timing in this letter.

She says "My husband and I have been married for fifteen years and have three children", one of whom is 12, but the "affair" happened after "Seven years into a totally sexless marriage", and she became pregnant after it (after "trying to have children for many, many years"). So shouldn't the kid be 8 at the oldest? I tried thinking that maybe they have three children but the other kid is from a previous relationship, but it still falls within the time period of their marriage.... I am confused.
Also how could they be trying to have children for many years if the marriage was sexless? Still confused.
So, there's "trying to get pregnant" sex with someone who wouldn't otherwise be into it. I sadly know why she's counting that as part of the sexless. I also know why it took years to get pregnant -cause when you can maybe eke one out per fertile time of the month...yeah.
Maybe if they divorce he'll start wanting sex again.
Why do straight people constantly try having children to save their marriages? It's utterly bizarre.
I also found the timing confusing, but the dynamic of the relationship is pretty clear. I think Dan Savage's response makes a lot of sense. I'd like to add that the husband sounds like a self-righteous asshole, and while she's negotiating the new terms of the relationship, sexual fidelity is no longer something he has a right to expect.

I'm also suspicious of the husband- if he enjoyed sex so much before they were married, what has he been doing all these years? It's a classic cheater move to be creepily suspicious of a partner and to cling to one or two nominal affairs to feel justified. I wouldn't rule it out.
Bookshops.. I agree a great erotic meeting place.
Bit confused also re no sex and children.. Mary, Mother of God managed it, so I won't quibble.
Frustrating story and then some.
Any chance you guys could just kill the pretense of marriage LW, and just be co parents? Then you could find a bit of fun and he could do whatever.
Although she should do what dan suggests, I'd bet cash money the guy is going to go on for the rest of his life doing exactly what he's doing now anyway.
So he addressed putting a cap on it and staying together, but what about her sex life? If he abandoned her sexually and she can't even cheat online (!) Then what can she do? Can't she care for her kid and just get child support from the husband and move on?
Afterwards, he was unable to perform sexually.

Wait, he suddenly developed a case of ED as soon as you said your vows?

His friend became physically affectionate and I found myself falling head over heels for the guy. The attraction was dynamite.

Wait, is this your way of saying that you were fucking this guy?

We had been trying to have children for many, many years and had been unsuccessful.

Wait, you intentionally had a baby with your verbally abusive alcoholic impotent husband?

He said I was the sexual aggressor.

Wait, I thought you said it was the guy's fault.

Now my husband says the scab has been ripped off, that he always knew I was a liar

Wait, did the friend tell your husband the secret part where you fell "head over heels" for him?

Dan, I am really lost.

So am I, Dan.

can he get past this?

I'm gonna go with "no", because you're both crazy people.
@5 Except that she said the marriage was "totally sexless" and that he was "unable to perform" ... that doesn't sound like "we only had procreative sex once a month" unless she has a tendency to exaggerate everything. I mean I guess they could have been trying with a turkey baster or something?
If I were this woman, I'd bide my time to leave. It's not fair to the kids to have a father like this, or a mother that has to endure this. Having a special-needs child or disability is the type of thing divorce courts will account for when dividing assets. The neglect, the abuse, and the alcoholism will certainly put a little drunken grope session in context, especially since your husband's been beating you over the head with it ever since. You blame yourself far more than any outsider would. You've been berated so long you've started to internalize his bullshit.
Even setting aside whether "totally sexless" actually includes just-for-procreation sex (I don't think it should), the years as she gives them don't make any sense. Maybe she meant "several years" (i.e. about 3) instead of "seven years"? That would make more sense with the kid being 12.
@3 @4 @12

She didn't cut to the chase.
@12 "Wait, you intentionally had a baby with your verbally abusive alcoholic impotent husband?"

I know, right? That period when she was trying, crying, and begging her husband for sex, because she "could not stay in a marriage with no sex" -- that would have been a good time to get out of the marriage.

Bottom line, SALT, you and your husband are modeling terrible patterns for your children. Get in touch with a lawyer and leave as soon as possible.
This seems to be one of those cases where Dan is oddly reluctant to advise divorce even though the marriage sounds completely miserable for everyone.
I'm with most everyone - her story is fairly incoherent and not so believeable. They had some sex to have three kids (and was she trying to get pregnant with the other guy? who knows?)

I think the issues of her own illness after the accident and her child's long-term issues are all part of this.

I think she and her husband are just too bogged down with the past - they are doing their children no favors.

