Long live the wall of slime, the wall of grime, the wall of time.
Long live the wall of slime, the wall of grime, the wall of time. Matt Ragen / shutterstock

Give up your vicious attack on the gum wall, Charles.

First of all, the gum wall is the People's Monument. I'd like to believe that someone like you, who's as red as the blood running through his veins, would champion this kind of bottom-up monument that the barons of property are so unceremoniously steaming off the bricks of the Market Theater.

The wall is a collective durational art project, representative not only of the people who live and work and chew gum in Seattle, but also of those who visit our shores from far flung elsewheres. It's an artwork composed of other artworks, a palimpsest ABOUT palimpsests, a permanent installation about impermanence.

At the same time, the wall serves to preserve Seattle's weird and grunge-y past. The multicolored gooeyness evokes the gloopy, psychedelic aesthetics of some of our best-loved artists. It's practically a physical manifestation of Mudhoney. "Touch Me," demands the wall. "I'm Sick." And so we touch. That's the Seattle spirit. Touching what others are afraid to touch. We're a touchy bunch.

AND I MEAN ALL OF US. As I'm sure you saw on Facebook, many people of color responded to your claim that the wall owes its existence to white privilege (really, Charles? Really?) by posting photos of themselves adding pieces to the kaleidoscope canvas of chicle. As Cornell West often reminds us, while it's true that white supremacy courses through us all, even people of color, I think in this case you're employing the rhetoric of social justice to meet your own bitter, germaphobic ends. (I mean, think of how much stronger our immune systems would be if we all touched the gum wall every day—or are you too busy abandoning your commie past for the pockets of big phrama to think about that?). You want the gum wall steamed into oblivion, and you'll say anything to support your cause. It's mental mastication.

Granted, I'm an incredibly educated, cis-gender, hetero, white male, so it's hard to question your judgment on these matters. But I really think you stepped in it this time, Charles. Good luck crawling out of this sticky situation.