I'm think they need a lawyer, stat.
What's wrong with leaving? Everyone will be better off, except maybe the husband, but he doesn't deserve ANY consideration at this point, anyway. The courts will appoint someone to help care for your disabled child, like @12 said. And your douchebag of a husband will have to pay for it. You're not blameless here, LW; you're a complete dumbass for letting things get so complicated with a man who should have been served with an annulment before anything else.
I'm also really confused about the impotence thing and the sexlessness of a marriage that produced children. Also, did you sleep with Mr. Affair or not? And why did your husband get angry when Mr. Affair's wife sent a present for the birth of your child? I thought you all were friends.
She needed 24/7 nursing care for months after her accident and yet she was taking care of three children, one who supposedly needed all her time? None of this makes sense.

Who cares about these people; I feel very very sorry for the three kids -- and anyone either of these people get involved with if they ever separate.
@EricaP: that would have been a good time to get out of the marriage.

The point where she decided it was ok to jump her husband's friend while her husband was in the same room would also have been a good time.

@Sandiai: What's wrong with leaving?

Because if they split up, they can no longer blame their craziness on each other.
I would love to dump all of this on SALT's husband. He's obviously a manipulative emotionally abusing asshole.


What idiot would stay in a marriage like this, much less have children in it? Sure, hubby is a dickwad, but SALT, you really worked hard on helping to create this situation. I'm not talking about the not-even-an-affair, but the daily devotion of staying with someone who is making you miserable.

And what's up w/ the crazy timeline, anyway?
Nope, this is not salvagable in any way. LW needs a good lawyer.
Maybe it's also time to reassess the whole SAHM and homeschool aspect? I mean the state does have an obligation to provide appropriate education for special needs kids. There are lawyers and education specialists who can help make that happen if your school district is giving you terrible choices. She might feel less trapped if her kids were in school and she could get a job. I agree that it's time for a divorce but I think a lot of commenters are overly optimistic about what the courts will do for someone in her position. Women often end up in dire financial straits after a divorce even when the law says that earnings and assets should be divided equitably.
This letter's a big ol' fake. Nothing about it makes any sense.
The letter-writer's story has a lot of apparent contradictions, but it's clear that these are two people who never progressed past adolescence. They both seem to love feeling like a victim, which is a typical adolescent way of trying to avoid responsibility. ("He/she MADE me do it," etc.; in the adult world, it doesn't matter what the other person did or said or failed to do, you're still responsible for your own actions). They both have a lot of growing up to do. I feel sorry as hell for the kids.
Calico @4: I'm confused too. How did she get pregnant twice while in a "sexless" marriage with a man who couldn't get an erection? By "trying to get pregnant" does she mean IVF? Why the hell didn't she leave him before kids came along? Even the Catholic Church would allow an annulment on the grounds that he was incapable of having sex with her.
She sounds truly miserable, but this is one of those rare letters that just don't add up to me.
If ever there was a poster child for not staying together for the sake of the children, this is it. That special needs child can get all needs better met in a home away from these warring unhappy parents. The other 2 kids, same. If Mrs. SALT has time to get to a marriage counselor with her husband, she has time to get a lawyer without him. If she takes all the blame in divorce court and gets out having taken a financial hit, that's still better for them than the situation they're living in now. I realize she's afraid of losing custody, and it does sound like the kids would be better off living with her, but even giving this asshole custody would be better than what they've got, and I think that's an unlikely outcome. More likely, the court would decide she gets financial support for the kids, and she has a hard go of it as a single mother-- which doesn't sound too bad compared to what she's got. Then she looks into outside support systems like special ed programs in the schools
I feel for the kids. Life's hard for the immaculately conceived--just ask the last guy; crucifixion hurts--but having crazy assholes for parents isn't going to make it easier.
@8: "I'm also suspicious of the husband- if he enjoyed sex so much before they were married, what has he been doing all these years? It's a classic cheater move to be creepily suspicious of a partner and to cling to one or two nominal affairs to feel justified. I wouldn't rule it out."

This, too. LW's general level of crazy sounds a lot like people who've spent a long time being emotionally abused. Sanity, like water, seeks the lowest available level.
Lw you need counseling. YOU are sick.... perhaps as sick as your husband. I know, I know, in your world you're the victim and your husband the crazy. I got news for you, your husband may be a douche, but you are right up there with him.

I disagree with dab. DMTFA. Husband isn't going to put a cap on it and neither are you. Go to your mother's, your sisters, somewhere, and get counseling yesterday to find out why you engaged in such self destructive behavior as having kids with this guy after knowing he was such a douche. Not even I was nuts enough to do that with crazy husband no. 1
I went back and tried to construct a timeline of this train-wreck and came up with this. 3 years into a "totally sexless marriage" where hubby was "unable to perform sexually" LW magically became pregnant with her special needs child (who is now 12). Seven years in she met "affair guy" and "barely consummated the affair" in a drunken stupor and shortly thereafter (timeline is a little disjointed about the sequence) once again became magically pregnant with twins. Were they affair guy's? Shortly after that she was "gravely inured in an accident" and had a cyber-sex affair with a man she "met" on a porno site. After years of "extensive counseling" hubby is now "having flashbacks and nightmares".


So, either she was 1) exaggerating about hubby's inability to perform/sexless marriage, 2) they were trying in-vitro all along or 3) the Angel Gabriel popped in and we now have history's second and third virgin births.

According to LW's view, hubby comes across as the world's biggest asshole (but she sticks with him and keeps shucking out kids). Now, she's dealing with the cluster-fucked consequences of her own actions. Lots of people have advocated leaving and forcing him to pay child support / get the welfare system to take care of the kids. Wouldn't it be great if that was how things worked? Asshole husband probably can't pay or won't pay. Welfare system could be the last, worst choice depending on which backwater, rat's hole of a state she lives in.

If this letter is real, "get out and do the best you can" seems to be the lesser of the evils here. People do survive on their own, even ones with special needs kids.
It's not often I disagree so much with Dan. If SALT can't bring herself to go straight to a divorce lawyer, she needs to go to counseling alone. I don't know where we get this idea (as a society) that you have to be perfect in order to be considered the victim of abuse, or that we have to figure out who's at fault in order to get a divorce. Dan's put a cap on it thing isn't going to work.

Quoting from the letter: My husband I attempted to go to counseling and it basically came down to this: either my husband has to accept his part in this tragedy or we had to divorce and move on. Due to ages of our children, we decided to sweep it under the rug and move onwards.

That's the big blaring non-sequitor, something left out part of the letter. Yes, it did come down to the husband accepting his part in the tragedy AND DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT, like going to a doctor as he refused to do initially, and that had nothing to do with the ages of the children.

SALT-- Take the letter you sent to Dan straight to a counselor yourself. Good luck to you.
There is a case to be made for a third possibility. LW could be totally psychotic and husband is the innocent victim here. This whole thing sounds like the script for a Brian DePalma movie.
@35 & @12 - I'm in y'all's camp on this one. Either they're crazy, or this is a fake letter/bad-script summary. My eyes started spinning halfway through reading it. It hits every hard-luck, trashy, clueless, self-defeating note possible. If the letter is real, I just hope those kids manage to turn out better than their parents.
@35: Or she could be totally psychotic but without the husband being the innocent victim. Being long-term victimized makes people crazy.

My guess? Two terribly immature and kind of insane people decided to get married, multiply their insanities, and then inflict themselves on some kids. This caused some obvious tension which, paragons of maturity that they are, they dealt with by being assholes to each other.
@37 Yep.
Hey, it's supposed to be the woman of the relationship who pretends to be a victim while actually being an emotional abuser, not the husband. Stop this cultural appropriation.
Either way, once an abuser figures out how to use the victim card--how useful it is to pretend to be the aggrieved party--they never, ever stop. Time to leave. Leave as fast as you can.
@ 37 - Sounds like a perfect family for a reality show.

The worst part is, you're probably right.

How can these two even have friends?
@41: Maybe they're talking about the actors who play their friends on the "reality" show?
Reminds me way too much of this article from The Onion…
@ 43 - That's depressingly on target.
@ 42 - And who are, as is always the case, paid to stir shit up.
@36: I'm voting fake, LW gets off on storytelling. It's too perfectly self-indulgent.
I've got a gut feeling this woman isn't admitting to all the things she's done to break her husband's trust. Why would he have tracking software on the computer? I'm not saying the husband isn't a jerk but this lady sounds like she's stepped out on her relationship (either physically or emotionally) more than she is admitting to
What is up with all of the people saying this is fake because it doesn't make sense? People who make stuff up general pay a lot of attention to detail to make it believeable whereas emotionally distraught people tend to ramble and forget to include details that other people won't automatically know.
I''m going to assume an auto-correct error and that instead of "seven" it should have been "several".

The LW should look into support services for her special needs child. She may be able to get in home or nursing care for her child, maybe even respite services. If she doesn't have insurance and doesn't qualify for medicaid, her special needs child should still qualify under the Katie Beckett program. If so, she can get a case manager to help get these services in place. If you have a personal or work insurance program, they should still have case managers to help. Your child may also still qualify for Katie Beckett (it's worth having in addition to private insurance.)

Once you feel like the situation with your children is more manageable, divorce may also seem possible. Children do much better in a stable loving divorced home than an angry and chaotic married home.
Plot twist! The twins are the affair-guy's.
I think this woman is suffering battered wife syndrome. She is so habituated to being abused she has no idea what a total arse this maniac is.
Get away from this man, LW. However. Whatever you have to do to not live with this sort of monumental abuse, then do it.
If you and your husband didn't have sex for SEVEN years before you strayed (apart from the wedding night and before the wedding), then I COMMEND you for staying faithful for as long as you did because I would have ACTIVELY LOOKED FOR a regular boyfriend before the first anniversary. Just saying this to let you know that you should not be feeling guilty for having sex with the other guy and you controlled yourself a lot longer than a normal person probably would have, so stop beating yourself up.
Also, I'm just guessing that this guy probably has some kind of psychological problem where he has to make other people guilty to be better able to control them.
IVF, people, IVF. Nowadays you don't need to have sex to make babies. Story still has holes in it. But, there could have been multiple attempts of IVF (perhaps they knew there were fertility issues before the wedding...)
My understanding of IVF is that it's expensive, involved and generally much more of a last resort than getting his impotence treated. It's possible but seems like something worth mentioning in the letter. Who knows with these people though.
Seems like a recipe for murder to stay in the same home and demand he STFU. She should get away now.
@48: "What is up with all of the people saying this is fake because it doesn't make sense? People who make stuff up general pay a lot of attention to detail to make it believeable whereas emotionally distraught people tend to ramble and forget to include details that other people won't automatically know."

Intelligent pathological liars create ridiculous stories, sometimes people just gibber in loneliness and hope someone, anyone believes them.

I don't know if this is fake or not, I frankly just hope so.
Dan, please find out what the deal is here! You have to answer all these questions. Was this just a case of difficulty editing it down? What?!
Damaged people tend to attract other damaged people. I actually know a few people who are this crazy. Also, the timeline doesn't make sense. If these two are real, I think they should split up so their kids have a better chance, but I'm not very hopeful for their kids, either.
Dude has PTSD and the relationship is at like Stage 11 cancer. Nothing to do but wait to die for these two/five.
Guys, everyone chill out about the "totally sexless" marriage. My last girlfriend was in a "totally sexless marriage" - when we met, she said they'd had sex like, 2 or 3 times TOTAL over 10 years. Over time, it was revealed that it was more like "10 or 20" times, and then later, "2 or 3 times a month".

The lesson, obviously, is that women are bad at math.
Fetish @61: Obviously.

Or, that people with higher sex drives than their partners, or people who are looking for sympathy, sometimes lie. Who'da thunk?
And no one is worse at math than someone who's not getting enough sex and's started looking to cheat.
I've tried putting a cap on it and I was just miserable. I think if my marriage ended and we were co-parenting, I might be able to a) behave and not be so aggressively nasty and b) move on in my own life. But if you want for some reason to stay married to someone you're having significant trouble forgiving, and it doesn't work to put a cap on it, I suggest trying EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). I think it might even work for this couple.

Some people think it's quackery. I think it's probably more like acupuncture or Magic Eye drawings -- it works really well for some people and not at all for others. It worked super-well for me. I shouldn't have waited six years to try it. But make your own decision.
@64: "Some people think it's quackery. I think it's probably more like acupuncture or Magic Eye drawings -- it works really well for some people and not at all for others. "

Well, sham acupuncture (practiced by untrained actors who know nothing of it) 'works" exactly as well as acupuncture applied by "trained professionals".
I hate to say it, but she may be better off treating this dickwad husband of hers like he has a cuckold fetish. Give him all the gory details and emphasize how much you enjoyed it and when he slut shames you, and he will, simply and calmly look him straight in the eyes and sternly say "you're absolutely right, I am a slut, I am a whore - get over it or get out!".
The point being the more she denies his accusations, the more enraged he gets. Forcing him to face and acknowledge what he obviously fears, may help break this endless cycle of fear, accusations and blame he's exhibiting.

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